Chapter 53

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong

Get pregnant! Is that a bit of a joke?

Coco's jaw almost fell down in surprise: "ah Chen, do you want to add a playmate for Yi Tong so soon?"

Bo Yanchen nodded solemnly: "Yi Tong is five years old. I can take care of my younger brother and sister. "

"Really? sister-in-law. Well Coco turned to Li Xintong, as if to confirm the authenticity of Bo Yanchen said.

Li Xintong was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer. She wanted to say that the contract didn't deal with the birth of a child at all, OK?

"Ah Chen said yes, it must be. Why do you ask your sister-in-law?" Jing Haoran said, "ah Chen is almost thirty. It's time to have a second child."

Bo Yanchen took Li Xintong's little hand, "I'm mainly for Tong Tong's consideration. Women give birth early and recover quickly."

Li Xintong

She turned her head and looked at Bo Yanchen. She squeezed her eyes at her, and then used her fingers to Sao his palm, indicating that he should not act too much.

But Bo Yanchen holds her little fingers, squints her eyes, and smiles.

The small interaction between the two people becomes an expression of affection in the eyes of others.

Coco could not make complaints about it. He put his eyes to his eyes and said, "I can't stand it! Ah Chen, sister-in-law, you two have enough. To show love for a while, after dinner back to the room slowly love. Love is nobody's business all night. Can you converge now? Do you want us bachelors to live? "

Bo Yanchen coldly glanced at him: "if you want to survive, it's not easy to find a daughter-in-law."

“……” Coco gave him a blank look: "then I'd rather die."

Everyone knows coco is a bigamist. There has been a lot of speculation about his sexuality.

In fact, only Bo Yanchen and his brothers knew that coco had been hurt by love, and then his temperament changed greatly. He never talked about love with any woman again.

"Well, don't be immortal. Can you say something lucky on a happy day?" Jing Haoran said, "let's respect the new couple first."

"Good! Good Coco helps Bo Yanchen pour a full glass of whisky. When he wants to help Li Xintong pour, a big hand grabs the glass.

"Tongtong uses juice instead of wine." Bo Yanchen said.

"There is no such thing Coco quit. "To celebrate the wedding, the bride has to drink. It's OK to drink less. It's half a cup

"That is to say, I want it!" Jing Haoran said, "it won't affect pregnancy preparation. Besides, ah Chen, your tadpoles are of such good quality that you don't have to worry about them. "

Li Xintong:! " Is it really good to be so direct?

"That's to say, does shadow affect fertility? We should ask Hua Qing about it. He's a doctor, and he has the most say. I'm going to Hua Qing, why did you drink by yourself? Come and get drunk quickly Coco winked at Qu Huaqing, who had been silent.

Qu Huaqing from the moment he saw Li Xintong in the hall, the whole person can't be described as too lost.

He felt that he really shouldn't have come here, which blocked his heart. Especially looking at the intimate interaction between his beloved woman and his good brother, his heart seems to be cut by a knife, even breathing pain.

It's not going to stay, it's just sitting and drinking.

Qu Huaqing stood up with his wine cup. Just as he wanted to speak, he heard Bo Yanchen say, "what are you doing? My wife really can't drink

But Li Xintong took the glass from his hand, "then I'll have a small half. No matter how much, it really won't work. "

Looking at Bo Yanchen's brothers' interest is so high, she is not good to refute other people's face. Moreover, if she doesn't drink any more, I'm afraid that what she says is not as obscure as tadpole.

"Good! It's still my sister-in-law Coco satisfied with the thumb, conveniently poured half a glass of wine for her.

Bo Yanchen black face, thinking for a while how to get these two bad friends drunk.

Jing Haoran took his glass and said, "the first one is for our three brothers to wish my elder brother and sister-in-law a happy and happy marriage."

After the people clinked their glasses together, they killed the wine in the glass.

Li Xintong stifled his neck and swallowed half a glass of wine.

"Wow! My sister-in-law is a good drinker Coco took the lead in clapping, at the same time, took the opportunity to pour half a glass of wine into Li Xintong's glass, "this second cup, I wish my elder brother and sister-in-law have a good son! Two in three years! "

Li Xintong Three years hold two, when he sow?

Bo Yanchen thoroughly black face: "you a few don't be too much, say good Tong Tong only drink a cup of!"

"Hey, my sister-in-law didn't speak. What's your hurry?" Coco coaxed: "sister-in-law, give my younger brother a face, dry this cup of wine!"

After that glass of wine just now, Li Xintong has reached the limit. She can't drink this glass of wine any more, otherwise it will be ugly for her to get drunk in front of so many people.

"I really can't drink any more. Will you let me go?" Li Xintong began to beg for mercy."Leave her alone. I'll drink her wine." Bo Yanchen said, holding down Li Xintong's glass.

"What do you drink? Ah Chen, what do you mean? " Coco looked at him with disdain, "who doesn't know your magnanimity? Do you mean to deceive drinkers into saying that on purpose? "

"Ah Chen, you can have mercy on jade. But there is a demand. " Jing Haoran said.

"Say it Bo Yanchen said only one word.

Jing Haoran unkindly toward Bo Yanchen smile, "all the time, you and we have never drunk, really curious about how much you drink in the end. Today, my brothers are all here. Show your cards and get drunk

Li Xintong Is this the rhythm to intoxicate Bo Yanchen?

Coco immediately applauded and echoed: "good idea, I'll raise my hands for it!"

Jing Haoran: "Huaqing, raise your hand if you agree."

"Ah?" Qu Huaqing was at a loss and sat still.

Coco gave him a white look: "ignore him, he's drunk. Take it as if he agreed. Sister in law, it's OK not to vote. We have won. Ah Chen, drink quickly. "

Li Xintong Why is it so simple and rude? Is it bullying them? There are few people here?

"How could anyone vote like that?" Li Xintong disgruntled pie pie pie mouth, "my friend has not come yet, wait for her to come to vote again not too late!"

"It's not good for your friend to come. Vote this kind of thing to have odd number to be able to divide a victory or defeat, a Chen is a litigant, can't vote, you are a lose word vertically and horizontally Coco is right.

Li Xintong

"Don't you just want to know how much I drink?" Bo Yanchen, who has never made a statement, suddenly said, "today I will satisfy your curiosity."

I'm going to Three to one, it's strange that Bo Yanchen is not drunk!

"Husband..." Li Xintong pulled down the corner of his coat at the bottom of the table, indicating that he would not agree.

Bo Yanchen smiles and shakes his head toward her, turns his head to coco and says, "take the wine!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!