She is human, she also has seven emotions and six desires, what she likes is Ji Weiyan all the time. As for the marriage with Jane extraordinary, it's just a mistake, it's a mistake. If a person makes a mistake, it's a good person as long as he changes it. But the mistake between her and Jane extraordinary has nothing to do with her. Why should she bear the burden of life?

She has sacrificed five years for her child. Originally, she wanted to live like this, but she didn't expect that Ji Weiyan would survive. When he lived, she didn't want to let go. No matter how hard it was, she would win him back.

Yu Yuanting shook his head. "Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know your past very well. It's just that if one step in life is wrong, every step is wrong." He is a living example. If it's good, he won't sit in front of the metaphor and dare not recognize each other.

"I don't care about others. If I go wrong in my life, I will correct it." Her gentle smile and light language make Yu Yuanting look so beautiful that she doesn't want to blink. This girl, she is totally different from a Yao. He has a headache when he thinks of Yu Yao. In fact, he doesn't want Yu to give up Jian Fanfan, because a Yao has already told him that she is not Jian Fanfan.

"Well, I will respect your choice." Yu se has such courage, which he admires. If he had such courage in those years, how could this child have been wandering for more than 20 years.

"Mr. Yu, with your words, well, I respect you. I only take a sip. You don't have to worry." Yu se picked up the glass of the red wine again, touched it gently with him, and then took a sip. It tastes good. It should be the best wine here.

Yu Yuanting drank the whole glass of wine completely after clinking the glass. This is a small progress in the communication between Yu Yuanting and Yu se. It's true that everyone in the world needs to understand. When he understands her, she will repay him with respect. "Xiao se, have you ever thought of changing a hospital?" This small county is too small. Although she does not need any special medical equipment for her illness, she only needs to have a rest now. How can he watch her live in such a small hospital? Their Yu family has never lived like this.

"No, I just need to eat and drink well every day now." It doesn't matter what else. Jane Fanfan is not bad for money. He doesn't arrange her to go elsewhere, which proves that he doesn't want her to be tossed again. The long journey will hurt her. If you can avoid some accidents, you can avoid them.

"I apologize for Xiao's mistake."

"No need." She also doesn't want to see that long Xiao in the future. Thinking about his invincible appearance, she has to compete with Ji Weiyan. However, it's better not to be a person of the same world with her.

"He just wanted to give you to me. He told me about you before, but I didn't believe it at that time."

"He didn't give you a picture?" Since she is so similar to Xiao Fang, he doesn't believe it after seeing the photos? If he had believed earlier, he personally came to see her with such good manners, would long Xiao not take her away by force in his way? So her child won't have an accidental abortion? Think of that child, her hand will fall on the belly involuntarily, how much she is eager to have a child of Ji Weiyan? Light closed eyes, at this moment, she did not know who she should hate.

"I I didn't see it Yu Yuanting's face was full of regret. "In the past 20 years, every day someone said that they had found you, and then sent some photos to me. In the first few years, I saw them one by one, but later they proved that they were false news. It wasn't you at all. Gradually, I didn't care much about the information about you sent to me by others, but I didn't expect that I indirectly hurt you and you If it wasn't for Long Xiao, you wouldn't... "

He was honest, which made Yu secai's resentment suddenly disappear. However, she was still full of guilt for the child. She took up her wine cup. Just when Yu Yuanting was about to stop her, she had already gone away. She and a Ran's child were gone, and even had no way to find someone to resent.

There was a condensing atmosphere in the air. Yu Yuanting's embarrassed hand was in the air. He wanted to stop it, but her glass of wine was still completely in her stomach. "Later, drink less bars."

"You don't care about me." If he is in charge, he should be in charge of her lost child. Her heart is too painful.

There was cold air coming from behind, and someone came into Miro restaurant.

Yu se didn't care. She just thought that she was here for dinner. However, the cold air was getting closer and closer to her, and more than twenty people stopped by her side. Obviously, she came here for her, "eh, isn't this Miss Yu se Yu? What about a date? " Then one of them asked provocatively, and Li Ma attracted other guests who were having dinner.

Yu Yuanting's face changed. He wanted to protect her, but on such an occasion, he seemed to say nothing wrong.

