After listening to the boss's words, Hailong couldn't help gushing out the wine he had just drunk and made xiaolingling look good. He laughed and said, "yes, yes, boss, you're right. He's obviously a fake monk. Let him give you money. You'll settle today's account with him. Ouch, xiaolingling, why are you so strong in reporting? I didn't mean it just now." he said, The sea dragon stopped the wine arrow sprayed by little clever. He whispered, "be determined." when the mana was very different, little clever had no ability to resist and couldn't move at once. Hailong comforted: "your teacher will wait a moment. When Hongzhi settles his account, we'll go to the city to play. Anyway, it's wine and not dirty. Maybe it can help you get rid of lice."

Little clever glared at the sea dragon, but his cultivation was not as good as man. His body was legally fixed. There was no way to attack.

Hongzhi looked at Hailong for help, but Hailong didn't seem to see it. He was intoxicated with holding a misty slender hand and drinking wine.

Hongzhi reluctantly turned his head and said with a bitter smile: "boss, I'm really sorry. We really don't have money! I don't have anything valuable to give you."

The boss grabbed Hongzhi's monk's robe and said angrily, "since you don't have money, why do you come to me for dinner? Although I run a small business here, it's not easy to bully. My wife and I worked hard for ten years to have this small shop. Is it easy for us? I don't care. If you don't give money today, you don't want to go."

Hongzhi said helplessly, "otherwise, I'll stay here and work for you until I pay off my debt. It's always OK."

The boss glanced and said, "you? Work? I think it's better to avoid it. You can eat so much. Your daily work is not enough for food. Our shop is small and there aren't so many jobs to do. I want your food money. If you eat for nothing and cheat, I'll take you to the official."

At this time, a gentle voice sounded from the back hall, "Xianggong, what's the matter? Why is it so noisy."

As soon as the boss heard this voice, his face suddenly softened a little. The curtain of the door was lifted, and a graceful figure came out. Hailong and misty looked at it. They saw that it was an ordinary middle-aged woman. On the surface, it looked as ordinary as the hotel owner. She didn't seem to see anyone else. She had only her own husband in her eyes. He went to the boss and said, "I heard some of what you said just now. Since these guests are inconvenient, I'll forget it. Who doesn't have an inconvenient time? It's not easy to go out. Let them go."

The boss said anxiously, "but, wife, we don't have much money to turn around after they ate so many things. If they don't give money, I'm afraid we'll be even more short of money!"

The landlady sighed and said, "forget it, listen to me and let them go. Do more good deeds and you will be rewarded."

The boss nodded helplessly, stared at Hongzhi and said, "my wife is kind-hearted. It's OK this time, but don't come again in the future. We can't stand you eating free food again."

Hongzhi's eyes suddenly brightened and said in a deep voice, "boss, now even if you let me go, we can't go. Good demons don't show their original shape."

A light yellow light came out of Hongzhi's body, and the huge Buddha Qi suddenly became awed in the small shop. The middle-aged woman was shocked all over her body, staggered back a few steps, and said in horror: "you, you are a Buddhist." Hongzhi looked at her coldly and said: "Isn't it too late to know now? Demon, you dare to turn human form into human form to harm the world, but still return to the original form for me to deal with?" Hongzhi's cultivation is still above the sea dragon. Although he is usually untidy, his understanding of Buddhism is not weaker than that of Wuyun of fanxin sect and Lianshu of Lianhua sect. Among the four sea dragons, if you say cultivation, it must be the most ethereal, but if you talk about the ability to distinguish monsters, it depends on Hongzhi's ability to subdue demons.

The hotel owner looked at the yellow light emitted by Hongzhi and said, "what are you doing? Who is a demon?" Hongzhi said faintly: "benefactor, your wife is not human, but reincarnated by a demon. The pheasant monster doesn't show its original shape. Do you really want me to beat you?" The Bodhi bowl appeared in his hand, and a powerful Buddhist prohibition has been laid in the whole restaurant.

The landlady stood there. She looked at Hongzhi and her eyes were full of despair. With a plop, she knelt down in front of Hongzhi, "guru, I don't mean to harm the world. Please let me go."

The boss was shocked and said, "Xiaocui, are you really......" Xiaocui nodded and said: "Now I can't hide it from you. The guru is right. I am a pheasant monster. I have practiced for 800 years. Among the monsters, I am very weak. I have practiced for more than 700 years before I can become a man. When I came to the world, I just wanted to live like a master. Husband, our husband and wife have been together for more than ten years. Tell me, have I ever hurt you? In order to form this world with you A family, I have given up and continue to practice! "

The boss stood there blankly and couldn't speak any more. Hongzhi said coldly: "Pheasant monster, the so-called demon is a demon and man is a man. No matter what reason you have, monsters can't combine with people. Your own evil spirit will have an impact on ordinary people, don't you know it. For your sake, I won't kill you today, but I will beat you back to your original shape. Sutuohuan Sanskrit. Tang Yan goes against the current. Goes against the flow of life and death. Don't be stained with the six dust." The sound of Brahma singing sounded. This loud voice can calm the mind and calm the Qi in the ears of ordinary people, but it is like a giant hammer in the ears of pheasant monster Xiaocui. The Bodhi bowl is a powerful Buddha Qi. With the help of the Dharma mantra, it suddenly shines brightly and goes to Xiaocui in circles.

Xiaocui has been practicing for 800 years, and her accomplishments are not as good as a cultivator who knows the realm. How can she be the opponent of Hongzhi? There was no resistance at all. Her whole body was in a violent spasm. She immediately fell to the ground and struggled in pain. She exuded a blue and black evil spirit, trying to resist the suction force of the Bodhi bowl.

"No!" the hotel owner suddenly knelt down and begged, "master, please forgive my wife."

