After eating, sleeping and eating, yingzi hasn't gone out for three consecutive days.

The emergence of Ji Weiyan has no regularity to speak of. It is more difficult for her and boy ran to kill Ji Weiyan than to ascend to heaven.

This man can't be seen. How do you kill him?

There's no news from Jane these two days. He doesn't call her, and she's lazy to talk to him.

Can't find jingluan, she and he have no common language.

The door opened and the boy ran came in. "Sally, the master and the fourth brother are here."

Yingzi, who was half asleep and half awake, sat up and said, "really?"

"Well, let's go and meet. Master wants to see you."

Yingzi gawked at the boy ran for a moment. Then he lay back, "I'm sleepy. I don't want to see you. You'd better go to see Master and fourth brother on my behalf."

"Well, you are you and I am me. How can I represent you? Unless you're who I am, that's OK. "

Yingzi frowned and said, "boy chicken, you're losing money if you don't take advantage of me for a minute, aren't you?"

"Well, yes." The boy ran was smiling and looked at him.

"Chicken, you..." Yingzi jumped up and punched the boy ran.

Boy ran this clever one hide, also really was he to hide past, "ha ha, finally got up, really not easy, go, good or bad master is also for your son jingluan just come, you this when the mother if don't go to personally touch a head, that is too much, too not to mind."

"I didn't ask Shifu to come." Yingzi duzui, before she came to T City, her judgment of Ji Weiyan was really low. I didn't expect that the man's ability was higher than that reported in newspapers and magazines. He had more than one level, not only his business talent, but also his skill. She was close to Jane Fei. The most important thing was her high IQ. It was as difficult as it was to kill him.

As a killer kills a killer, the last possibility is to lose both.

"When I get up, I can't let my master condescend to come to this hut. It's too small to sit here."

Yingzi said impatiently, "OK, don't worry about it. Where is it?"

"Just follow me. Anyway, it doesn't matter where you are. The important thing is that you can see the master. It's much easier to kill Ji Weiyan if the master comes out this time."

"Er, Shifu is old, and her skill is not as good as it used to be. I really don't want Shifu to do it." Yingzi is shaking his head into a rattle. He really doesn't want to learn from his father. They are apprentices.

"Isn't there a fourth brother? So, even if the master does it, it will be safe. "

Yingzi's eyes suddenly brightened, "yes, the fourth brother is also here. In this way, we can be divided into two groups, one of them and one of us. In this way, we don't have to turn around 24 hours a day. I'm so tired. I can't sleep well every day."

"Well, mosari, you haven't been out of this door for three days. What have you been doing?" The boy ran did not have the good spirit to stare at the young son one eye, then inhaled the nose, "look, you this almost stink."

Yingzi gave him a hard look, "I'm happy, you can't control it." It's useless for her to go out for a walk.

After cleaning up and going out, the boy ran drives. Yingzi looks out of the window carelessly. She should be happy when the master comes, but she doesn't feel any happy now.

When they arrived, Yi Mingyuan and Lao Si were waiting in the box of the restaurant. Seeing her push the door, Yi Mingyuan looked at them with sharp eyes, "why is it so slow?"

"Sleep." Yingzi doesn't care whether Shifu likes it or not. Anyway, she's lazy these days. It's useless to act. She won't get anything.

"How hard is it to kill a man? When have you been so incompetent in carrying out your tasks? How many days have you been here? "

"He's a good friend of a Lang, and it's hard to start with him."

"Sally, do you know what is the most taboo thing in our business?"

"Use emotion." She knew that she had known it for many years, but she could not help it. The consequence of her affection for Jane Fei was that people related to him would take it into consideration every time they carried out a task, so that they did not dare to start.

She shut herself in her room these two days, not so much sleeping as escaping.

"I wish you knew it. Now read these two words in my heart for a hundred times. Do you dare to forget them after seeing you?"

"I see." Yingzi looked down at the top of her shoes in a small voice. No matter how delicious the food on the table was, Huizi was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat half a mouthful.

"I've been fighting with the fourth man these two days. You should rest and wait for my good news."

"Master, I don't want you to do it. I can do it." Yingzi hastened to stop. Somehow, when Shifu said he was going to do it in person, her eyelids kept jumping. Shifu was so old, how could she compare with these young people? People, sometimes they have to be older.

