Chapter 88

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Coco's face stinks to the extreme.

Is this still my own dry son? Stabbing Godfather at the critical moment. He gave full marks for this knife.

Li Xintong finally couldn't help laughing. Out of humanitarianism, she didn't laugh too much.

Looking at Yi Tong's puzzled face, she did not immediately explain to the child. Because according to the literal meaning, the child does not understand wrong, but he does not understand the adult world of ridicule.

Mo Shuangshuang laughs so much that she almost doesn't laugh. She thinks Xiao Yitong is really a magic assistant.

"Yitong, your godfather is not short of clothes. He is too busy and short of time to change clothes." Mo Shuangshuang solemnly explained to Yitong.

With a sound of reminiscence, he pulled his face towards coco: "the teacher said that we should wash frequently and change clothes frequently. It's not a good child to be unsanitary. Although you are busy, godfather, you have to talk about hygiene. "

Coco:“……” He wants to say that whoever wants the title of Godfather will take it.

In this funny situation, Bo Yanchen, who had been silent all the time, also raised his lips. He seemed very happy and touched his son's head: "I can't learn from godfather's bad habits."

Yi Tong turned his lips: "of course! I'm talking about hygiene

Coco:“……” The best bad friend is this person!

Looking at Coco's appearance that he was about to lift the table, Li Xintong busily put some dishes into Xiao Yitong's bowl, "aren't you hungry? Don't say it. Eat it. "

Remember with immediately Oh a, obediently buried the small head into the bowl. Li Xintong reached out and touched xiaoyitong's hairy head, with a loving smile in her eyes and maternal brilliance all over her body.

"Xintong, this little thing listens to you." Mo Shuangshuang said with a smile.

Li Xintong faint smile: "with this child has been very obedient."

Xiao Yitong is very happy after listening to the praise from her mother. She still grins at Li Xintong with her mouth full of food. The soup flows down the corner of her mouth and licks it with her little tongue. It's very cute.

"Sister in law, are you born with children? You and Yi Tong just know each other one day, and he will be obedient to you. " Coco said, "I've known him for so many years, and it doesn't seem that he listens to me much."

Bo Yanchen sneers in his heart, really anxious for Coco's IQ.

He wanted to say that he didn't even listen to the words of his father, who brought him up from childhood. Can he still listen to your godfather?

"Well It's all about charisma. " Mo Shuangshuang said.

Coco:“……” He really wants to find some medicine to poison this talkative woman.

Seeing that these two are going to fight again, Li Xintong is trying to find something to resolve. Listen to the news broadcast on the TV screen of the restaurant: "the new season fashion conference of Bo's group will be held at the end of this month. The scale of this conference is unprecedented. Bo will pay a lot of money to hire Diana, Christine, Elizabeth and other international models to work together to create momentum for this conference. "

Coco sneered, "Oh! It's so capricious to have money! Such a large sum of money, even such a big international supermodel as Diana. Ah Chen, your father has spent a lot of money this time. He's trying to compete with you! "

Bo Yanchen's eyes are fixed on the big screen. His eyes are calm and his expression is consistent. He can't see any different emotions.

Li Xintong's heart is a little not calm up. The new season of Red's fashion show is tentatively scheduled to be held at the beginning of next month. Bo's plan is to hold it at the end of this month, and he has invited so many famous international models at all costs. He has also made a big splash in the media, obviously aiming at red.

Has the contradiction between the father and the son intensified to such a degree?

The news continued: "it is reported that David, an internationally renowned fashion designer, Susanna, an internationally renowned choreographer, and coco, an internationally renowned stylist, will also join the press conference..."

"Lying trough!" Hearing this, coco finally couldn't help jumping up, "what's more shameless? When did I say I wanted to join? "

Coco excitedly looked at Bo Yanchen: "ah Chen, you have to believe me, I have never promised them. Not long ago, I did hear my assistant say that Bo intended to invite me as the stylist of the press conference, but I ignored it

He raised three fingers: "I swear! If I... "

"Enough, what oath?" Bo Yanchen impatiently interrupted him: "excited what? I don't doubt you. "

Coco was very grateful: "ah Chen, as long as you believe me." Then he felt unwilling and picked up the phone: "I want to call this radio station immediately. I dare to broadcast this kind of false report. I want to investigate their legal responsibility!"

Bo Yanchen grabbed his phone and said, "OK, how can you be so upset. I'm not so good. What are you excited about? If they like to report, let them report enough. You came out to clarify, didn't you just help them hype it? "Coco suddenly realized: "you're right! They said they invited me. In the end, I didn't go at all. I let them slap me in the face! Ah Chen, you are still smart! I almost hit them

Bo Yanchen looked at him and didn't speak any more.

Coco saw that Bo Yanchen didn't speak, and then said, "but it's strange. Bo's main industry is not the clothing industry. Previously, it was a small business, and it didn't make so much noise in this area. It's hard to understand how to enter the clothing industry this time. Ah Chen, what do you say? "

Bo Yanchen took back his sight and said faintly: "what's strange about this? I want to kill me with money. That's what the old man always does. "

I want to bring down his company and wait for him to come back and compromise. How can he not see such a small skill?

"What are you going to do?" Asked coco.

Bo Yanchen chuckled, and his expression was firm: "come and cover up the water and land."

Li Xintong secretly admires Bo Yanchen's calmness.

"Ah Chen, I've asked my assistant to make my schedule available at the beginning of next month. I will do my best to serve you! At that time, we will work hard together, and we must compare Bo with him! "

Coco narrowed his eyes, stabbed an apple with a fork, picked it up, put it into his mouth and chewed it hard.

Not only with his coco name hype, but also almost let his good brother misunderstood, it is abhorrent to the extreme. It's intolerable.

"You've made the schedule available for the 30th of this month." Bo Yanchen said.

"Ah?" Coco looked at him puzzled, "isn't red's new season's fashion show at the beginning of next month?"

"Ahead of time." Bo Yanchen chuckled: "the day before Bo's press conference!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!