Hongzhi was stunned and said, "but she is a monster! Are you willing to live with a monster all your life?" the boss nodded and choked: "master, no matter what she is, our husband and wife have been together for more than ten years. Even if she is a monster, I want her. Please, master, just let my wife go. I love her more than myself."

Hongzhi frowned and said, "no matter what, she is a monster. It is absolutely not allowed for demons to combine with people on the land of China." the demon spirit of the pheasant monster has weakened a lot after the light of the Bodhi bowl in his hand is more prosperous, and he can't resist the strong suction of the Bodhi bowl. At this time, a big hand stretched out from the side and twisted Hongzhi's hand, Lead the Buddha power of the Bodhi bowl aside. The pheasant monster felt his whole body light, suddenly paralyzed on the ground and gasped. Hongzhi said angrily, "brother, what are you doing?"

It was the sea dragon who shot. He stood in front of the pheasant monster and said: "Come on, Xiaozhi, why should you meddle? There are still some scum like tumors in our right way. Can't there be a few kind-hearted monsters? Pheasant monsters are weak monsters and won't be dangerous at all. Since they really love each other, we won't break up others." Hongzhi said: "But, brother, it's our duty to eliminate demons and guard the way! How can we see that monsters don't accept them?"

Hai Long stepped forward, knocked Hongzhi's bald head and said, "you fake monk, your head is rusty. In addition to the devil guard, you should also distinguish between good and bad. Otherwise, you'll kill. What's different from the evil way. What's more, I'm afraid the pheasant monster made the food you ate just now. You don't even give money and want to kill a murderer. It's unreasonable. Forget it, let's go."

The pheasant monster Xiaocui knelt down with the help of the boss and said gratefully, "thank you. Thank you, guru for sparing your life."

Misty couldn't slow down to the sea dragon. He smiled and said, "Hongzhi, just listen to your eldest brother. Although what he said may not be all right, it also has some truth. I'll deal with the pheasant monster. The moon will increase the timing, and every hour is Tiangang. Go." A little blue light popped up and instantly penetrated into pheasant monster. She didn't seem to feel anything unusual and looked at misty.

Misty said, "pheasant monster, we'll give you a chance. From now on, as long as you have good thoughts, the Tiangang skill I just used will never happen. However, if you harm people's heart, the Tiangang skill will naturally take your life. I'm afraid even the demon sect leader Jin shisan can't untie my spell. Do it yourself. Hailong, we should go."

Hailong smiled with satisfaction, sucked it and dragged xiaolingling to his side, which untied the prohibition of the body immobilization method. To Hailong's surprise, xiaolingling didn't seek revenge from him after lifting the body immobilization method, but rushed to Hongzhi, "dead monk, you make it clear to me, what is the responsibility of our generation? My body is also a demon body. You can eliminate me first."

Hongzhi was stunned. Then he remembered that little clever could really be regarded as a monkey demon. He quickly apologized and said, "I didn't mean it. Your anti bone has melted. If you count it, you can't be regarded as a demon. Don't be angry. Don't be angry." little clever didn't dare to offend him. He took the monkey wine alone.

When the four people got out of the hotel, Hailong put his arms around Little Smart's shoulder and said, "let's go and see if there's anything interesting in the city." After that, he went ahead first. As he walked, Hailong thought to himself that it was really impossible to walk in China without money, but where to get money? Now he has nothing valuable on his body, and those magic weapons must not be sold.

Hongzhi seems to be still thinking about what happened just now. She silently follows behind Hailong, but misty is relaxed. After establishing her relationship with Hailong, she feels as if everything has been relaxed, and the depression of hundreds of years has gone to naught. Now, she just hopes that Tianjie won't come so soon, so that she can get along with Hailong for more time.

Tianlu city is very small. Three people and one monkey haven't gone for a long time. They have come to the center of the city. The cries around continue to ring, mostly shops selling leather goods and silk. As they are walking, misty suddenly stopped, looked at a shop and said, "how beautiful!" Hai Long looked along her eyes. Through the open door, he saw a long white fur coat in the most obvious position in the shop. With his sharp eyes, he clearly saw that the fur coat was very special. The color of the white fur on it was three percent. Each long hair was 90 percent white, but the tip was 5 percent gray plus percent Five of the dark blue, just looks, has given people a very valuable feeling. Gather around misty, Hailong whispered, "wife, do you like that coat?" misty nodded and said: "such a chic fur is the first time I've seen it. It's really beautiful, and it has characteristics. It should be very precious."

The sea dragon raised his chest and said, "I'll give it to you. This coat must be very beautiful when worn on you." the misty smile shook his head and said, "no, I'm just enjoying it. It's certainly not cheap. We don't have so much money! Let's go." the Sea Dragon said firmly: "No, I must buy it for you. If I don't even buy what my wife wants, I'll be ashamed of your husband. Come on, let's go in and have a look." I can't tell. I pulled misty into the leather store. There were three or four guests watching the goods in the leather store. As soon as Hailong came in, a waiter nodded and bowed to welcome them, "Several guests, what would you like? The leather goods in the shop are absolutely the best and the price is reasonable."

The sea dragon pointed to the fur that misty liked and said, "can you take this down and show me?"

The man flattered: "My guest, you really have an eye. This is the treasure of our town store. However, it is very precious. In order to avoid damage, you can't take it down except the buyer. This fur is made of the most precious silver fox skin, and it is spliced with the lightest and softest fur under the belly of the silver fox. It's not only light, but also very warm "We are the only one in Tianlu city who has such a fine silver fox fur coat. Because the new goods have just arrived, they have not been bought yet."


(sorry, the ban was not lifted yesterday. It will continue to be lifted these days. Welcome to vote VIP. Thank you.)