Holy Mary JOYA.

"It has been revealed. What's the folk saying? What's the attitude of the Navy headquarters? " Im senses that the separation and dragon claw are on the way back.

If there is no accident, we will soon arrive at the holy land.

Although im had some accidents and a little flustered.

But on the whole, I still feel that the overall situation is in my hands.

Even the ancient country hundreds of years ago, he can control the destruction.

I can't deal with a pirate king.

Now there's no need to think about balance at all.

Because it's harvest time.

And this group of "fat sheep" is bigger than any before.

Thanks to Roger the pirate king.

In fact, when Roger was going to set off the era of big pirates, im already had a guess.

So he agreed to let Roger go back to Donghai Rogge.

Maybe the Navy headquarters will strongly oppose it.

But Im, these top people are laughing.

In their view, it is unrealistic for Roger to go to lourderu by stimulating the strong man of human beings.

With them, if Roger hadn't taken advantage of it last time.

I'm afraid Roger's crew can't even get in.

But it's OK. Time doesn't wait for him.

Roger was just a flash in the pan after all.

And sand crocodiles, they also think that they will fall like Roger the pirate king.

"The navy has our generals. Now they are in a state of floating uncertainty. It's not a big problem to give a little explanation. After all, the order and loyalty cultivated all the year round are not so easy to break down. Folk talk is now gossip, which can't confirm the truth of what they say. However, I'm afraid the people they gather together have no doubt about it." Empty light says.

"Well, that's good. I'll leave it to you. Since they want an explanation, call them to the red earth, Marjorie's side, and prepare for the attack of the sand crocodile. " Said Im, pondering for a moment.

"A mere pirate, dare to take the initiative to attack the holy land of marjoria?" Marshal Kong was stunned.

"Just in case. After all, they are chasing the Navy Fleet all the way out. They may think they can beat us all in one go." Said Im faintly.

"I see!"

But in fact, they thought the Navy headquarters was stable.

In fact, it is not.

Kapp and general Qingfeng let most of the Navy follow them to hide.

They were not sent back to naval headquarters.

Because just now, Kapp convinced them with substantial evidence.

This evidence is valid only after the death of the Warring States period.

If the Warring States is alive, there will be no effect, which also makes many admirals understand that in the case they do not know.

How much risk did the Warring States take for the sake of the world.

This makes the Navy sad, but also feel very sad.

After hiding the folded Navy.

Kapp uses Qingfeng's flying ability.

Back to the now messy naval headquarters.

"Lieutenant General Kapp!"

As soon as Kapp came back, the whole navy headquarters seemed to have found the backbone.

All the generals, including the Yellow ape, came up.

Although Kapp is a lieutenant general, it can be said that now all the naval generals have learned from him.

The Yellow ape is no exception. Kapp's majesty is now unmatched in the Navy headquarters.

There may be many generals who are not particularly convinced when huangape takes the position of Marshal, but if Kapp takes this position.

I'm afraid no one will think there's something wrong.

"Everyone, major general and above, hold an emergency meeting, and call the police at the same time! From now on, no one is allowed to talk to others.... "

"Why..." one of the general's eyes dodged and immediately realized that the situation was not good.

But before he finished, he was knocked to the ground by Kapp.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, what are you doing?" The other admirals were in shock.

"If I misunderstood, I will apologize to you afterwards. Now, marshal huangape, please give the order." Kapp stares at the Yellow ape.

Unprecedented pressure and coldness.

"I see!" The Yellow ape once followed the Warring States period, followed Kapu, and fought South and North.

I know Kapp well.

He believes in Kapp, too!

Qingfeng stares at the other generals.

Soon, the entire Navy headquarters cut off all external communications, only receiving.

Do not respond to any external information for the time being.

In the conference room.

Kapp sits on the throne.

And general O'Neill is not at naval headquarters at the moment.

We're on a mission outside.

But green Bull has come back.

"The first thing to tell you is that the rumor from the sand crocodile is true. The world government is the enemy of all mankind!" Kapp's words made everyone silent, and his face was startled.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, is that true?" Although everyone trusted Kapp, even Kapp mentioned that he might rebel the Navy headquarters.

No one dares to take it lightly.

Ten thousand steps back, even if they can unconditionally trust lieutenant general Kapp, but what about the defenders in other places, the grass-roots navies?

If they can't keep one mind, it's hard for them to find a new way out except destruction in the current situation.

"To tell you this, of course, there is evidence. This is an image of an empty island. In fact, before that, the Warring States told me that he would go to investigate the affairs of the world government. Since the New World War I, let's remember some ancient records..."

Kapp went over the general incident.

But at the same time, the content of the video was also put on the conference room.

On the screen, it's the Warring States period.

Everyone looked at the Warring States and fell into silence. Is this the last word left by Mr. Warring States?

"Fellow Marines, if when Kapp shows you this video, that is to say, our guess is correct, and I am no longer here, if I am still alive, everything in this video will not be true... Of course, before I say these words, I will confirm the authenticity of my identity, because next, You may face an unprecedented battle, you must be careful. "

The Warring States period began to prove itself, first fruit ability, and then said some secrets of the great general and other admirals.

Some secrets that only they know.

"This is Mr. Warring States, no doubt, what Mr. Warring States said about me is false, but we had an agreement many years ago, when one day we met the need to confirm our identity, we would say the false information, so that even if we were intercepted and treated as true, we would show our feet..." Huang ape confirmed the authenticity of the marshal of Warring States.

After confirming his identity, the Warring States period began to tell all the people present about the reason and direction of his investigation.

"Now that the navy is about to go to Shenluo sea area, I will also go into the residence of IM to search. If I die, please remember that the world government is the common enemy of all of us, and they will certainly use my death as the last article. I hope you will remember our real enemy and not be blinded by the so-called right..."

The Warring States words are over here!

"Damn it!! We were all cheated! We slaughter innocent Kingdom and people! Damn it A lieutenant general was angry and regretful.

And there are several admirals with flustered eyes!

They didn't expect that the Warring States would keep such a hand.

A treacherous image that only takes effect after his death. Before his death, even Kapp can't confirm the information and it won't work.