Chapter 59

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Mo Shuangshuang looked up and saw a enchanting woman in a bikini, looking at her with a mocking face.

This person is not someone else, but her best friend in college, Lu Liyun.

Once they were so close, but later she found that everything was a conspiracy. Lu Liyun made friends with her in order to get close to her boyfriend Du Zhijun.

But Mo Shuangshuang, who is pure and kind, didn't notice it at all. Even when Li Xintong told her that the relationship between Lu Liyun and Du Zhijun was abnormal, he once complained that Li Xintong was suspicious.

Until the middle of the night, when Mo Shuangshuang went back to the classroom to pick up her mobile phone, he saw Lu Liyun lying on her desk with red fruit, while Du Zhijun galloped wildly behind her, her world completely collapsed.

After breaking up with Du Zhijun and making friends with Lu Liyun, I thought it was all over. However, Lu Liyun still refuses to let her go. She fabricates that she secretly loves Lu Fei, the president of the student union, who is chasing the school. Du Zhijun breaks up because she can't stand her two feet.

Because Lu Liyun is Lu Fei's sister, and Lu Fei did not come forward to refute, so everyone believed it.

For a time, the scandal of Mo Shuangshuang's flower maniac spread all over the school. For four years in college, she has been living in the scorn of others. Apart from Li Xintong, no one wants to make friends with her.

After graduation, I heard that Lu Liyun and Du Zhijun had gone to study abroad. How could they suddenly appear here.

Oh! The enemy is very jealous when they meet.

When Mo Shuangshuang saw her, he remembered the past, and his anger burned up. "Oh, isn't this big X's infamous little three? Who do you want to pry against when you dress so coquettishly? "

Lu Liyun sneered: "it's sexy. I have a good figure and I look good in everything I wear. Not as shabby as you, the washboard, the airport. Come to a place like this to eat and drink? I advise you to get out of here and stop making a fool of yourself here. "

Lu Liyun concludes that girls with economic conditions like Mo Shuangshuang can't afford to spend in places like driving cloud villa.

Mo Shuangshuang is not willing to show weakness of stare at her, "I come here to hinder you what matter?"? Why can't I come when you're such a girl and boyfriend snatcher

Lu Liyun is not angry but laughs: "I say Mo Huachi, it's useless to talk. Look at you. If you want to be slim, you need to be beautiful. A man looks like a woman, which man will want you? Even if I didn't show up, the volunteers would dump you in the end. "

Mo Shuangshuang looked down at himself. There was no femininity. When he was with Du Zhijun, he also complained about her. She was slovenly and plain faced, so he couldn't take her out. But she's careless and heartless, and she's heard about it. It turned out to be a real cost.

Even so, Mo Shuangshuang still doesn't want to be dominated by Lu Liyun. When she is thinking about how to refute her words, she suddenly hears a familiar voice: "Shuangshuang, how are you here?"

Mo Shuangshuang looked up and was stunned there. Du Zhijun, the person she never wants to see again in her life.

"Zhijun, why did I ask you to buy a drink so long? Thirsty to death? " Lu Liyun ran over and took Du Zhijun by the arm.

"I'm sorry, dear. There's a lot of people in the queue over there, so it's a little slow. " Du Zhijun thoughtfully put the drink into the straw and handed it to Lu Liyun.

"Oh, how can it be coke? I don't like carbonated drinks. I'll have iced coffee. " Lu Liyun pouts her lips and looks unhappy.

"I'm sorry, honey, the iced coffee is sold out. I cut in the queue to get this coke. You can make do with a drink. " Du Zhijun explained patiently.

"Well, I'll forgive you this time. Come on, feed me Lu Liyun puts the drink into Du Zhijun's hand and opens her mouth waiting for him to feed it.

Mo Shuangshuang thinks this scene is dazzling. When I fell in love with Du Zhijun before, it seemed that every time she ran errands to buy things for him. He was like an old man, and enjoyed the care of her, but he never took care of her, even once.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes today, she would never have believed that this man was Du Zhijun.

Du Zhijun devotes himself to serving Lu Liyun, completely forgetting her existence.

While enjoying Du Zhijun's service, Lu Liyun despises her with the eyes of the winner.

Mo Shuangshuang thinks that he can't stay any longer. He turns around and is about to leave, but Lu Liyun stops him. "Ah, Shuangshuang, how did he go? I said, "Zhijun, don't patronize me. Shuangshuang can't wait to leave."

Du Zhijun thought of Mo Shuangshuang, "Shuangshuang, long time no see. How have you been

"It's been a good time, thanks to you." Don't point to it.

"Well, I heard that you became a doctor, and finally realized your dream. Congratulations." Du Zhijun said.

Mo Shuangshuang sneered: "it's a good memory. I still remember my dream."

Du Zhijun embarrassed smile: "of course remember, before you talk about every day, can not remember?"

When he was studying, Mo Shuangshuang worked very hard. He wanted to be a doctor so much that he often forgot the time and even was late for his appointment. For this matter, Du Zhijun has no less quarrel with her.After breaking up, she put all her heart into her study, and finally entered the ideal Xicheng central hospital with the first grade in the whole department, becoming a surgeon admired by everyone. As for how to get to Fushan nursing home later, that's a later story.

"Seriously, I want to thank you. If you hadn't cheated in those years, I might not have been admitted to the doctor's license. " Mo Shuangshuang said lightly.

Du Zhijun's face turned black in an instant. "We've all broken up. We're safe, aren't we? Why bring up the old story again? "

"That's it." Lu Liyun echoed, "she's just shameful. Seeing that we are happy and sweet now, and we are alone, we feel unbalanced. I tell you, Zhijun never loved you. He used to be with you. He just wanted a long-term meal ticket. Then I met you, and of course I dumped you right away. "

In terms of family conditions, Mo Shuangshuang really can't compare with Lu Liyun.

But she is forthright by nature. When she is with Du Zhijun, every time she goes out to eat, she always buys the bill. After coming back, I'd rather hide in my bedroom and eat instant noodles for a week.

But her efforts did not pay off. After breaking up with her, Du Zhijun even seized her laptop.

"Oh? So, then you found a long-term meal ticket? " Mo Shuangshuang said coldly, "Du Zhijun, are you going to have a soft meal all your life?"

"You..." Du Zhijun was too angry to speak.

Lu Liyun snorted coldly: "I'm willing to support him. What's the matter? If you have the ability, you can find a man to support you. I'm afraid you'll stick to others instead of them! "

Mo Shuangshuang just wanted to retort, suddenly a big hand around her waist, followed by a man's voice: "she's upside down, of course I don't want it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!