Chapter 34

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong flustered hands against the chest, limit his further capture, but he was holding hands, pull high to the top of the head.

Kisses, falling all over the place. Li Xintong's body is getting hotter and hotter, and his mind is gradually blurred. He only feels that his big hands and lips are everywhere, and there are clusters of flames everywhere.

Li Xintong opened her eyes and looked into his deep and clear eyes. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She felt that her eyes were full of deep feelings.

The softest place in her heart was touched. She couldn't help but put her arms around his neck and raised her body to send her bright red lips.

Bo Yanchen suddenly a stiff, the guest kisses her at the same time, stand up to enter, her low call together melt in each other's lips and tongues.

Women as always tight let Bo Yanchen almost collapse, Li Xintong is not much better. He is too big, although it's not the first time, but she still can't bear it.

Li Xintong frowned tightly, gritted his teeth, forbearance appearance let Bo Yanchen distressed, "don't be afraid, relax, I will be very gentle."

Bo Yanchen gently picked up her small face, bowed his head and deeply kissed her, again and again. Let her fear of small heart gradually calm down, quietly enjoying his kiss.

His body moves gently, Li Xintong some can't bear to twist the waist, such a small action how can escape the man's eyes, "want?"

"I didn't!" Li Xintong bit her lip and refused to admit it.

Bo Yanchen picked to pick eyebrow, don't open to pierce her, lightly smile a, suddenly sink dint waist, once bump to her deepest part.

The deep gasp mingled with hoarse murmur, a beautiful room.

When a couple of bisexuals, you Nong and I Nong, the old house of Bo family is another scene.

"Beast! Get down on your knees Bo xiurui's crutches heavily hit the ground.

Bo Jingxuan is unwilling to bend his knee slowly, plops down to the ground, and his injury is pulled, hissing and taking a breath.

Bo Jingxuan's mother, Wu Meizi, stood aside, looking at her son with tears in her eyes, but she did not dare to make a sound.

Bo xiurui said to the housekeeper standing on one side: "Lao Ji, go and bring the family law. I'll teach this smelly boy a good lesson!"

He's really pissed off tonight.

Bo xiurui likes to get up early and go to bed early. At more than ten o'clock in the evening, he was awakened by the telephone ring. It's from the police. Let him go. Bo Jingxuan is said to be detained there. He has to sign his name before he can be released on bail.

When I asked, I found out that Bo Jingxuan and Li's little daughter had been photographed by reporters for cheating on each other. Not to mention that, he injured several reporters and smashed several cameras by the way.

Reporters jointly wanted to sue Bo Jingxuan, claiming to put him in prison.

Bo xiurui used all the social relations, and lost money and gifts, which finally put things down.

The reporter agreed not to sue, but said the news would go on as usual.

Originally, Bo xiurui also wanted to work hard to minimize the impact of the scandal. It's best not to send news. After all, if such a scandal is spread, it is possible for the stock price of Bo's group to fall by the limit tomorrow.

But other people's reporters are reluctant, saying: the public has the right to know the truth! The media has a duty to reveal the truth.

What Bo xiurui said couldn't be refuted.

The police also advised: you can't advance an inch in life, you should stop when it's good. The reporter's agreement not to prosecute is the end of his duty. Don't really make a big fuss at that time, it's going to be trouble.

Bo xiurui has no choice but to give up, sign the name, take back Bo Jingxuan, gray out of the police station.

Bo xiurui never lost face in his life. Along the way, he said nothing and took all his anger home.

When Wu Meizi heard that the old man wanted the family law to deal with Bo Jingxuan, she finally jumped out and knelt down in front of Bo xiurui: "Dad! Jingxuan is injured. Can you stop punishing him? Will you listen to his explanation first? He may have a problem

Wu Meizi's husband died early. Bo Jingxuan is her only son and his only hope. Seeing that her son came back full of injuries, she was dying of heartache. No matter what mistakes Bo Jingxuan has made, she just can't see her son get a little hurt.

Bo xiurui snorted coldly: "Oh! ineffable difficulties? What's his problem? It's all because you are too used to him in your daily life. You get used to him. How many mistakes has he made over the years? Run into the elder brother and let her own woman take the blame. Today I can't say it! Let him say for himself, what did he do today? "

Wu Meizi's face is very white, and she doesn't know what disaster her son has caused. The angry old man even moves out about Bo Jingxuan's drunk driving to kill her elder brother.

"Jingxuan, what have you done? Make grandpa so angry? "Ah?" Wu Meizi asked.

Bo Jingxuan looked at his mother and lowered his head in shame. He couldn't say anything about it.

"You see, even he himself is embarrassed to say it." Bo xiurui mocks, "Xintong takes the blame for you and suffers in prison. It's better for you to get away with the law and get other people's sisters into bed. What about your conscience? Was it eaten by a dog? Are you worthy of Xintong? "Wu Meizi looks at Bo Jingxuan in shock.

For the thing that she convinced Li Xintong to take the blame at the beginning, she felt that the Bo family had already given the Li family 20 million yuan as compensation, which should have been paid back, and there was no more guilt.

Bo Jingxuan's mind is wild. She knows it and doesn't interfere. Men, it's normal to play outside.

But if the target is Li Xiaoxiao, Wu Meizi does not agree. At the end of the day, all the women are dead. Her son is so excellent, as for hanging in the little tree of their Li family?

"Dad! I don't believe Jingxuan will be so confused. It must be the little girl of Li family who seduced Jingxuan in our family first. Isn't Xintong closed all year? Jingxuan must have been lonely for a while. He would make a big mistake if he couldn't stand the temptation. Please look into the matter

Bo xiurui was stunned by Wu Meizi's sophistry. Think about it, Li Xintong is much better than Li Xiaoxiao in appearance and knowledge. It is reasonable to say that Bo Jingxuan is not so greedy.

If it's true as Wu Meizi said, Bo Jingxuan can't be blamed for all this.

Bo xiurui stares at the grandson kneeling on the ground: "Jingxuan, is that so?"

Bo Jingxuan just couldn't think of any sophistry. Fortunately, his mother relieved herself and nodded: "yes, yes! Grandfather, I love Xintong and I want to marry Xintong. This year, she is not around me, I think about her every day. Maybe I miss her too much. Once when I was drunk, I took Xiaoxiao as Xintong. As a result... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!