
The explosion sounded in the conference room, where for many years, countless kings of the kingdom had been entertained!

"Karp, what are you doing?! Do you want to die? " Longxin is furious.

In an instant, he was attacked by many naval forces.

Instantly be shaken back!

"It's interesting. This era is full of expectations! Ha ha ha... Since I'm not interested, I'll harvest you myself! "

But Im didn't step back.

Not a step!

Even if Kapp's attack hit him head on!

He did not retreat.

He showed his strong blue body.

It's full of patterns.

As his voice fell.

A terrible energy storm broke out from him.

All the people with ability, whether they are generals or generals.

They're all blown out.

With a roar of the sky.

The whole meeting and the building were blown to pieces!

The blue energy came out of him.

In mid air, it condensed into demonic fruits.

Then these demonic fruits condensed into blue figures.

It's more vivid than what they've seen before.

Like a real living person.

They look like blue warlords, and they look fierce.

"Kill them!"

At the command of IM! These blue warlords attack the Navy elite of Kapp and others.

Fierce battle broke out!

Kapp's target is im!

He didn't care about these blue gods, and he couldn't think that they could stop him!

But when you fight with a blue warrior God!

Kapp's face has changed!

Then roar!

Because that ability is of the Warring States period!

Boom! Blue shadow becomes a golden Buddha.

A shockwave came down.

At the same time, a dragon of kador is also pressing towards Karp.

When all the abilities are combined, all the fruit abilities with good development and strong strength are driven and used by im.

Moreover, they have played a role that is no less powerful than those who were able to fight before they died.

These have become part of IM's body.

It has become his strength!

"General? Don't you even know who you are? You are just a watchdog. Now you dare to bite your master... "

Yim gathered a huge sword, and with one sword, the green ox general was split out.

A big tree that just rose from the ground was crushed by im.

No one in the world knows better about the weak grasp of the devil's fruit ability than im.

What if you wake up?

In this world, he knows every demon fruit like the palm of his hand.

"Green cow!" Qingfeng is surprised. IM is so powerful?!

Just a face to face, the green ox has been blown out.

She clearly saw that green cow had been seriously injured!

How could that be!!

This is the power to rule the world?!

Who can defeat such a person?!

And there are so many powerful retinues around him.

I'm not afraid of any siege at all!

"Damn it!" Kapp's angry roar.

The whole person instantly steams!

On the wrist condenses all domineering.

Full power on!

The Golden Buddha statue of the Warring States period was knocked out with one punch.

Then Kapp rushed to im nonstop! A series of fierce iron fists, attack im!

"Karp, I've given you many opportunities. I thought you would be a general honestly, but I don't care. After all, there are few people in the world who can reach your level. It's a pity that you choose a way of no return. You d people have always been like this! It's so annoying

Im looked at Karp coldly.

There is no emotion in the eyes.

Such as overlooking the gods!

In the face of Kapp's attack, IM is also a huge sword!

Other blue shadows are going to deal with other people for a while. IM is going to play with Kapp.


The fist collided with the sword, Kapp could not resist!

But the fist is under great pressure, the bone is creaking!

"Kill yourself!" Longxin draws out his slender sword, sucks a general into his hand, and kills him with one sword!

O'neilka looked at the big picture!

My heart is awe inspiring!

Then joined the fight!

It's just, he's on IM's side!

Dragon heart see, pleased to nod!

Five old stars are now one short.

And O'Neill is a man to make.

The battle here may be divided soon, and it may be able to resist for a while

But it has successfully attracted the attention of both sides.

After all, it was the battle of many strong men!

Guarding a direction of the five old stars looked at, showing a sneer: "it's really a dead!"

These people don't even know what kind of means Lord IM has, so they dare to attack rashly!

I'm tired of living!

It's just a pity that the Navy headquarters has such a good knife.

They usually give them a lot of convenience.

In order to serve them better.

But now this knife, if you want to hurt yourself, you can't keep it!

"Dragon claw! Stop him Suddenly a five-year-old star exclaimed.

Because he saw a flash of light coming from a distance.

The target is the city wall!

It's the Yellow ape!

Yellow ape burning life in progress!

No one can stop him!

He is light!

flash of light!

And crazy!

"Light burst of concentration!"

He shot all over the wall!


A terrible explosion!

If it wasn't for Marshal Kong and the five stars to stop the explosion! Terror, the whole holy land will be blown up!

After the explosion, the Yellow ape was unstable!

And a 500 meter long wall was flattened, with thousands of guards.

The whole shield was blown out of a gap!

"Come on, come on! Dragon Knight, justice, pacifism, press on! Don't let them break through! " Five old stars roared angrily.

"Roar Many knights in command of the Western dragon immediately came to support.

And long like a bear like transformation of people, groups of pressure up!

"Kill the ape!"

After the Yellow ape outbreak, it has become a bit of a collapse.

At this time, solving him is the best choice!

"Got it!" Marshal Kong is coming!


"Boss, there's civil strife in the holy land. It's the Navy headquarters fighting with the five old stars!"

"What?" Rosen was a little overjoyed because of the situation.

It's something he never thought about!

In Rosen's understanding, as long as the support of the Navy headquarters can be delayed for a few days, he has been very satisfied!

How can you think that the Navy headquarters has directly rebelled!

Is that Karp?

"The wall is broken, the wall is broken!" But there's more to come.

"Those who are strong in organization will attack immediately! At all costs Rosen, give the order now!

"Got it!"


The artillery roared more fiercely!

"We must make a quick decision! Kapp can contain a lot of combat power for us in it! Dragon, you have the command here! "

Rosen organized Raleigh, redhead, aunt, Barrett, and Hathaway, eagle eye!

Prepare to fight into the holy land together and kill im directly!

Can't let them down!

After all, the road is open to them!