The metaphor is to look up at him and see that he didn't say anything. Obviously, she didn't want to admit the relationship with her. She suddenly laughed, "it's just a stranger. I want to use him to provoke the man I like to come out. How can I?" She doesn't care whether they are sent by Ruan Feifei or not. She can do whatever she likes.

A "stranger" makes Yu Yuanting's face more and more dark. He seems to have hesitated and hesitated again, but he still hasn't clarified the relationship with her.The heart of metaphor is cold and cold.

People around her have begun to talk. It's time for dinner on such a cold day. Although it's normal for the restaurant to be overcrowded, it's strange to stand up and challenge her without ordering.

"Would you like to have dinner? If you want to have a meal, please take a seat and order. If you don't have a meal, please leave here. " After seeing Yu Yuanting's suggestion, the waiter began to come out to help Yu se.

Yu Yuanting paid the whole restaurant's money and later allowed them to let the guests in. This is a good thing for them. They earned Yu Yuanting's money and the other people's money. They won both.

"Dinner. Well, we'll take the row over there." One of the group pointed to a row of tables on the side of the wall.

"Then order." The other party said that it was difficult for the waiter to rush.

"A bowl of noodles for one person, come to your signature noodles." One person in the crowd called for everyone.

This is obviously perfunctory, the purpose is to stay and continue to fight with metaphor.

The waiter took a look at Yu Yuanting and saw that his face was as cold as water. She could not help shivering. The man was the owner who could not be provoked. She had better be careful. "Sorry, our restaurant doesn't serve soup noodles tonight, only rice and dishes."

"Well, what's the reason? Do you think we're too cheap to make money? It's said that with small profits and quick turnover, you can't just do business with the rich and ignore us poor people. " Someone said that the camera lens was aimed at Yu Yuanting and Yu se, and swept on their table, "it's really rich. You like this kind of guests who order more than ten dishes for two people. The more wasted you are, the more happy you are. Maybe you'll pack their leftovers and sell them back to others."

This is just unreasonable.

The metaphor is not angry.

She is not well-known in this country at all. Since her popularity is so low, there are still people who want to make her famous, which proves that someone did it intentionally.

Think about Ruan Feifei is likely to be annoyed by the harassment phone, and then send these people to take her out, she is not angry at all.

However, she is not angry, the man opposite her is very concerned.

I didn't see what he said. He just lowered his head and fiddled with his mobile phone, like sending a text message. Then, he naturally picked up his chopsticks to eat, just like a real date with Yu se. Those who came to make trouble continued to say ugly words, but no one left.

Rice and vegetables, they ordered is such a simple food.

It's just to stay.

However, only a few minutes later, Miro restaurant became lively again.

More than a dozen policemen came in with guns and live ammunition. At the beginning, the 20 or so people insisted that they were only here for dinner.

They didn't listen to their explanation at all, but after three or two minutes, those who had just ordered food and didn't have a bite were taken away by the police one by one.

"Yu se, did you do a good job? Don't think that if you get rich, you will be able to call the wind and the rain. You can't get the upper position by selling. You will always be a junior. "

"Bang", the glass in Yu Yuanting's hand fell on the table. Some liquor spilled out and splashed on the white table sheet, which was very eye-catching.

He glanced coldly at the woman who had just spoken. Suddenly, the policeman who was holding the woman increased his strength. He only heard her cry and was soon taken out. There was no sound any more.

The restaurant quieted down, and the previous diners left one after another. If you stay in such an environment, you will only be frightened.

I don't know if Ji Weiyan got the news that she came here for a date with a man at this time. However, after being tossed by those people, the metaphor has lost its appetite. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at the man opposite, "do you want to take a picture together?"

"Good "Yes." I don't know her intention, but he was obviously happy to take photos with her.

Yu se is also impolite. She gets up and goes to him. She pastes it on his chair and takes a photo of two people close to him. After shooting, she immediately sends Ji Weiyan's mobile phone number.

"Mr. Yu, I'm tired and I'm leaving. Please give me a ride by your driver." It's more than ten minutes before seven o'clock, but she is not willing to have dinner with Yu Yuanting. Since she doesn't recognize it, it doesn't matter.

Since there is no relationship, then, never see each other again.