Chapter 15

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong quickly dropped her eyes to avoid the men's hot sight, gently shook her head: "no, I found these problems for the time being. Can I take the contract home and study it carefully before deciding whether to sign it or not

It's just a delaying strategy to go back to research. The terms in this contract are too ambiguous. The more she looks at it, the more insecure she feels. She always feels like a sheep in the tiger's mouth.

How could Bo Yanchen not see her mind?

"You don't have to go back and study. I made the contract. As for the five questions you just raised, it would be more reasonable for me to explain them. "

Li Xintong is going to listen to how he explained, nodded: "OK, you say it."

"First, the so-called special assistant means that you don't belong to any department in the company, but you are directly under my command. Second, take care of my son and me all year round. For example, the matching of clothes, the arrangement of meals and the transportation of my son. As for laundry and cooking, you don't need to do these chores. I have a housekeeper at home. But I don't mind if you want to. Third, other tasks assigned by me refer to sudden and temporary tasks. For example, if I suddenly decide to go on a business trip, meet clients or have dinner, you should accompany me at any time. Fourth, on call refers to 24 hours a day, including evening, of course. So, you have to live in my house. Fifth, I will never break my promise to avenge you. We need to work out a detailed revenge plan, and we'll discuss it when we have time. "

After Bo Yanchen finishes this big paragraph of words in one breath, Li Xintong is completely muddled.

If she signs this contract, she will be his assistant, servant, companion, tutor I almost didn't want to be his bed companion!

Well wait! It seems that I have to live with him 24 hours a day. It's not impossible to be his bed companion.

No way! This is ridiculous!

Li Xintong tried her best to control her dissatisfaction and said sincerely: "Mr. Bo, I have no problem with the other items. Can we change the fourth one? I'm a single woman. It doesn't seem good to live in your house. Besides, your wife won't agree with me, will she? "

Bo Yanchen looked at her deeply, "I have no wife."

“……” Li Xintong was stunned. After a while, he said, "even if you don't have a wife, we live under the same roof. When others see it, they will gossip."

Bo Yanchen suddenly low smile a, "that you mean, if not only male and female, can live together?"

Li Xintong Is this man on purpose? Did he understand her?

"We get married." Bo Yanchen suddenly opened his mouth.

Li Xintong stood up from his chair, "you What did you say? " She concluded that there was something wrong with her hearing.

Bo Yanchen also stood up and pulled her across the table to himself. He leaned over her ear and whispered, "marry me and be my wife."

Boom! Li Xintong felt his head burst in an instant.

The man's hot breath sprayed on her ears, which made her shiver. Li Xintong's heartbeat missed half a beat, and their faces were almost close to each other. As soon as she lifted her eyes, she could clearly see his long eyelashes and smell the light tobacco smell from him.

She realized that they were very ambiguous. She pushed him away and said solemnly, "Mr. Bo, please don't make such a joke, OK?"

"You think I'm kidding you?" Bo Yanchen's facial expression is very serious, the slightest joke meaning all have no, "do you think I am that kind of person that takes marriage as a child's play?"

Li Xintong was stunned when he asked, "I I don't know if you're that kind of person. Anyway, I won't marry you. "

Bo Yanchen looked at the woman at a loss, picked pick eyebrow: "reason."

"You and I have only just known each other for a day. I don't know you at all. You are Bo Jingxuan's uncle, and I used to be his fiancee. If I married you, wouldn't I be his Aunt After saying the word "aunt", Li Xintong felt uncomfortable everywhere, "no, no! This is a mess

"It's not chaotic at all!" Bo Yanchen looked at her seriously, "these two reasons you said are not tenable at all. First, we don't necessarily know each other just because we have known each other for a long time. You have been with Bo Jingxuan for three years. Do you know him well? "

Li Xintong

"Second, I have never acknowledged the Bo family. Even more did not admit to have Bo Jingxuan this nephew. However, if you have to connect me with him, then after we get married, you will be his rightful elder. He has to call you auntie respectfully. If he dares to be disrespectful to you, he is disrespectful. If the circumstances are serious, they will be dealt with by the family law in the Bo family. "

Li Xintong She found herself unable to refute him.

To tell the truth, Bo Yanchen's conditions are perfect and impeccable. As for his five-year-old son, it's not a fault. She likes children herself.

What reason does she have to refuse such an excellent man?My God? What on earth is she thinking? How can she think of such an enigmatic man as Bo Yanchen!

Li Xintong in the heart severely despised himself, righteous words of the mouth: "we do not have any emotional foundation, barely together is not happy!"

Bo Yanchen suddenly froze, for a long time, he burst out laughing, "happiness? ha-ha! Miss Li Xintong, you think too much. You and I are a contractual marriage. We don't need emotional foundation. You need money, I need a wife, we get what we need, that's all. On the surface, you are my wife. In fact, your job is no different from my assistant. Do you understand what I say? "

Li Xintong dull aftertaste of his words, she wants to say, how oneself listen to more muddle headed?

Need a wife? How many women want to marry such an excellent man as Bo Yanchen? How can they spend money on a marriage?

To say the least, since it costs so much, why not choose a woman with better conditions?

As a woman who has just been released from prison, she not only has a bad reputation, but also has an unhappy relationship.

In the upper class of Xicheng, who doesn't know her relationship with Bo Jingxuan?

If people know that he married his nephew's fiancee, how much uproar will it cause? Didn't Bo Yanchen think about it?

"Why me?" Li Xintong asked the biggest question in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!