"Withdraw!" Even if im is not reconciled, he can only order the retreat.

In the long run, sand crocodiles are too dangerous.

Originally, when I was in doranchini Island, I had the best chance to kill them.

Because that's why they use the blue film army on such a large scale in this era.

And with the help of fog, it's the best time.

Unfortunately, even the secret treasure is broken now.

The blue shadow army has been groping out some effective methods.

Even if there is no effective way, at least now many people have been vigilant.

It's not as efficient as it was on dolanchini.

The dawn alliance has become a general trend.

If im continues to fight here, if he wants to win, Ben Zun and the other five old stars will have to set out and come to the reversed boundary.

But Im didn't want to.

He also has many cards to play, there is no need to gamble with the sand crocodile to start a decisive battle here.

Now, even if they don't know the details, they go to fight a decisive battle. The winning rate is too low.

At the command of IM.

Dragon claw also issued an order to retreat.

The Navy and the blue film army retreated like a tide.

"Chase!! Take out the world government. " Rosen took a look and gave the order.

At such a time, he would never give him a chance to pull himself together again.

So even if you know that other people are basically exhausted.

Rosen still gave the chase order.

The most important firepower is all concentrated on five old stars and im.

"They?" Hathaway looks at the dying red hair. Raleigh smiles and others, as well as other pirates.

"There is only one chance for us to keep pursuing. If the world government reacts and mobilizes all its forces to stop us, it will not only increase casualties, but also lower our winning rate and gather all the injured and dying people together!" Rosen said.

"Got it."

Soon Raleigh and others were gathered.

But some of the pirates continue to be crazy.

It's hard to control.

Big John, for example, was completely out of control. As a result, under the siege of dawn alliance, Rosen killed him.

I wanted to keep this fighting power.

But it is necessary to set an example.

Now in this situation, anyone who tries to leave, or inclines to the strong side of the world government.

Rosen also cleaned up, including the usurer king.

There are other strong ones.

But most of them stayed because they were all seriously injured and dying.

And Pluto kept moving forward.

When all the strong are concentrated in rafdelu.

A lot of people showed uncertain expressions, but Rosen didn't let them in.

They are only allowed to stay outside the island. After all, these mermaids and dragons are mixed, so it is difficult to distinguish the situation.

If not for the sake of future combat power, Rosen would not even want to save them.

Some people have committed heinous crimes and even offended the dawn alliance, but now it's about the real survival of mankind.

It's related to whether human beings can get rid of the fate of being kept in captivity for nearly a thousand years,

So as long as it's not irrational and doesn't see the big picture, Rosen can accommodate them now.

All the dying.

With Rosen's activity, it came back at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone is extremely shocked, this kind of ability, also too against the sky.

How many abilities does sand crocodile have?!

At this moment, everyone is guessing.

It's just that Rosen doesn't say it. The more mysterious they are, the more awed they are.

Because those who are not in awe, like the crazy big John just now, have been killed.

Gathered here, not only pirates, but also bounty hunters, famous businessmen.

They all have powerful armed forces.

See Raleigh and they're back.

Rosen brought together the leaders of all forces at the same time.

Even the aunt came.

One is that Rosen's reputation at the moment has reached a peak.

The other thing is that everyone is curious about what lourderu is like.

Finally, everyone wants to know whether what Rosen said before is true or just a strategy.

The dawn alliance is at the forefront of the pursuit of the world government coalition forces, and the people behind it will soon follow!

Pluto didn't go very fast.

Because they need to wait for these people and bring a lot of people up to rest.

Soon, the five Hades were full of the strong.

And it's not enough that ships are destroyed.

With the joint efforts of the two heavenly kings, dozens of empty Island clouds were soon created.

Of course, the analysis is the wreckage all over the sea.

What Rosen didn't expect was that after IM got out of Barrett's body.

Barrett fell to the ground with a breath left.

When red hair was brought here, it was saved.

But it also lost its fruiting ability.

But in terms of his physique and domineering, no one dares to look down on him.

And now he's sitting with a gloomy face.

Rosen and their allies are on the route of IM's retreat.

From time to time, the underworld's main cannon finds the right opportunity to bombard him and the five old stars.

It's a complete pain.

But basically they were blocked by IM, but Rosen believes that such resistance must have a price.

Because when we attack from behind.

Im ordered the world government to disperse and retreat, and they were hiding in it.

The blue shadow seemed to disappear in an instant.

It's like being put away.

It is also difficult for Rosen to find the hiding place of IM and the five stars from these ships.

In particular, IM is able to hide in other people's bodies.

It's hard to find.

So Rosen gave up the scatter pursuit.

Direct the army to the holy land.

Rosen felt that the holy land of marjoria had been run for hundreds of years, and that it was the headquarters of IM.

There must be many means, and with the power of the world government, it is impossible for them to hand over the holy land to others.

They haven't been pushed that far by Rosen.

"We're going to attack the world government now!" A big pirate exclaimed, his brow jumped, and he even doubted that klockdale was crazy!

They had just survived a great war.

Although Rosen did save them, if there were no Rosen's people in the war of reversing the boundary.

I'm afraid there will be no one out of ten who can go out alive.

And most of the experts will be killed, because they are more "fat".

But it's no surprise that they have to take the initiative to die.

"Yes, I believe you all know what the world government is like today! And you know the secrets of the world government. Do you think you can really escape

"I'm not against fighting the world government, but whether it's too hasty and we're not ready for anything."

"No war will give you enough time to prepare, and the victory or defeat will always be abrupt. This is the deceitfulness of war. We are not ready. Is the world government ready? No, none of them... And they are very strong. "

When all the captains, the people, get together.

Rosen tried to convince them if they didn't want to.

It's possible to leave at any time with your own people.

Then they'll have a lower chance of winning.