"Skin trauma, to the hospital." Ji Weiyan's eyes are all outside the car window, and his face is pale, which makes Yu se feel very sad.

However, the hospital building has appeared in the sight, and it has arrived, indeed.

However, there is no way to take a long breath.

Just because the child has not been born safely, Nie Xiangxiang has not been out of danger.

As soon as the car arrived at the gate of the hospital, Ji Weiyan jumped out of the car without waiting for the car to stop. His men waiting in front of the gate met him and said, "Sir, your injury..."

"Park the car and keep up." However, he seemed not to know that he was hurt on his shoulder. He strode to the hospital building and followed him silently. All she could do was to accompany him quietly.

The elevator is never slow.

Slowly let him stand with endless cold figure, ten fingers tightly clenched together, the white knuckles and his face, make her worry.

She stood on his side, slowly holding his hand, one by one unfolding his clenched fingers, "ah ran, it's going to be OK, it's going to be OK."

"Well." As if to ease her worries, he answered softly, but his hands were still stiff and cold, which made her feel sad.

Having known him for so many years, she seldom saw him on the other side.

A little helpless.

There's something wrong.

Yes, when a person is watching what he doesn't want to happen, the feeling will be helpless and helpless.

"Ding" a sound, the elevator stopped.

Without any stay, Ji Weiyan, who always keeps a close eye on the number of elevators rising, took her out together after pulling the metaphor.

Two people, one dressed in a wedding dress and the other in a black tuxedo, anyone will know at first sight that they are definitely two people who are holding a wedding, but the man's shoulders are full of blood.

He did not care at all, quietly took his bride to the door of the operating room.

"Wei Yan, how did you get hurt?" When the people waiting there heard the footsteps, they all turned their heads. The first one in a low voice was LAN Jingyi.

"Nothing." He strode in, "what's up?"

"It's in operation, but it's a compulsory operation."


"Nie Xiangxiang's parents called and said that if they didn't sign, no one could touch their daughter."

I see. No wonder even Jiang Junyue is weak. It turns out that Nie Xiangxiang's family opposes. Yuse understands the whole story at this moment.

"How long have you been in?"

"Twenty minutes."

Yu se calculates that it should be after she calls LAN Jingyi and hangs up again that Nie Xiangxiang is sent in.

It's said that women's childbirth is the most important hurdle. It's not careless at all. What's more, Nie Xiangxiang is a surrogate.

No one can guarantee that anything will happen in the middle of the journey.

At this moment, she came to know that they can't help Nie Xiangxiang and Ji Weixue.

Everything is up to fate.

Everything can only be handed over to doctors and nurses.

All, can only pray silently.

For Ji Weixue, for the child.

The world seems to fall into absolute silence.

Everyone was waiting there in silence.

LAN Jingyi nestles in Jiang Junyue's arms, and his face is also a little pale. The lighter Jiang Jun holds LAN Jingyi's hand, and constantly rubs and caresses that little hand, as if to pacify LAN Jingyi's anxious heart, "sister LAN, aren't you pregnant? Here, there are brother-in-law LAN, Zhendong, and me and a ran. Just go back first. " When she was in Singapore, she occasionally talked to LAN Jingyi on the phone. She already knew that she had a baby by accident. She also knew that Jiang Junyue was very happy with LAN Jingyi's baby.

But looking at Jiang Junyue's nervous blue scene at this time, the sweetness really killed the single dog. The nurse couldn't help looking at the two people who were nestling together and envied them.

"It doesn't matter to me. Now let me go back, I'm worried about it. I'm not at ease. It's better to let me wait here. Yu se, don't drive me, even if their men drive me. You're a woman. You should know what women are worried about. I want to stay."

Metaphor nodded, no longer persuade.

I have seen LAN Jingyi and Jiang Junyue before I have time to see Xue Zhendong.

The man just disappeared for more than ten days, but he seemed to have changed into a person. His thin body became thinner. His three-dimensional facial features didn't have any expression at this time. He leaned quietly on the wall of the hospital corridor. If his eyes didn't blink occasionally, you would think he was a statue and a puppet.

It can be seen that Ji Weixue's death has really brought him a great blow, so that this short period of more than ten days has made him unable to digest.No one knows how long it will take him to accept the cruel reality, but she knows that as long as the child in the operating room is born safely, his life will at least be more happy.

It is said that children are the continuation of life, and that child is the continuation of Ji Weixue's life.

Seeing children is like seeing Ji Weixue.

Will it be a boy or a girl?

Yu se looks forward to it and returns to Ji Weiyan.

At this time, the man and Xue Zhendong look the same.

Two men, one is Ji Weixue's lover, the other is Ji Weixue's brother. They are undoubtedly the two people who love her most in the world.

