Chapter 79

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Not long after sitting down, Yi Tong began to wriggle his little buttocks restlessly, and his eyes were staring at the big glass of ice cream on the table next door.

Just now his ice cream fell to the ground without a bite, but it was too tight. But Bo Yanchen was there, and he didn't dare to mention it.

When he looked at the cup of ice cream at the next table for the nth time, his body suddenly lightened. In the surprised eyes of the little guy, Li Xintong picked him up.

"Do you want ice cream? I'll take you

The little guy nodded mechanically. He almost drowned in Li Xintong's gentle eyes.

Xiaoyitong thinks the new mother is amazing. How does she know she wants to eat ice cream?

He is stealing music in the heart, hear Bo Yanchen if have the cough that seems to have no.

The little guy is afraid of Bo Yanchen in the end, and his sight unconsciously moves to Bo Yanchen.

Bo Yanchen does not agree that his son often eats ice cream, because Yi Tong's stomach is not very good, and he is too greedy.

But he also did not have the heart to destroy the good opportunity for mother and son to cultivate their feelings. "He can only eat one, or he will have a stomachache later."

The little guy seemed to have got the imperial edict, and his eyes were shining. "Mm-hmm, I promise I'll only eat one!"

Bo Yanchen for his son's guarantee is not cold, light looked at him, then turned to Li Xintong hook lips, "take him to go.". Don't get too used to him

Xiao Yitong: "I'm not sure."

Li Xintong nodded and walked out with the little guy in her arms.

To sell cold drinks to the place, see all kinds of colorful ice cream, Li Xintong's choice phobia immediately committed.

She has a cold constitution. She doesn't eat raw and cold food. She has no research on ice cream and doesn't know which one is delicious.

"Mom, I want that ice cream, the most expensive one." Pulling Li Xintong's clothes like a coquetry,

mom? Hearing this address, she is still a little uncomfortable.

In just a few days, she completed the transformation from a girl to a wife, and then to her mother, all of which came too suddenly. Until now, she still felt unreal, as if in a dream.

Looking down, a small white hand was holding the corner of her dress. The little guy looked up at her with expectant eyes, "Mom, I want a big one!"

Bo Yanchen only promised him one, but didn't say much. Therefore, he must take advantage of this gap and eat enough at a time. There's no shop after this village.

"Good." Li Xintong did not want to agree, bent down to pick him up, "chocolate flavor like it?"

Xiaoyitong nodded like a pound of garlic: "Mm-hmm. I love chocolate. "

Li Xintong smiles: "waiter, I'd like to have your most expensive ice cream, chocolate flavored large glass!"

In view of her miserable situation in the Li family, she has been very frugal since she was a child, and she compares everything with other families. If put in peacetime, she is absolutely won't easily say to want to buy the most expensive this kind of words.

You know, this big glass of the most expensive ice cream costs hundreds of yuan!

However, in front of the lovely little Yi Tong, her principles are all aside, just want to give the best to the children.

"Ouye! Mom, that's very kind of you! " The little guy gave her a kiss on the cheek.

After taking the ice cream from the waiter's hand, the little guy didn't rush to eat it, but dutifully handed it to Li Xintong, "Mom, you eat first."

Li Xintong was surprised at Xiao Yitong's clever and sensible, and admired Bo Yanchen's education.

It's not easy to know that he is a big man, busy with work and taking care of children.

Children who grow up in single parent families often have one or another personality problems. But these can't be seen in xiaoyitong.

At least for the moment, she thinks there is nothing wrong with the little guy except being naughty.

Li Xintong toward the little guy with a smile, "mom is not comfortable today, can't eat ice."

Count the day. My aunt is coming soon.

"Ah? Mom, why do you feel sick? Did you take medicine to see a doctor The little guy's worried expression.

Li Xintong

She can't be honest with her children. Even if it is said, the child may not understand.

The little guy's thoughtful let her heart warm, "not to such a serious degree. It's just that you can't eat ice. Remember to eat with yourself. "

"Oh. All right Small memory with this just rest assured of big mouthful eat up.

Seeing the little guy's satisfied smile, Li Xintong's heart is sweeter than ice cream.

The sun is too poisonous outside. I'm afraid that the ice cream will melt all the way. Li Xintong holds the little guy to one side of the seat and sits down until he finishes eating.

"Anything else but ice cream?" Asked Li Xintong.

Xiaoyitong shook his head and pointed to the ice cream in front of him: "no, this is enough."It's good if you can finish a big one. Where else can you eat.

Xiaoyitong continued to eat a few mouthfuls, suddenly thought of something, waved to the waiter, "this beautiful sister, give my mother a glass of orange juice, no ice!"

Li Xintong You're too filial and considerate, aren't you? Actually will help her to order to drink, know her stomach is not comfortable, also carefully told the waiter not to add ice.

But the title "pretty sister" is too sour. Is the waiter about her age?

The waiter is naturally happy. Why is the little boy so sweet? She is so flattered that she has a fairy like mother who even calls her beautiful sister?

The waiter ran to get the juice like a gust of wind, and brought it over like a gust of wind. This is probably the most abundant and rich orange juice Li Xintong has ever seen. A full cup, almost parallel to the mouth of the cup, she admired the waiter's skill of serving dishes, but she didn't shake out a drop. She was also a talented person.

Usually, the orange juice in the store will be added with water, but the color of her cup is much darker than that of others, which is obviously the original fresh juice.

"Thank you, sister beauty!"

Upgrade from the beautiful sister to the beautiful sister, the waiter happy to kiss him two, "handsome boy, what you need, just call sister."

"Not for the time being. Thank you Xiaoyitong smiles at the waiter and squeezes his eyes.

The waiter's eyes narrowed with laughter.

Li Xintong

I'm drunk when I'm so young!

Li Xintong concluded that this little guy must be a super Teaser in the future.

The mouth is so sweet, and it inherits Bo Yanchen's appearance. Ten years later, he must be a handsome young man. At that time, as long as he hooks his little finger, I don't know how many ignorant girls' souls will be taken away by him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!