Chapter 39

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong is wondering who Bo Yanchen's old man is. He hears Rui Wentao say: "last night, Bo went to the police station to protect Bo Jingxuan. After coordination, the reporter agreed not to prosecute, but still insisted on making the truth known to the public. "

Bo Yanchen scornful sneer: "how? Does the old man still want to stop reporters with money? Ridiculous

Sure enough, in the old man's eyes, as long as money can solve all problems.

Rui Wentao seemed not surprised by Bo Yanchen's attitude. He continued: "Bo Shao, the photos have been given to the reporters, and the news has been published early."

Bo Yanchen gave a hum and expressed his satisfaction with Rui Wentao's efficiency. "Reporters should remember to do a good job and shut up for me!"

Rui Wentao nodded: "Bo Shao, please don't worry. It's done. I promise I won't leak a word."

After listening to the conversation between the master and servant, Li Xintong was at a loss.

But there is one thing she did understand, that is the old man in Bo Yanchen's mouth is actually Bo xiurui. There is no one to call his father old man.

Bo Yanchen looked back and saw his little wife's silly appearance. He thought it was funny: "what's the expression?"

Li Xintong blinked innocent big eyes: "what are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all? What photo is so important? "

Bo Yanchen said with a smile, "it's a small gift I gave you."

"Gifts?" Li Xintong mosquito coil eyes, "I did not receive ah?"

"Read the headlines on the Internet today." Bo Yanchen asked.

The headlines are Bo Jingxuan and Li Xiaoxiao

Li Xintong responded fiercely, "those large-scale photos of Li Xiaoxiao are not..."

Bo Yanchen's evil spirit smiles and does not admit or deny it.

Li Xintong covers his mouth and stares at him. This is the gift he said!

"Do you like this gift?" Bo Yanchen touched her little head.

Li Xintong's clear eyes looked at him.

In the past, she did not agree to retaliate in such a way. But these two people are too hateful. They have committed all kinds of crimes against her, which has refreshed her three views again and again.

She's not a virgin whore. She won't be kind to those who want to kill her many times.

Bo Yanchen was so angry for her that he was really happy: "husband Thank you

Bo Yanchen picks eyebrows: "thank me for what?"

"Thank you for your revenge."

Bo Yanchen spoiled her little nose: "silly girl, what is there to thank? They bully my wife so much that it's cheap for them to teach me this lesson. If they dare to touch you again next time, I'm sure they'll forgive you! "

Li Xintong moved by the sour nose, if not considering that there are people in front, she would like to rush to Bo Yanchen's arms and cry. Since her mother's death, no one has spoiled her so much.

Li Xintong hugged the man's neck and printed a kiss on his cheek, which was regarded as a thank-you.

Bo Yanchen Leng for a moment, suddenly lowered his head and forced to kiss her lips. Li Xintong's body trembled slightly, and the unhappiness between them this morning soon melted into the kiss.

The sun outside the car is scorching, and the temperature inside the car is rising.

Rui Wentao caught a glimpse of the scene on the back seat of the car from the mirror, hooked his lips and consciously moved his eyes out of the window.

Just as the two people kiss each other, Bo Yanchen's mobile phone rings untimely. He frowned, unwilling to answer.

"Well Honey, the phone... " Li Xintong finally dodges his lips, reaches out to touch the mobile phone in his pocket, but Bo Yanchen clasps his little hand and pulls it to his waist.

"Leave it alone." Then she stopped her lips.

In this way, Li Xintong becomes a posture of embracing the man's waist. This posture is just convenient for the man to kiss deeper. His mouth is full of his flavor.

Li Xintong feels suffocated by his kiss.

The phone rang for a long time and finally calmed down. Just as Bo Yanchen's big hand began to caress the woman's softness irregularly, the sound of the damned mobile phone rang again.

Bo Yanchen frowned and heard Rui Wentao say: "sorry, it's my phone."

Rui Wentao quickly picked up the phone and was so scared that his voice was shaking: "thin Mr. bo You Hello

When Li Xintong heard Bo Yanchen's name, he pushed Bo Yanchen away and said in a low voice: "you Your dad's on the phone

Rui Wentao has tacit understanding very much to make a wink toward Bo Yanchen from the mirror, is to ask for instruction.

Bo Yanchen waved her hand and said she didn't want to answer the phone.

"Chairman? He He's in a meeting... " Rui Wentao makes up excuses.

"Ah? Can you put him on the phone? Just a moment... " Rui Wentao turns around and looks at Bo Yanchen in his eyes.

Bo Yanchen's temple suddenly jumped twice. Generally speaking, if he is busy with his work, Bo xiurui won't pester him any more. Is there anything urgent to let him listen to the phone this time?Bo Yanchen reached for the phone and said, "what can I do for you? I'm in a meeting. Make a long story short

Bo xiurui repressed his anger, "come to the old house at once!"

Bo Yanchen tone is not so good: "I said very busy. No time Even if he is not busy, he will not step into the thin family.

"I'll give you half an hour. If you don't come, I'll go straight to the company and look for you! " Bo xiurui said.

Bo Yanchen has no good way: "the front desk and the security department have strengthened the training, you can't come."

"Good!" Bo xiurui did not imagine the anger, but chuckled: "if you don't see me, I'll go directly to Xintong. Unlike you, she will always give me this face."

Bo Yanchen is anxious, gnash teeth way: "I warn you, you don't harass her!"

Bo xiurui laughed low: "smelly boy! I also warn you that if you don't come in half an hour, I'll go straight to her. "

"Old man! How dare you... " Bo Yanchen also wants to say what, the telephone that end has already spread the sound of Du Du.

"Damn it! Treacherous old man! " Bo Yanchen cursed and smashed his mobile phone on the mat.

Li Xintong was startled, she had never seen Bo Yanchen make such a big fire, bent down to pick up the mobile phone, "how to generate so atmosphere? What did your father tell you? "

Bo Yanchen realized that he was just talented, and pretended to be relaxed: "he didn't say anything. He asked me to meet. When you get to the company, you can find something for yourself. I'll go out. "

Of course, Li Xintong didn't believe it. If she just met, she didn't have to have such a big fire. But she didn't dare to ask more about this morning's unpleasantness.

"Don't you want me to go with you?" Li Xintong asks tentatively. , the fastest update of the webnovel!