"Ah ran..." She called softly and took his big hand again.

But he casually took her into his arms, tight, as if to embed her into his body, the strength was full of his worry and helplessness.

Yes, in the face of life and death, not nurses, not doctors, they only have nothing to do and worry about.

"Sir, take care of your injury first." A small guard who came by frowned when he saw the injury on Ji Weiyan's shoulder.

"No need." He light should be, the slightest don't think, more serious than this injury, he has experienced a lot of injury, this injury is really nothing, he doesn't care.

"If you get hurt like this, if you don't deal with it in time, it's a small matter to leave a scar. After the wound is healed, you can't avoid the sequelae, so it's better to deal with it." The nurse continued to exhort.

"Thank you. I don't have to." He is not in that mood now, he is only thinking about Nie Xiangxiang and the child in the operating room.

Yes, although Nie Xiangxiang is not pleasant, Nie Xiangxiang is also a human being, which brings hope for the continuation of Ji Weixue's life.

"What about Xiangxiang? Where is Xiang Xiang? " Suddenly, the silence in front of the operating room was broken. Seven or eight men and women came out of the elevator and walked towards this side.

The voice attracted a few people who had just calmed down to look over.

"Is Xiangxiang in the operating room? I said not to do surgery for her, for the sake of an unrelated person's child even life, she is how stupid

"Let her out, let her out."

"What kind of bullshit hospital is this? Is it a murder hospital? I called and said, "no surgery for her."

A woman in the crowd yelled and rushed to the door of the operating room. She was about to open the door, as if to rush in and pull Nie Xiangxiang out.

However, the operation is already in progress.

If you stop at this time, it's also an operation.

Seeing that her hand was about to fall, Ji Weiyan held out his hand and said, "do you want her to die?" Dystocia means that both the baby and the pregnant woman are in danger of life. Even if the child is not wanted, Nie Xiangxiang may not survive.

"You want her to die. Get out of my way. Get out of my way." The shrew is hysterical.

Ji Weiyan didn't mean to get out of the way at all. He looked at the woman coldly, "it's her own choice. If she doesn't live, she will be in danger of bleeding."

"It's all your fault. It's you. It's you evil spirits. You give back my daughter and my daughter."

This battle, where seems to love her daughter, Yu se how to think this is to make trouble.

"Madam, if you had objected earlier, why didn't you take her to the hospital when she was pregnant, and now you have to come to object when she has to have a baby, isn't it late? Or are you invited to make a scene? " Yuse's eyes are bright. Just for a moment, I feel that something is wrong.

The woman was shocked by her words, and then she restrained herself, but only for a moment, and then she called out: "at that time, we all thought it was the child of her and the man beside her, and it was her own flesh and blood. Now we know it's not. She's just a surrogate."

"Ha ha, how does the wife know? Did your daughter inform you? If so, why don't you stop her from getting pregnant when she informs you? Why don't you just bring her to the hospital for abortion? " Metaphor once again sharp reply in the past, men to women, men will appear to have no goods, but she is a woman, not afraid.

And her words are obviously accusing women of being provoked by others.

Yes, this is also the feeling of metaphor.

Someone's adding to the mess.

For fear that the world will not be in chaos.

"What if someone just told me? I want justice for my daughter. " The woman is unreasonable to roar, the Nie Xiangxiang's family that she follows behind, also all agree with.

"How much do they give you?"

"You How do you know? " A younger woman behind the woman was surprised by the metaphorical words, and asked involuntarily.

"If it wasn't for money, would you make trouble? She's gone missing before, and you've never been in charge of it. So you don't do anything else except for money. " At this point, Yu se turns to see Ji Weiyan, "I'm in charge, how about it?"Ji Weiyan gently nodded at her, eyes are encouraging, "well."

"If she dies, we'll pay a million. If she lives, plus what she promised, we'll pay a million."

"A million? Is it true or not? "

"Yes, really?"

Yuse disdains. Sure enough, what these people care about is money, not whether Nie Xiangxiang can survive.

With such relatives, even parents, Yu se really pities Nie Xiangxiang.

"Really." This decision, she can also make the main, not Ji Weiyan, is the small town of dyeing, randomly set aside a million will not be a problem.

"Don't listen to her nonsense. She won't give you so much. Rush in and rob people out." At this moment, among those people, a woman suddenly spoke.

The voice may not be remembered by others, but the metaphor is.

Thinking of what happened at the classmate party that day, her face turned white and her eyes suddenly fell on the woman who was talking, "ah ran, it's dangerous..."

It's Sally.

But it's too late.

Among the seven or eight people who have just come, five have already raised their guns, aiming at Jiang Junyue, LAN Jingyi, Xue Zhendong, Yu Se and Ji Weiyan outside the operating room.