The blue rock is so precious that you can't change it at all. The spirit object in your hand, Bi chenzhu, can't be ripened by means of ripening. It's non renewable. It's not very useful for the time being, and you should keep it first. Others who can use the spirit stone to ripen can be met and begged in the eyes of others, but for him, it may not be so.

In addition to Yuan Hao's key pill, there are more powerful step breaking pills, and the nine turn return pill required for Yuan Ying's damage after Yuan Ying's friar fought with others.

In addition, Lu Xiaotian touched his chin with the pill of activating blood, generating muscle and continuing bone. It was more cost-effective to exchange the pill for Panqing, or to repair the things of Jin class.

In addition, cultivating the "ten turn melting yuan skill" can continuously refine and accumulate mana in the body, and can also greatly improve your strength.

"It's been decades since I lost my relationship with Luo Qian. I'm not in a hurry. The state of physical cultivation under my eyes is not stable. If I stay for a few months, I still can't collect what I want, and I don't have to stay in Xiangdu any more." Lu Xiaotian calculated so.

Taking advantage of his time, Lu Xiaotian counted his psychic magic tools and all kinds of useful spiritual objects.

The psychic magic weapon is now dominated by the ethereal sword array. Usually, the ethereal sword array is enough against the enemy. If the enemy wants to win quickly, he can combine the flying sword into a sword embryo.

The second is seven demon towers, which have been kept in the body for quite a while. The seventh level floating Tu is no less powerful than the ethereal sword array, but it is inferior to the sharp attack of the sword embryo. Of course, if some evil and restrained demons and ghosts, the seventh level floating Tu may not be inferior to the sword embryo.

Both have room for improvement. It depends on which kind of cultivation is more advanced. Moreover, the Vatican fire attached to the seventh level floating Tu can not only be used for alchemy, but also has a miraculous effect on the enemy. In particular, the lethality of the Vatican fire is no less than that of the current sword embryo.

The third is Ruyi armor, which changes from the heart and integrates attack and defense. Whether it is attack or defense, it can play an unexpected effect. When facing other monks in close proximity, with the soul swallowing method, the attack power is also amazing.

The auxiliary class is no less than the existence of psychic magic tools, including instant mirror and moving mirror. The instant mirror plays a particularly important role. The mobile mirror has not yet made outstanding performance in attack and defense. However, in view of the attention paid to it by Zhao Xin, a strong man in the mid-term of Yuanying, and the Yuanshen who can capture the mobile dragon and lion, no matter how simple his mind is, he knows that the mobile mirror must be special.

In addition, there is a piece of congealed water mussel jade with an age of no less than 10000 years, which is a rare treasure that can help people dissolve in water.

A black ghost garment can change people's breath and make a man's Friar and ghost's breath exactly the same. The rhinoceros conch can be used to send messages to each other within a certain distance. It is much farther than the sound transmission distance. The main conch has more functions.

There is also a limestone. Lu Xiaotian speculates that it is similar to instant mirror and moving mirror, but there is no foreign body that can open the secret of the limestone at this time.

There are many other Yuan Ying friars he killed, as well as some psychic magic tools he picked up cheaply in the misty hall, but they are not of great use to him.

In addition to these treasures, there is also a set of blood tripod columns, which can display the blood tripod refining magic array. However, after going out of the secret territory, there is no chance to collect enough Yuan Ying. For the time being, only Yuan Ying, who is not strong, is available at hand.

In the last World War when many friars besieged Yuan Jing, many Yuan Ying friars fell, but Lu Xiaotian's picture was spiritual pith crystal jade, which wasted a good opportunity. Unless there are enough precious spiritual objects, it is difficult to have disputes between Yuanying friars in ordinary times, not to mention the scuffle of this large number of Yuanying friars.

The only thing that made Lu Xiaotian dissatisfied was that the weakness of the blood tripod magic refining array was also very obvious. For those who were very familiar with the array, Xiang Yihang could not work. Of course, if people who are not familiar with this array have enough yuan babies, then the big friar will fall into the array and can't get out of it.

In addition, the bat King's magic wing is also a good escape treasure, but the bat King's magic wing used to be good. Now, after its strength is improved, its function is not as prominent as before. Of course, if there were twelve levels of demon bird's blood essence, the speed of the bat King's magic wing would certainly go up another level. However, twelve levels of monsters are difficult to find. The strength of such monsters is not weaker than that of big friars. It depends on a bit of luck to encounter them, not to mention defeating and wounding them. The demon bird of level 12 is good at speed. It is not easy for the Terran to keep up with its speed.

In addition to these things that can be used, or can be used in the future, there is another Yin devouring ghost wheel that attracted the powerful Xuanyan ghost king in the later stage of the ghost king. The ghost king has been chasing him to the misty hall. As early as the golden elixir period, Lu Xiaotian was cornered by tuobahai who used the magic wing of the bat king. He still joined hands with another ghost family and used the Yin devouring ghost wheel to reverse the situation and kill tuobahai. For the side effects of the Yin devouring ghost wheel, Lu Xiaotian was still terrified even when he remembered it now.

The last time I fought with the three snake demons Biqiong, because I didn't have enough demon spirit, and it's not like my attainments in physical cultivation in the golden elixir period also broke through the level of the golden elixir realm. Biqiong was only a ninth level physical cultivation in the war, and there was little Mana consumption in her body. In that case, using the Yin devouring ghost wheel will be swallowed by this evil thing to death.

However, when I was in Xiangnan county last time, I collected a lot of level 11 demon spirits through the exchange with the people of yunya auction house. Now the level of physical cultivation has also made a breakthrough, and the foundation is strong, but I haven't been sucked dry. But the Yin devouring ghost wheel was too evil. Lu Xiaotian didn't even want to touch it until he was in danger of life and death.

In addition to these, Lu Xiaotian still has a ghost crystal in his hand, which is a treasure for the strong in the ghost King's territory. However, even if Lu Xiaotian doesn't need it, he can't exchange it to other ghost families. This ghost crystal is comparable to that used by the strong people in the ghost emperor's realm in the period of turning God. If it falls into the hands of other ghost kings, I don't know how much disaster it will cause. Lu Xiaotian witnessed the disaster of the ghost family with his own eyes. Not to mention the mainland of Chiyuan, only a few battles between the immortal world and Wangyue City summoned a soul and sacrificed tens of millions of secular warriors. It's better to keep it in your hand.

As for the eleven rank mirage in his hand, it is a strange thing that can reach the Jin rank. However, Lu Xiaotian doesn't know how to make the mirage reach the Jin rank, let alone its specific function. For the time being, it is of little use. However, Lu Xiaotian has obtained it since the early stage of foundation construction. It took more than 200 years until the yuan infant period to solve the mystery by chance and have this experience, Lu Xiaotian naturally does not lack this patience.