After entering the store.

Facing the shopkeeper's inquiry.

Wang Qiang showed a very experienced smile with a sense of distance, waved her hand and said to him:

"We're just looking, looking."

Children all know that they should not show too strong desire to buy when shopping.

Then she and Wu fan went to one side and looked at the original stone carefully.

Gambling stone has a large audience in the local and Mo circles, which is a special game model with relatively high cost.

The stones used for gambling in the native world are called seed stones, while in the Da Mo world, this kind of stone is called original stone.

However, compared with the single case of planting stones only producing jade, the original stones can produce much more kinds of things.

The reasons for the formation of many raw stones in the Da Mo world are somewhat similar to the coal mines mentioned before.

They are some special stones formed after some rare spiritual materials fell into the ground in ancient times.

However, compared with the relatively simple evolution process of coal mine, the conditions for the formation of raw stone are much more complex and special.

In general, the prototype of the original stone is the treasure that forms the original stone. In the process of settling to the ground, it is accidentally protected by a high concentration of aura.

Under the protection of aura, these strange things that should have formed coal maintained a relatively complete state, and weathered out a stone coat on the outside.

Due to the different aura concentration and quality of the internal package, after the initial period of time, the treasures left in each original stone began to differ.

As like as two peas in ancient times, the rare treasures of high preservation can even be infiltrated by aura in a long time, thus further improving the quality.

But for those raw stones with poor Reiki quality or low concentration, it's hard to say what's inside.

Some rare treasures may have been wrapped for a short time, and the aura has not begun to escape. In addition, the durability of the rare objects themselves is high, so the integrity of the items is quite good when they are opened.

But the rest of the original stones may not be so lucky. Either they are cut and most of the internal objects are damaged, or they are simply turned into a pile of fly ash.

Because the original stone needs a lot of special aura to form, the original stone often appears in the form of aggregation in the appearance of rare treasures, which is a large-scale original stone mine.

In addition.

There will also be an associated phenomenon when raw stones are produced:

In addition to some original stones containing strange things, there are also a large number of "pseudo original stones" suspected of being real ones in a raw stone mine.

This "pseudo original stone" also contains some aura, so it seems that there is something inside.

But only after cutting through these pseudo auras can we find that the interior is as empty as most people's wallets.

At the same time, because the original stone coat can isolate the exploration of God's mind, even high-level friars can't probe into the stone to observe the situation.

In the desert.

The profession of looking for this kind of raw stone mining area is called the original finder, which has derived into a relatively complete gambling system of stone searching, mining and sales.

Although there are mysterious pupil identification techniques in those novels, the probability of this talent is much lower than the black-and-white spiritual root variation of bright eyes.

So in the desert, gambling stones generally rely on luck.

Yes, of course.

Just like those big V experts can be seen everywhere in the stock market, some old gamblers and experts can also be seen everywhere in the gambling stone industry.

Some of these experts are liars, but some experts do have rich experience in the decomposition of raw stones. They can preliminarily judge some internal conditions through the external body.

However, at this time, Wang Qiang could not be such an expert, so Wang Qiang could only put all his hope on Wu fan.

Considering their limited wealth.

After knowing the price, Wang Qiang didn't look at the original stones of hundreds or even thousands of spirit stones.

With Wu fan's translation, she came to a remote area.

There are many differences in the size of the original stones in this area, some of which are very large, even exceeding the height of one person.

Some raw stones are small, but they look like fists.

However, regardless of the size of these original stones, their price is each four spirit stone.

These sales models are somewhat similar to the local Ctrip blind box, which depends on the luck of the buyer.

Face Europe can issue a river view room accommodation voucher of Waldorf Hotel on the Bund, which is equivalent to making three or four thousand yuan in vain one night.

However, if you have a black face, you can only drive out the Hanting in some remote areas with very low scores. It is not impossible to drive out the six members of the green brigade for 30 yuan a night.

this moment.

Wang Qiang stood in front of the four Lingshi area and said to Wu fan:

"Xiao Wu, I have forty spirit stones in my hand,

Well, you might as well choose four raw stones and I'll choose one myself. Then let's see how lucky we are. "

Wu fan was silent for a few seconds, with a trace of entanglement on his face.

