Rosen at the moment, no matter what Im's heart is thinking, a blow out.

He continued to launch the attack.

"It seems that you are the evil disaster body. Are you the true one?" As Rosen spoke, he made two punches in a row.

Shockwave, shockwave.

In this shock wave, there are also fine dust mixed with extreme destructive power.

Ordinary people can't find it. Even if they find it, they don't have to take it to heart.

"Evil disaster? Is that how I was recorded in history? It's really interesting. It's clear that you humans created me in the beginning. " Im sneered.

The rune on his face became more and more monstrous.

At the same time, a blue film was shot to meet Rosen's shock wave. They collided and exploded in the air.

"Then you should call Dad!" Rosen sneered that the person who created you was either your father or your mother.

"Hum!" Im turned black.

Dad? It's just a bunch of meat.

"Control!" Im manipulated Rosen's fruit ability through the air, trying to influence Rosen's performance.

But Rosen was not afraid at all.

Because when the tower passed the examination.

Rosen has already been baptized by ripple.

Talking about the assessment of the pagoda.

Rosen didn't feel so amazing. As the history article says, he only needs strong strength.

And Rosen is strong enough.

Even beyond many people in this era, so after a hard struggle with the reformers.

Rosen passed the test.

At the same time, it adds a magic wave to the body, something similar to a magnetic signal.

Rosen didn't feel it.

But it's real.

So the ability of five old stars and IM, who could have influenced the fruit ability, could not influence him any more.


Im's body burst!

He was stunned. Didn't he disintegrate his attack just now?

"What else is there?" Im ate a dull loss, has completely put away the mentality of contempt.

"Since the ability is useless, then crush you with absolute strength!" Im's broken body was soon repaired by the blue shadow coming from nearby.

And Rosen also has a preliminary judgment: general defense! Not particularly strong.

Im said and slashed at Rosen.

Rosen gathers Jinsha sword to fight.

The two swords collided.

If two stars collide.

The moment erupts the terror and the intense shock wave!

There was a hiss.

Upside down the boundary of the sky was cracked!

Many people see the sky crumbling.

The environment here is originally affected by the bright glass clouds in the sky.

Now the sky covering the upside down boundary waters is going to collapse like substance!

Many people see this scene, are extremely shocked!

How strong are these two people?!

I'm afraid the four emperors can't be compared with them!

Many of the pirates were excited to see, because just before, they saw the blue monster.

It takes Raleigh, redhead and a blind man to join hands to fight.

But now, the sand crocodile can resist alone!

Worthy of being the king of modern pirates!


The speed of the next moment was so fast that there was almost no way to compare the lightning.

It's too fast!

In an instant, they have at least collided with no less than a thousand hits!

Rosen was shocked by the blood, his strength, even slightly inferior.

But with the power of the shattering and shattering fruits.

The destructive power of the combination of the two is enough to make him afraid.

But up to now, Rosen still doesn't know whether it's IM's part or his real body.

But Rosen vaguely guessed that this can't be the whole of IM. If it is, the strong at this level is certainly terrible.

It can even be said that it is the first in the world, but it is very possible to be killed.

A little more Pluto and the king of heaven unite to find a good chance to concentrate their firepower, and then cooperate with a certain number of generals and four emperors.

That's no problem at all. There's a good chance that it can be killed.

Do you need any more pagodas? No need!

So Rosen thinks that this is definitely not im's true self.

It also means that they need to win this victory as soon as possible and then start the Blitz quickly.

It's just that the strength is not enough.

But in addition to Rosen, other battlefields have gained a lot.

Dragon's approach, together with aunt completely stand firm.

In addition, Kapu led a group of generals and general Qingfeng to attack some ordinary criminals.

There are not many forces that the world government can really use to fight.

We should know that they were able to occupy the advantage before, it was not the number of the strong, but the blue film army.

Now join five Pluto ships, two heavenly kings, dragon, Saab, Hathaway, Bonis and other powerful experts.

The whole world government has shown a weak position!

It's not that they are weak, not weak at all.

Only in many times.

Except for the ancient times.

There has never been an organization like dawn alliance.

Even in Roger's time, the only one with relatively close strength is the Rox Pirate Group.

But there is still a big gap between the Lockheed pirates and the dawn alliance.

Even if many of the pirates later became the four emperor level masters.

On Rosen's side, Rosen and dragon are really the four emperor level masters, but they have three ancient weapons.

It is no exaggeration to say that the role of a Pluto is stronger than that of an ordinary general.

The strongest attack power can reach level 4.

Taken together, conservative strategic values are more useful than the general three generals.

And five, that's five.

The threat of the king of heaven is at the level of the four emperors. This power alone is enough to deter the sea.

As for Haiwang, because of the uniqueness and characteristics of the white star, the general four emperors can't be compared with her threat.

It can be said that such combat power is no worse than that of the ancient country at its peak at that time.

Even slightly better.

Not counting Raleigh's allies.

Now the total strength of dawn alliance can be roughly divided in this way.

Rosen, white star, super four.

Dragon, three heavenly kings( A ship in DREZ Rosa) is threatened by three four queens.

The underworld has six ships in total, representing the level of a strong general in triathlon.

Then there are two or three level generals, Hathaway, Bonis, enilu, Hawkeye, Saab, Betty, pheasant, taizolo, Rufus

Among them, there are still some cadres of the revolutionary army who have not been included. It is preliminarily estimated that there are more than ten of them.

No one has been able to build such an amazing force since im took over the world.

This power, well operated, is entirely possible to change the world.

And with Raleigh, Yixiao, and the white bearded pirate corps as potential allies.

Even im is really worried about his life!

And what power does the world government have now?