Blue shadow search, Robin's side is ordered to protect, and white star hidden in the sea, there are countless Sea King class nearby to form a protective circle.

It's hard to kill white star.

And these blue shadows don't seem to be a strong threat to the sea king class!

The sea king can attack them most directly.

But they can also damage the sea king, the king of the class, and kill each other!

"I didn't expect that you've prepared quite a lot. The three ancient weapons and the pagoda are all here. I thought you were just hot headed, so you came to trouble me!" Im said with a sudden smile.

He spoke highly of Rosen and cut out a blue arc. The blue arc is made of all kinds of energy and is extremely destructive.

Rosen did not choose to hardwire, but chose to dodge.

At the same time, the shockwave blows out of the air.

The strong shock wave directly smashed IM's body.

But it's not surprising that they will recover soon. Even the five old stars have the ability to recover. As their master, Im will be normal.

But Rosen saw the light of victory.

Since im can no longer resist his attack without any damage, it means that he has consumed.

No longer at its peak.

Rosen took advantage of the victory.

Im also waves his fist at Rosen.

Two punches!

The soldiers around them were blown up by the aftershock.

Some were torn to pieces.

This man's fighting is too fierce.

It's hopeless.

The war situation suddenly fell into a stalemate. Although im seemed to be consumed, Rosen still could not form a suppression.

It's more like a close match!

But soon, as the five old stars turned into the blue giant, they were restrained by the sea king class, and the dragon also made room.

The dragon can support Rosen.

Soon, redhead Raleigh is here!

The four of them began to round up im and beat him up many times, but every time, he was able to recover.

It's like there's no limit.

The battle continued until the next day!

Everyone's crazy!

And the fight is also very fierce, the general soldier casualties needless to say, even the dragon, a careless, were Yimu broke an arm!

Rosen suddenly noticed something was wrong, and immediately gave an order that no one thought of: "everyone back, retreat, hold the position, retreat!"

"What?" Hearing Rosen's words, everyone was puzzled. Now their coalition forces have a great advantage in the general battlefield.

It will not be long before they can completely conquer the whole holy land. At that time, everyone will surround and kill im together, and they will not believe that im can survive.

"Follow your orders

Robin heard Rosen's words, without hesitation, gave the order to retreat.

Even if everyone is not reconciled.

They all had to retreat, but some people were red eyed and didn't hear the order.

"Are you aware of that?" Im suddenly showed a strange smile.

"You have been deliberately controlled in the edge line that can be broken by us, but you can't die all the time. It's intentional." Rosen stares coldly at im.

"Of course, if I don't give you hope, how can you increase your attack regardless of everything! It's time to pull the curtain on this farce! Now there's enough energy for me to wake up! " Im said, the whole person suddenly burst to pieces, blue mucus spray all over the ground.

Under the heavy eyes of Rosen and others, Im's mucus penetrated into the ground.

"What's the matter?" Red hair and dragon frown.

"Just now, IM is not the real noumenon. We are all cheated! Let's all speed up the retreat! " Rosen understood in a flash.

I didn't expect that Im still has other cards. This guy is really hard to kill!

But when Rosen's voice fell, suddenly the whole red earth continent had a super strong earthquake!

Everyone panicked and fled.

The whole red earth continent is shaking, with the holy land as the center, cracking out a ferocious crack.

Those who didn't escape in time fell into the cracks.

One of the cracks is the biggest. It tears the Holy Land in two, just like an abyss. When you look down, it's so dark that you can't see anything at all!

"Everyone stay away from the cracks!"

Peng! The rolling magma spouted out, like a huge lava waterfall, straight up into the sky.

Roar! At the same time, there was a huge roar. A huge animal got up from the bottom of the abyss and jumped out quickly.

When the magma splashed out, some sea kings were hit by the magma and fell into the sea.

"What is this?" Countless people looked at this figure in horror.

The shape is similar to that of IM, but his body is elongated and he lies on the red earth.

It is more than 1000 meters long.

Maybe it's not much worse than the size of the sea king.

But it's more terrifying.

There are many kinds of natural disaster forces on it, such as fire, thunder, flash and wind

Anyone within a hundred meters of it will be evaporated in an instant. Tens of thousands of people have just been evaporated!

Those who entered the area were burned to ashes and turned into fly ash.

After the lengthening of his body, many thick centipede legs grew under his abdomen, and many ferocious faces grew on his head and all over his body.

It looks very strange.

"This is my state of war, and it's also the gesture that you human beings first created me. In nearly a thousand years, this is the second time that I used my real body. The first time is when I was born, and the second time is now. You should be honored to destroy the ancient country and never use it! Because all of you will be one with me, forever in this world Im's voice sounded.

He stares at Rosen and others and starts crawling.

What we have done is to become a Jedi, and all of us will be destroyed!

The four of Rosen rushed over again.

They are all covered with armed and aggressive colors!

But even so, as they approached him, there was pain on every face.

Their bodies are being broken down!

The body muscle and so on is tearing up, even if has the domineering, also cannot defend completely!

Leili's sword is full of energy, but his arm spurts countless blood instantly.

"It's no use, everything will be devoured and destroyed by me!" Said Im, opening his mouth.

A black light, jet out!

Hiss! The black light beam directly shot through the whole battlefield, and all the creatures on the black light beam trajectory became scorched earth!

Rosen looked sideways, on a blackened track, everything was cleared!

This blow, at least tens of thousands of people died instantly!

"What the hell is this?" Countless people look at im in horror!

This is the end!

Rosen and the four of them looked at each other and had no choice!

I can only carry it hard!

If Yim is allowed to kill for a day, everyone here will be slaughtered!