"... Xiao pan, do you think this space is formed naturally or dug by manpower?"

I heard Li Baian's question.

Academician pan Jianwei was stunned at first, and immediately a trace of clarity appeared on his face.

In fact, not only Li Baian, academician pan himself has carefully considered this issue.

He thought about it and said:

"Mr. Li, personally, I don't think it is possible for this heavenly palace, including the whole space, to be completely excavated by manpower.

I tend to think that this space is a natural area that has existed before. Of course, at the beginning, space may be in that extremely chaotic initial state, with no matter but boundaries.

Later, ancient practitioners or Zhang Daoling transformed this area and finally completed the heavenly palace.

Because the concept of spatial binding energy is similar in nature to the transport matrix.

Having one means that you can produce two, two produces three, and finally everything.

The civilization that can create this space completely out of thin air is obviously at the threshold of "three" and "all things".

In theory, as long as the energy is enough, the manufacturing space is basically no different from that of copy and paste.

But according to the information we have collected during this time

In addition to Qingcheng Mountain, there seems to be no other alien space entrance in the local area, not even Reiki and Y particle.

You know, even dinosaurs tens of millions of years ago have fossils. "

As academician Pan said.

In the past few days, after confirming that there is a heavenly palace over Qingcheng Mountain.

While the core layer attaches great importance to the "blasting" of the heavenly palace, it also starts the nationwide lottery again. There are 108 votes left. I want to draw a lottery!!!