"I said I'll do it. I grew up watching jingluan. If you hadn't made up your mind before, I would have come to kill Ji Weiyan long ago. This time I knew that when you came, I was outside. No, I came back to Shazhou island.""All right." It seems that it's useless for her to persuade. Yi Mingyuan has made up her mind for a long time. In fact, she has another idea. She thinks that there should be news about jingluan in these two days, so she is not in a hurry.

If jianfeili can save jingluan, there is no need to assassinate Ji Weiyan. In this way, jianfeili will not hurt her feelings with her.

After discussing with Yi Mingyuan, yingzi sat quietly at the table, eating the imported food was like chewing wax, tasteless and tasteless.

"Eat well." Yi Mingyuan looked at her out of her mind and couldn't help but scold her.

"Oh." Yingzi pursed her lips, and then she began to eat, but she still felt tasteless. After a few mouthfuls, she put down her chopsticks and said, "I'm full."

"You child, you only ate a little, but you didn't have enough. Are you so easy to cheat as your master? I know how much a meal you've had since you were a child. Give it to me and keep eating. "

"Master, you are forcing." The British protested.

"I don't force you to eat well? Look, there are only skin and bones left. Jingluan is just missing. With the child's intelligence, he will be fine. You should eat and drink. From now on, everything will be handed over to Shifu. "

"Master, you are very kind to me today." Yingzi squints and smiles. Today's Yi Mingyuan is very concerned about her. Looking at Yi Mingyuan, for a moment, she feels that Yi Mingyuan is not her master, but his father.

Of course, as a teacher and a father for life, Yi Mingyuan is worthy of the title of her father. Anyway, her father has already jumped out of the building and killed himself.

"Now I know I'm good to you?" Yi Mingyuan glanced at her. "You grew up under my nose. Shifu is just a female apprentice like you. In fact, you have always been treated as a daughter."

"Jingluan is your grandson."


"Master, how are you going to kill Ji Weiyan? His skill is not bad, even a little better than me. I can't underestimate him. "

"Well, I know. I'll find a way."

After dinner, the apprentices separated. Otherwise, the goal of four people traveling together is too big, and it is easy to be found that a large number of people from Shazhou have come to T city.

At that time, Ji Weiyan's people will smell the smell, and it will be even more difficult to kill Ji Weiyan.

Yingzi went back to the rental house. This time, I don't know if it was because he had been sleepless for three days before. He couldn't sleep any more. He looked at the ceiling blankly, as if there was something flashing in his mind, as if there was nothing.

Jane Fei hasn't called from that bastard, and jingluan hasn't heard from her.

The eyelids suddenly jumped up, making her particularly uneasy. The boy ran ordered a takeout, and she couldn't eat. She hadn't eaten much for a day, only drank some water.

She thought she would be crazy if she couldn't find jingluan.

But the child seemed to have disappeared from the world, leaving the people of Shazhou island to search all the possible places without finding any information.

"Yingzi, Shifu is on the move today. Early in the morning, my fourth brother sent a text message saying that they had set out."

"Have you found Ji Weiyan's whereabouts?" Yingzi continued to look at the ceiling and said weakly.

"Maybe it is. I didn't ask about it in detail, but if I don't know my whereabouts, how can I do it?"

Yingzi excites the lattice to sit up for a moment, "impossible, we keep everyday useless, they arrived at t city to find Ji Weiyan's whereabouts? I think there's a trick in it. Please contact the fourth brother and ask him and master to be careful. "

The boy frowned, "why didn't you say that earlier?" This meeting, he also felt strange.

However, I sent another message to my fourth brother, but it never came back.

"Sally, isn't it..." In the middle of the speech, the boy ran could not speak any more. If he continued, he would be unlucky.

"Ready to go, now." Yingzi suddenly jumped out of bed, no, there should be an accident.

So, in only three minutes, yingzi and tongziran jumped into the car, but they got out of the door. They had no destination at all. They didn't know where Yi Mingyuan and Lao Si were going to find Ji Weiyan.

"Send a message in the group, ask quickly." The eyelid jumps more and more fiercely, that kind of bad premonition is more and more intense.

However, when the boy ran opened the group, everything had happened.

"With master In The sea In the sea Sally... "

In the fourth brother's last rumor, the following is the constant call of the brothers on the island, but there is no response.

"Go to the beach, quick." Sally urges the boy ran. If Yi Mingyuan and his fourth brother have an accident, it's all because of her and jingluan. It's all her fault.

Her eyelids are jumping even harder. She only hopes that master and fourth brother will be OK, OK?