Chapter 418

Name:Outright Favoritism Author:Manxi
A gunshot wound is not an ordinary wound, because even if it heals, it will leave a scar on the burned muscle tissue.

Heart, and sour.

Li Qiao wrapped gauze around him again, and her eyes were serious and focused.

Suddenly, warmth came from her cheeks. She looked at Shangyu like a God, and her hands stopped, "does it hurt?"

Li Qiao's eyes are full of undisguised heartache. The corners of her eyes are very red. It seems that there are countless kinds of emotions hidden in her eyes, which can't be opened and cut continuously.

She looked straight at the man's eyebrows, waited for a few seconds, did not wait for him to speak, and then bowed his head to bandage him.

After finishing his wound, Li Qiao finds that her back is covered with a thin layer of sweat.

She watched the spotless white gauze re wound around the man's shoulder, her fingers rubbing the edge of the gauze, her voice was low, slow, soft and dumb, "you don't move any more, the wound has broken too many times, and you can't Well

Li Qiao sometimes thinks that she and Shang Yu are really a kind of person.

The same hegemony, the same ego.

Clearly she was still saying not to let him move in the last second, in the twinkling of an eye, the man fished her into his arms and gave her a deep kiss.

Li Qiao's back was straight, and the palms of her hands held down his left forearm for the first time.

The man naturally felt that she had two purposes, so he asked for a kiss more domineering. He pressed her around her waist and made her tongue tingle.

After a long kiss, Shang Yu let her go.

Li Qiao sat upright on his leg with a little blush on her cheek.

She calmed down and wanted to get off him, but her waist and abdomen were pressed down again. The bewitching and clear breath of the man sprinkled on her ears. "Why did you say that you are not qualified to be with me last night?"

Li Qiao turned her head, youyou and he looked at each other. Just as she was about to open her mouth, his left thumb fell around her lips, wiping the water stains after kissing, and asked: "when did I give you such an illusion? Well? "

The long ending tone seems to be a bit ridiculous.

Shang Yu's eyes were filled with rare tenderness. He opened his eyes and pressed her lips with his thumb. "Why don't you talk?"

Li Qiao cleared her throat. The air of ambiguity was all around her. She curled her head and said, "maybe Let's be angry. "

"Is it?" I'm sure that's not what the man said when he said it with his fingers

The distance between them was so close that they could clearly see each other's figures.

Li Qiao is dumb for a moment, facing the man's dark eyes, as if the soul can be seen through by him.

Maybe it's angry words, maybe it's some unknown feelings in the subconscious.

At the moment, Shang Yu does not look at Li Qiao instantaneously, and does not let go of her subtle expression.

A sigh spilled thin lips, the man's fingers pinched her jaw, "no matter how powerful you are, as a boyfriend, I have the responsibility to protect you. It's not that I don't want you to be with me. I dare not. "

Afraid of her accident, afraid of her injury, so I would rather hurt myself, also have to protect her.

Yes, she's even more vulnerable.

No matter how tough a man is, once he has a soft spot, he dare not take any risk with her.

Li Qiao gave a dull answer. For the first time, she heard Shang Yu analyze his inner world. Her senses and emotions rose and fell with his words.

She really never heard him talk about it. The sentence "not can't, but dare not" touched the softest corner of her heart.

How proud and conceited he was, Li Qiao could not have known better.

Because of such a domineering man, he said in front of you that he did not dare to take risks with you, even the coldest woman would be swayed by this sentence.

Li Qiao didn't say more. She sat in his arms and put her hand around his shoulder.

She buried her face in Shang Yu's neck, smelling the familiar breath, saying nothing and hugging her tightly.

The hand that the man encircles her waist moves to her back gradually, patting gently, overbearing and considerate.

Then, in less than half a minute, Shang Yu glanced over the brocade box, kissed her earlobe and asked in a low voice, "where are you tonight?"

Although Li Qiao didn't sleep all night, she was a little confused, but when she heard this question again, she raised her head from his arms and asked, "didn't Luoyu tell you?"

"Not much." The man narrowed his eyes, with a trace of danger in his eyes, "what's the matter that you don't want others to know?"

Li Qiao looks directly at Shang Yu's dangerous eyes, but she can't hold the rising corners of her mouth. "So, you're here because of this?"

She admitted that she did say it on purpose.

The man raised his eyebrows, smart fingers do not know when to get into her clothes, in her waist and eye stroke circle, there is no lack of threat: "change the topic?"

Li Qiao's body is stiff. She presses his wrists and smiles to sweep away the haze.

She nodded to the round table in front of her and picked up the brocade box. "It's a friend of Myanmar who just came to Chongcheng to do business, so she brought me something."Li Qiao said as she opened the brocade box and showed it to him.

Shang Yu glanced at Li Qiao and said, "what friend?"

"Bo tingsu, brother of Bo tingxiao." Playing with the kit in her hand, she added: "they are from the Myanmar special implementation team and are usually stationed at the border between Myanmar and the border.

Brother Xiao designed the latest military kit. Knowing that I was in Chongcheng, he asked his brother to give me one. "

Well, brother Xiao!

Shang Yu looks at Li Qiao's light eyebrows and asks, "how does he know you are in Chongcheng?"

Li Qiao turned over the tool kit and looked at him, "I didn't ask."

The man and her four eyes opposite, thick eyebrow light, "did not meet?"

Li Qiao shook her head. "He didn't come. I had a drink with his brother."

Shang Yu didn't speak any more. She was thinking about the tool kit in her hand, and her eyes were filled with the light that was thought-provoking.

Mingming was in Chongcheng, but he didn't come.

There is a recent international military competition between Myanmar special execution team and domestic special operations forces. Bo tingxiao is currently in Chongcheng.

Since he doesn't want to meet Qiao Qiao, Shang Yu will not talk too much.

He put his shirt over his shoulder again, looked at Li Qiao's dark red eyes, and rubbed his fingers twice. "Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Li Qiao blinked, "well, when are you going back to Nanyang?"

Shang Yu looked at the big bed in the room, patted her back and motioned her to lie down, "I'll leave when you sleep."

"Oh." Li Qiao stretched her eyebrows, looked at Shang Yu, and said nothing.

The man curved his index finger and rubbed her cheek. "What do you want to say?"

"It's too late to go back tomorrow?" Li Qiao's line of sight falls to his shoulder, the words are still in the mouth, business Yu's chest then spreads the thick and deep smile sound, "don't want me to go?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!