To tell the truth, he is also very interested in this. After all, he is also an old bookworm. His book age is even higher than Wang Qiang. He began to read novels during the period of magic sword book alliance.

However, he always felt a little uncomfortable about Wang Qiang's money. Moreover, he also felt that the so-called "hero aura" was somewhat mysterious, which would probably make Wang Qiang lose a loss, so he said:

"Sister Wang, otherwise I'd better pay my own money."

Wang Qiang glanced at him and directly opened his old background:

"Come on, where are you now?

Don't forget, team Lin is my mentor. It's not that I didn't know that you still pressed the bank's loan of more than 100000 in order to open a milk tea shop.

The subsidy given to you by the base camp is not in place at one time. Can you take out 10000 yuan now?

Besides, I pulled you out today. I told you to leave the money here. It's called angel investment, okay?

If I lose, I admit my fate and never mention the halo of the protagonist again. It's a wish to spend money.

But if you can offer good things, I'll make a lot of money. "

Then she pushed Wu fan forward:

"So concentrate on choosing you."

Seeing this, Wu fan had to stop insisting. He went to the original stone pile and looked at it carefully.

Wang Qiang stood beside him and chose his own goal.


Wang Qiang locked a stone with strange shape.

Like its name, this stone is quite round. Its volume is a little larger than that of a fist. Its whole body is white.

There are two stone strips inclined to the left and right at the top, which look a little like the head of a little rabbit from a certain angle.

Wang Qiang took a fancy to the original stone almost in an instant, so she picked it up without hesitation and said:

"I'll take this."

Compared with Wang Qiang's decisiveness, Wu fan is more cautious.

After all, it was Wang Qiang's money. If it was too casual, he couldn't get through it himself.

Although he doesn't believe he has any hero aura, it's always right to compare several models.

So after a careful look.

Wu fan spent a quarter of an hour.

Finally, I chose three original stones the size of a battery car battery and a little smaller than a fist.

After selecting each target.

Wang Qiang turned and said to the shopkeeper who had been standing by and paying attention to them:

"Shopkeeper, we'll take these five raw stones. Let's settle the bill."

The price of the five original stones is exactly twenty spirit stones. This amount is not a small business for this gambling stone shop. The profit is almost eight or nine.

After all, the customers who go to this kind of small shop to gamble on stones are not particularly rich. The representative one is the family collateral who only has one spirit stone to worship every month.

This kind of family collateral can get a family quota of about ten spirit stones every year. It is normal for some people to squeeze out a few spirit stones to try their luck in a year with the dream of becoming rich.

Customers with a single amount of 20 Lingshi are more or less middle-end customers.

So the shopkeeper took the original stone and asked Wang Qiang:

"There are twenty inferior spirit stones in total. Will you cut them now or take them away?"

Wang Qiang took out enough spirit stones and handed them to the shopkeeper. At the same time, he said decisively:

"Take it away."

After all, she firmly believes that Wu fan has the aura of the protagonist. If she really opens something earth shaking, it's not easy for the shopkeeper who is obviously a practitioner to kill people and steal goods.

The shopkeeper was not surprised.

This kind of people who feel that they can make some big news can see one every few days. It seems that they are about to reach the peak of life, talk and laugh with friar Yuanying, and run faster after shopping than a monster named Jizhe in the west of the world of mo.

Anyway, for himself, as long as he can make money, he'll be done. These people love it.

So he fluently packed the five raw stones and handed them to Wu fan.

The total weight of these five raw stones is about 15kg. According to Wu fan's physique, it's easy to carry them without the help of a trailer.

After leaving the store, Wang Qiang began to pull her fingers and planned the next step:

"Twenty spirit stones were spent on the five original stones. Now I still have twenty. What can I buy next? Xiao Wu, give me some advice?"

Wu fan hears the speech and looks around.

To tell the truth, the stalls on the treasure hunt Street are similar, either gambling stones or some personal stalls, with some strange things on them.

After all, what treasure street wants is a "strange" word. There are many serious things in the square market.

Facing the vast number of similar stalls, Wu fan had to point out a direction at will:

"Go over there."