"Yes, sanmang, I'd better explain the strength division of Saint level to you first."

"Let's start with the level. Before the holy level, it was divided into nine levels, and you already know it."

"After the holy level, it is divided into six levels. Don't be surprised, it is six, because there is a level called 'semi holy'. This level has stepped into the door of the holy level with one foot, but there is no real sign of the holy level." EDRA began to explain.


Chu Tian asked.

"Yes, it's the holy level, which you will encounter in the future. Although you understand the field, the fighting spirit in your body is still accompanied by the fighting spirit vortex. When your fighting spirit vortex completely condenses a holy crystal and absorbs all the vortex, it can be regarded as a real holy level, which is called 'one star holy crystal'."

"If there is one star, there are five stars, so the holy level is divided into one star to five stars. In fact, you'd better distinguish it, because there will be a light spot similar to a star on the holy crystal. This one is one star, five, that's five stars."

Chu Tian was stunned. Unexpectedly, there was such a simple way to distinguish.

"Very simple? It's really simple, but that's how you distinguish yourself. What if you want to distinguish others? It depends on the power of fighting spirit and so on. Anyway, it depends on experience... "

Chu Tian nodded.

"After the completion of the holy level, the five light points will be trained into an arc, and this arc is the so-called one awn. When the five light points are completely integrated into one awn, they will really become a god level strong man."

"Mang, I see." Chu Tian suddenly realized.

"I'd better tell you more carefully. Starting from the holy level, every more star, you will have more understanding of multiple elements and fields. After your five points are integrated into one awn, what you feel is no longer a field..."

"Is it the law?" Chutian said. EDRA smiled and nodded immediately. Unexpectedly, Chutian was so clever.

"Yes, it's the law. All saints have fields, but they can't be used casually. The fields of saints from one star to two stars can only function on themselves."

"Function yourself?" Chu Tian suddenly realized, but he was surprised. Why didn't a group of saints produce any abnormal power when they were fighting just now?

Moreover, Chu Tian also got an explanation why so many Saint level strong people didn't break out in any field.

"Yes, one star and two stars, the rules of understanding are the most basic rules, such as the River Law of the water system. Simulating your body into the earth, blood, morale and magic will be the same as the river on the earth. Finally, it will converge to Shengjing, which is the law of accelerating cultivation. This law is the most abnormal primary law of the water system, because it is passive and open all the time, In other words, you don't have to practice deliberately. This law will help you practice automatically. "

Chu Tian's mouth grew up. This is a perpetual motion machine. It's too violent. With this law, lazy professionals practice faster than others.

"Casual, there are more water systems in the middle sword Saint..." EDRA shook her head with a bitter smile, but Chu Tian shrugged. Although the attack power of the water system is low, no one's attack power will be low at the saint level.

"But I don't know what the law your Summoner will understand when he reaches the holy level. At that time, you can only ask those elders. I have nothing to do with you." EDRA shrugged helplessly. This is the Summoner's biggest secret. He can't explore it.

"Besides the saints of Samsung, after Samsung, there are attack fields in the field. For example, the 'burning field' of the fire system opens for several kilometers to cover all the enemies within the range, and then tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of degrees of high temperature burns the enemies."

"There is a field in the thunder system, called the judgment field, which can be understood by the saints of the four-star thunder system. The attack power is simply bursting." EDRA envied that once the "judgment field" of Lei Department was used, it would be invincible below God level.

"I'll tell you after the battle in the field. In fact, you've seen the battle between Stuart and me. The battle in the field is actually a collision between each other. It depends on who has better control and understanding of understanding, and who has more energy and smashed each other's field. You win."

Chu Tian nodded. The collision between the two fields sent him to Caesar empire. Chu Tian really thanked Stuart.

"As for the awn, you know that one to three awns, each awn can also understand a law. As for what you understand, it depends on your qualification. My qualification is not good. I only understand one attack law, and you have seen it... For suicide." EDRA said bitterly. Chutian didn't speak. He knew that EDRA thought of his sadness.

"Let's talk about those guys of the cult. You must be careful, but Stuart's injury is no better than me. Although he must be alive, he definitely has no fighting ability in a short time, and you won't meet him. It's too late for him to hide and heal, so you can ignore this."

"The second of the five Dharma protectors, you've seen Mandalin. When mammoth Juran appeared, he released a large group of soul corpses to fight with us. However, the soul corpses were slightly restrained by the holy magic of the Pope, but for you, a slap can kill hundreds of baskets of your strength..."

Chu Tian turned his eyes, and he reached the peak of God level.

"By the way, mandolin is a two mang God level, but there are ten three mang soul corpses under his hand. If a pair comes to fight with me, I'm afraid I won't see you that day."

Chu Tian nodded and fought with the cult master so many times. Chu Tian knew that the master master was more talented than the summoner, so don't underestimate the master.

"The third, anaru, the master of sanmang, is still above Mandalin. What's more, he has many grandchildren, about three or four hundred grandchildren, with strength all over the world. Each of these grandchildren is loyal to him."

Chu Tian's mind immediately came up with the words of the previous group of people. It seems that Vic and others are the grandsons of the God level strong man named "anaru".

"I didn't expect that I provoked such a terrible guy. I remember the guy who sneaked into me for the second time in the imperial city said that Grandpa sent him to kill me. It seems that this anaru has focused on himself. I must be careful."

Chu Tian took a deep breath. Unexpectedly, he accidentally got into trouble with this pervert.

"The fourth one, Venus, claims to be the God of beauty, but he is a rude man. Later, you will meet a man who is coarser than an orc and more crazy than Meng, but is a sissy and can't see through his strength. You run directly. Although this guy is a second-class God, his combat effectiveness is not weak at all."

"A sissy who looks rougher than bimon, I remember..." Chu Tian couldn't calm down, but he still recorded in his heart that when he saw the human demon, he ran directly, regardless of who he was.

"As for the last one, bao'er, is the most beautiful woman, but I've never seen her fight. I don't know the specific strength. I only know that she is the leader of the five Dharma protectors..."

"So, be careful of beautiful women..."