Chapter 8

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Call fee?

Bo Yanchen frowned, "go to check, what's the matter?"

"Yes! I'll check it right away. " Rui Wentao answered.

Bo Yanchen is looking at the mobile phone screen that goes down gradually, Mou bottom a deep. Li Xintong how to get out of prison Lin Xueer's face changed, nodded: "thank you, chairman."

Bo Yanchen waved: "you go out first."

Only father and son were left in the office.

"Hum!" Bo xiurui sent out a cold hum from his nose, "you are so cruel to your subordinates!"

Although he said so, he still agreed with his son.

A company can't do without strict management system. As the boss of a company, he should set an example and take the lead in abiding by the rules and regulations of the company. Only in this way can the subordinates be convinced.

It is precisely because of Bo Yanchen's style of doing things that he started his own company from scratch in a short period of five or six years.

"No rules, no circles!" Bo Yanchen took a puff of his cigarette and puffed out his eyes. He is still sitting in the chair, even don't bother to stand up, let alone Help Bo xiurui make a cup of tea.

It's hard to imagine that the two people in this mode are father son relationship.

Bo xiurui stood there, embarrassed, but not angry. After all, he came to the door on his own initiative.

"Ah Chen, what's the recent benefit of the company?" Bo xiurui sat down on the chair in front of him with his anger in his heart. "The open space in the east of the city is going to be auctioned recently. I believe you know that. It is said that several big companies want to win, but the price is too high and they are all waiting. Bo is determined to win this time. If you are interested, Dad can share a piece of the cake with you. "

These years, father and son usually break up in discord when they meet, especially the sound "a Chen", which has not been called out from his mouth for many years.

Bo xiurui is a hot temper, people around him are respectful, children and grandchildren are too late to please him. Only this little son didn't even look at him.

Maybe people are cheap. The more Bo Yanchen's attitude is, the more special Bo xiurui feels. In addition to Bo Yanchen's mother more or less some guilt, so the youngest son is tolerated to the extreme.

This is not, there is no way to use, even with grace to win over the son.

But Bo Yanchen was obviously indifferent to his father's compromise, and sneered: "if you simply ask me about the efficiency of our company, I can tell you that it's very good, and one day we can beat Bo. As for working with you, I'm not interested. "

Bo xiurui gas quickly ascended the sky, "you this don't know good or evil thing, I kind-hearted want to let you make a lot of money, you don't appreciate it.". Also Also... " And openly challenged him.

"Do you know how many companies want to cooperate with Bo, but I didn't agree. You dare to refuse me!"

"Oh? Is that right? " Bo Yanchen hooked a hook lip Cape, the look of disdain in the eye is more thick, "that you seek them to cooperate Bai, don't count me.". Because I'm determined to get the land in the east of the city! "

Bo xiurui opens his mouth. The boy's words are very clear. It's obvious that he wants to compete with him. I have to cooperate with him!

He widened his eyes. After a long time, he asked: "do you have so many idle funds in your company?"

"Trade secret, no comment!"

“……” Bo xiurui was taken back by his words, not to mention how embarrassed it was.

Bo Yanchen good to the whole flaw of looking at him, "you look for me is for this matter?"

Bo xiurui leaned on the back of his chair and pointed to the desktop. "How? I'm your father. Do I have to have something to see you? "

Bo Yanchen took a look at him with a relaxed look. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette box on the table and handed it to his father. I know you have something to say

Bo xiurui took the cigarette, but didn't hurry to light it, "ah Chen, today we don't talk about work, talk about your life, how about it?"

Bo Yanchen black Mou Mi Mi, "what?"

"You are 30 years old, old and old. How can you do without a woman? It's too hard for you to work so hard with your children. Besides, Yitong also needs a mother to take care of her. " Bo xiurui's words have a long center of gravity and are always considered for his son and grandson.

But Bo Yanchen is not moved, because he knows that his father's next words are the key.

Sure enough, Bo xiurui saw that he didn't retort, so he continued: "after you returned home, I asked people to help you find a lot of famous ladies, some of whom I was very satisfied with. If you're interested in meeting, I'll arrange it. "

Bo Yanchen's eyes suddenly become cool, he said impatiently: "I'm not interested. If you look satisfied, you can leave it to Bo Jingxuan. "

Bo xiurui's face became stiff. He expected Bo Yanchen would refuse the woman he chose for him, but he didn't expect that he would say so absolutely, "Jingxuan has a fiancee. I don't need to introduce her. I care more about your life than Jingxuan! "Bo Yanchen looked at him coldly, "you don't have to worry about my life. I want to have a good mother more than you , the fastest update of the webnovel!