Chapter 36

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo xiurui looks at Bo Jingxuan kneeling on the ground, repenting and swearing. His heart is deeply touched.

Wu Meizi saw that the old man still did not make a statement, and timely added: "Dad, it seems that Jingxuan is sincere to Xintong. You can see that he has the heart to repent. Forgive him this time. Men, who didn't make mistakes when they were young! I believe that after this incident, Jingxuan will not commit it again. "

Bo xiurui sighs in his heart. Wu Meizi has a right saying. When a man is young, who doesn't make mistakes. It's the same with him. When people reach middle age, they still make mistakes? Otherwise, there would not be Bo Yanchen, an old man.

At that time, his first wife was magnanimous, didn't cry or make noise, and even agreed to give way. His wife's attitude made him feel in debt. The idea that originally planned to take Bo Yanchen's mother and son back also temporarily gave up.

Bo Yanchen's mother is a fierce temperament. After being hurt again and again by Bo xiurui, she makes up her mind to completely break up with this man and raise her child alone. Within a few years, he was seriously ill and died of depression.

At that time, he and Bo Yanchen explained many times. But Bo Yanchen didn't want to listen at all. He kept saying that it was the Bo family that forced his mother to death.

Once the seeds of hatred are planted, they will take root and grow crazily. Bo xiurui knew that Bo Yanchen hated him and even more Bo family.

If so, then his motivation to be with Li Xintong is

"It's no use for me to forgive you. After all, it's you who are sorry for Xintong first. No one knows what she means now. If Xintong does give up on you, I can't force her to marry you, can I? Now the most urgent task is to seek Xintong's understanding, otherwise everything is free. " Bo xiurui can only talk about this.

Tonight, so much happened that he felt his brain was going to explode. He had to think about what to do. He is his grandson on the one hand and his son on the other. If he doesn't handle it well, he will cause family conflicts.

Bo Jingxuan still didn't give up: "grandfather, uncle here..."

Bo xiurui held his forehead and said in a tired voice: "I'll talk to your uncle. Just mind your own business. I'm tired. Step back. "

Bo Jingxuan wants to say something, but Wu Meizi pulls him and shakes his head gently.

"That Dad, you have a rest early. Let's go first. " Wu Meizi said and made a wink at Bo Jingxuan.

"Good night, grandfather!" Bo Jingxuan follows Wu Meizi and leaves quickly.

Bo xiurui sat alone in the living room, closing his eyes and meditating. Suddenly a pair of warm hands caressed his temple and rubbed it vigorously.

"Old man, it's late at night. Come in and have a rest."

Bo xiurui looks back and sees his wife an Huiying standing there in her pajamas with a smile.

"Why did you get up? Is it disturbing you? "

An Huiying is Bo xiurui's original match.

Virtuous and virtuous, keep aloof from the world. Bo xiurui has a romantic nature. She always turns a blind eye. Even after Bo Yanchen was born, she didn't complain.

Bo xiurui feels guilty. Although he has no feelings for her for a long time, the position of Mrs. Zhengfang has never changed.

An Huiying continued to massage her husband's neck: "I haven't slept yet. I heard what you said to the children just now. "

An Huiying is a woman with high Eq. she clearly understands Bo xiurui's personality and knows how to advance and retreat. Otherwise, how can we defeat one rival after another without any sound.

Bo xiurui sighed helplessly: "ah, this one does not let me worry!"

An Huiying gave a faint smile: "don't be too pessimistic, old man. Children and grandchildren are blessed. The big things are all family. We sit down and discuss with Heqi. There's nothing that doesn't make sense. Chen there you look for him to chat, he has been abroad, don't know Jingxuan and Xintong engagement is normal. If he is sincere to Xintong, you might as well help him. Anyway, Jingxuan is still young, and she is not in a hurry to get married. If it's not convenient for you to talk about this, I'll talk to Jingxuan. "

An Huiying's words, every sentence toward Bo Yanchen, everywhere made sacrifices and concessions, listening to people moved to the extreme.

What do you want to have a good wife!

Bo xiurui frowned: "you can't say that. Jingxuan and Xintong have an engagement. How can they say that they will break up? Even if you agree, I can't agree! Ah Chen's news is so well-informed, how can you not know about the engagement? Otherwise how can so coincidentally, Xin Tong just came out of prison and met with him, this is not clear? "

An Huiying chuckled to herself, but her face suddenly realized: "old man, it seems reasonable for you to say so. But I always feel that the child of a Chen doesn't seem to be such a scheming person. "

Bo xiurui snorted coldly: "Oh! He didn't know what to do? His brain is faster than anyone else, and he has more tricks than anyone else. You! Just too kind. I eat fast and chant Buddhism all day, and I don't care about the world. Well, well, I have a sense of propriety in my mind, and I know what to do. Tomorrow I'm going to settle with this son of a bitch! If he really uses Xintong to attack Jingxuan, I will not spare him! ""Old man, this is not good..." An Huiying's insincere advice.

Bo xiurui impatiently interrupted her: "don't intercede for him. It's no use saying what I decide! I'll go back to my room, and you'll have a rest earlier! "

Bo xiurui then stood up and left.

An Huiying looks at her husband's back as he leaves, and a sinister sneer floats to her lips.


in the early morning, Li Xintong was awakened by a wet kiss.

In the chaos, the wet kiss slipped from her face to her lips, and the warm tongue slipped into her mouth. After stirring in it, it withdrew, came to her neck, sucked and nibbled, and then slowly came down to the top of her snow peak, holding the red plum, teasing

"Well..." Li Xintong can't help it any longer. She moans shyly, but her eyelids are still heavy. She doesn't want to open her eyes at all.

Gradually, she was kissing into a Wang Chunshui.

Suddenly, her legs were separated, and the next second, her body was filled with huge fire.

"Ah Li Xintong opened his eyes reflexively. What came into his eyes were Bo Yanchen's evil face and strong chest.

"Good morning, wife!" Bo Yanchen speeds up the movement under the body and winks at her with ruffian's eyes. It's a greeting.

Li Xintong was heavily hit by him several times, each time reaching her deepest. She clenched her teeth to keep from screaming, "you Didn't you do it last night? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!