Chapter 41

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen despises Bo xiurui a little more in the bottom of his heart.

"Uncle Ji, thank you for reminding me."

Ji Shu nodded and waved to Bo Yanchen.

The window goes up slowly and the car starts again. Seeing from the door of Bo's old house closer and closer, Bo Yanchen's look is more and more dignified.

At that time, for the sake of his mother, he vowed never to set foot in the family. Today, he came here for his wife.

Mother and wife are the most important women in his life, he has lost one, in order to protect the other, he had to break his oath.

In the living room, Bo xiurui has been waiting there for a long time. When he sees Bo Yanchen coming in, he takes his pocket watch and looks at it: "I didn't expect that you are quite punctual, just half an hour."

Bo Yanchen hook lip sneer: "I promised will come."

Bo xiurui played with his pocket watch and looked at him playfully: "didn't he swear never to set foot in Bo's family?"

Use Li Xintong to threaten Bo Yanchen, although this way is not an open and aboveboard move, but as long as it can be used to contain Bo Yanchen, why not?

It seems that what Bo Jingxuan said is true. Bo Yanchen really cares about Li Xintong, and breaks her own oath for her.

Isn't this guy usually tough? Hum! I didn't expect to bow to him one day.

Bo xiurui's face is wearing a disdainful smile, just like a winner's posture.

Bo Yanchen didn't seem to have much interest in his father's provocation. He continued to say without expression: "less nonsense. What can I do for you

He was very tall, standing there with his hands in his pockets. His strong air made Bo xiurui feel like the one being interrogated.

"Sit down. I'm not used to talking to other people's nostrils. " Bo xiurui glanced at the opposite sofa and motioned him to sit down.

Bo Yanchen estimates that today's conversation will not end in a few words. Why do you have to stand all the time and tire yourself out. So he chose the farthest seat from Bo xiurui and sat down.

"Last night, you hit Jingxuan because of Xintong?" Bo xiurui did not detour, directly cut into the subject.

"Not bad." Bo Yanchen almost without thinking of answer, face no apology and embarrassment.

This attitude makes Bo xiurui angry. "You hit Jingxuan last night, didn't you? Uncle and nephew had a big fight at such an important banquet. There were so many guests and even media reporters on the scene. Didn't you think that it would have a serious impact on the Bo family? "

Bo Yanchen hears speech, originally the Mou light of cold Li is more cold a few minutes. It seems that in Bo xiurui's eyes, he always put the reputation of the Bo family first, instead of exploring the truth first.

"In my opinion, there is no question of influence or not. If it wasn't for Xintong, I would have strangled this beast! " Had it not been for the fear that Li Xintong would have been involved, he would have killed Bo Jingxuan.

Bo xiurui didn't expect that he not only didn't admit his mistake, but also said this kind of heartless words. He angrily picked up the crutch in his hand and said to him, "bastard! Jingxuan is your nephew, you You want to kill him for a woman! Are you still not human? "

Bo Yanchen easily evades the attack, holding the end of the stick and gently pushing it. Bo xiurui leans back and almost falls on the sofa.

"Son of a bitch, it's against you! How dare you do it with me! I'm your father! You unfilial son Bo xiurui picked up the ashtray and smashed it.

Bo Yanchen deflected his head and escaped the attack. The ashtray slammed on the ground and broke to pieces.

"Don't worry, old man! Do you think that when I was a child, I was Bo Yanchen, who was free to fight and scold and didn't even have the strength to fight back? Just now I was just defending. If I really do it, I'm afraid you can't bear it. " Bo Yanchen looked at Bo xiurui who was blowing beard and staring at him. His expression was calm and his tone was calm. "You don't have to remind us of our previous relationship all the time, but I tell you, it's a waste of effort. I will never admit you, everyone in the Bo family, or even the Bo family. If my mother hadn't made me swear before I died that I couldn't change my surname, I would be a pig and a dog, better than a Bo! "

Bo xiurui didn't expect that Bo Yanchen would have such deep resentment towards him.

Originally, he thought that Bo Yanchen was just angry for his mother's sake. If the child was angry enough, he would come back to him. However, more than ten years later, this kind of resentment has not abated at all. On the contrary, it has become more and more intense.

This is what Bo xiurui didn't expect. He stares at Bo Yanchen and discovers for the first time that he doesn't seem to know his son at all.

"You forced me to step into Bo's house today. If it wasn't for Xintong, I wouldn't break this example. " Bo Yanchen continued, "I was not wrong about what happened last night. It's your great grandson Bo Jingxuan's fault. You jump to a conclusion without knowing the whole story, blame me for beating him? Hum! If I don't, can I watch Xintong raped by him? "

Bo xiurui was stunned and looked at him incredulously: "what did you say? Rape? How is that possible? Isn't Xintong his fiancee? ""Fiancee?" Bo Yanchen low smile, that laughter with desolation, "Xintong is not only his fiancee, or life-saving benefactor!"

Bo xiurui surprised to see Bo Yanchen one eye, this matter son unexpectedly he also knows.

"Yes! Xintong for Jingxuan against the crime! Then he has no reason to treat Xintong like this! " Bo xiurui said.

"Do you need a reason to do something bad?" Bo Yanchen disdains to open his mouth, "Xintong is suffering in the prison, but the beast is living a happy life outside, and makes his sister-in-law into bed. It's Bo Jingxuan who's the kind of person who's going to take revenge. "

Bo xiurui's face was stiff. "Er Jingxuan told me about this last night. It's not all his fault. The Leprechaun of the Li family seduced him first, and later threatened to sue him. Jingxuan is hard to ride! Last night, he wanted to apologize and get back together with Xintong, but Xintong refused to listen to his explanation. It's inevitable that there will be physical contact in the tug of war. Are you too nervous about Xintong, so What's wrong? "

Bo Yanchen listened to these words as if he had eaten flies. Sure enough, people are shameless and invincible in the world. No one can confuse black and white like this. But Bo xiurui could believe it, and he was even more confused.

"Wrong? Do you think I'm blind? " Bo Yanchen's sharp eyes shot in the past, "if even strong Jian and general physical contact are not clear, it is not only blind, or mentally retarded!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!