"See the patriarch!" After a while of hesitation, the two shenmuba demons couldn't make up their mind. Finally, they pushed the choice of things to xumuba demonba Wuya.

After all, Lu Xiaotian's means at this time were too strange and overbearing. In the twinkling of an eye, he killed a fairy level body eye Ba devil. Coupled with the reputation he had saved before, he really shocked some of the Ba devil army present.

Once the two immortal level body eye Ba demons decided, they felt that things should not be delayed. They drank a lot, and a mass of essence light suddenly burst out in the separate devil's eyes and gathered together to form another huge devil's eye. With a slight blink of the devil's eye, there was a strong fluctuation of devil's gas in the void. With each blink, the volume of the devil's eye decreased by a point. After the devil's eye completely disappeared, the breath of the two body eye Ba demons also decreased, It seems that doing this just now consumes a lot of energy for the two body and eye postscript demons.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian only sent the split body here through projection. For the time being, his master did not dare to leave Maha jingling Brahman array easily. The other party still had 20000 Ba devil army garrisons together. Even if he was close to him, he could not tear open the Ba devil army in front of him in a hurry, not to mention the projection split body. If you want to affect the actions of these two body and eye postscript demons, there is naturally no way to talk about it.

Naturally, you can only watch the other party communicate with you. You are more distant, Jinxian level virtual eye Ba magic Ba Wuya.

These demon troops didn't start immediately. They had given Lu Xiaotian, or the Lord of heaven and LV song more time to breathe. Even if it was just a short delay, it was enough for them to escape for a while. However, with the will of the Jin Xian level Ba devil coming here, it is bound to be able to see Lu Xiaotian's external strength and internal strength at this time.

If the Jinxian level Ba devil doesn't come, the Lord of heaven and LV song still have a chance to escape from Shengtian. If Ba Wuya comes in person, it can only be said that these two guys have such a fate. However, even though bawuya didn't arrive here at the first time, the two lords of Tongtian must not say that they have escaped now.

If you want to escape to Maha jingling Brahma array, there are still some hardships behind the two. Lu Xiaotian's projection separation can only help the two to a certain extent, and can't solve all the troubles for them. Moreover, the Buddhist array has a natural resistance to outsiders. Even if it is to connect the Lord of heaven and LV song, it can not make the two successfully enter the array. Unless Lu Xiaotian's control of this array reaches a considerable level.

But now Lu Xiaotian can only guarantee his free access in the array. As for connecting them to the array, I don't know when to wait. The Jinxian level BAMO Bawu cliff may not be able to guess this. This is another huge risk that Tongtian demon king and LV song will face. It is difficult to say that they are really safe without really entering the array.

Maybe Lu Xiaotian's eyes still can't save each other's lives in the end, but he can't sit back and watch the Tongtian demon king die here. There's hope to make some efforts and do nothing. Tongtian demon king is estimated to have fallen on the way of the Ba demon army.

Hum, with the efforts of two body and eyes, a burst of magic Qi surged in the void, and the magic Qi condensed into a mirror like channel.

Looking at Lu Xiaotian's projection, it is not strange for Lu Xiaotian to witness Jinxian level means at a relatively close distance. However, each Jinxian level strong man has different means. This virtual eye Ba devil is also an extremely special existence. No matter whether there is a chance behind it or when it is right, it is not wrong to know more about his opponent.

"It's you again. After you let the evil spirit eat the turtle, you still have the strength to jump out. Sure enough, everyone underestimated you." In the channel like a mirror, the virtual shadow of a magic eye slowly emerged, and the other party was quite surprised at the virtual shadow of Lu Xiaotian opposite.

"I knew that you ba demons were born with a strong person of Jinxian level. I may not come to Luoyang prison. There's nothing to look down upon, but I'm lucky to have just entered the Buddhist array. The gratitude and resentment between me and Ba demons was just a small fight at first, and later your tribe intercepted me. Do you really want to continue this confrontation in the future?"

Lu Xiaotian asked. Now in Luoyang prison, Lu Xiaotian has offended the evil spirit of killing heart. With the old devil's nature, there is no room to dissolve it.

As for the scorpion devil, half of his enemies and friends are mixed. It's hard to say later. The single strength of Ba Wuya theory in front of him is undoubtedly the lowest of the three demons. However, the number of Ba demons is huge, and their power may not be weak. If one of them can be resolved, Lu Xiaotian naturally likes it.

"Ha ha, it's too early to be soft with this demon now. Come and talk to me after you enter jinjiejin fairyland in the future."

Bawuya laughed in the mirror like passage, "You are really a character, but I can't just forget the continuous losses of the Ba devil family, otherwise the devil can't convince the public. You have such strength even if you have only one projection and separation. Your cultivation magic power is really great, but it's naive to think that one separation can block the subordinates of the devil. Even if it's inconvenient for the devil to come in person for the time being, you may not be able to protect the two companions."

With the order of bawuya, the BAMO army attacked Lu Xiaotian again.

Lu Xiaotian's projection split shook his head and was worthy of being the devil of Jinxian level. Even if he didn't come personally, he saw through his weakness and reality. It wasn't long before he arrived here. Using the geomagnetic magic stone here to lay the array was just temporary. After that blow, it was already unsustainable. Later, if you want to deal with these demon troops, you have to shake them. Obviously, projection separation does not have this strength.

Fortunately, at this time, it was a short time for the two body and eye Ba demons to ask for instructions from Ba Wuya, which also consumed a lot and weakened their strength in general. Lu Xiaotian didn't choose to collide with this demon army, but retreated into the area with more dense geomagnetic stones and tried to fight for the escape time for Tongtian demon king and LV song.

After getting the order of bawuya, the BAMO army attacked all the way, and all the geomagnetic magic stones were destroyed, turned into dust and floated in the void.

Lu Xiaotian's projection split here and walked and retreated. All the way, he just tried to delay the travel speed of the demon army. After the other party came into contact with Lu Xiaotian's projection avatar one after another, they found that they were scared before. This projection Avatar was not as terrible as rumored, and the attack speed gradually increased.