Chapter 92

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
After being rejected several times, Bo xiurui couldn't hang up on his face and slapped the table: "nonsense! What a great event is engagement? Do you think you can just say you don't want to fulfill it? Don't forget, you had an engagement ceremony

Of course, Li Xintong will not forget. It was on the day of the engagement that her fate changed.

On that day, because of the large number of guests, she and Bo Jingxuan were given a lot of wine. Because they were too drunk, by the end of the day, she was basically unconscious. Later, she didn't even remember how to get on the bus.

She was awakened by a violent impact. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Bo Jingxuan sitting in the driver's cab, head broken and bleeding, already in a coma.

The front of the car is seriously deformed. The hit vehicle in front of us is more seriously injured and has caught fire. I don't know how the people inside are injured.

It was almost early in the morning. The accident was in the suburb, and there was no one around. She was very flustered and scared. She didn't dare to move Bo Jingxuan, and she didn't dare to get out of the car.

Just at this time, a car came from behind, and Bo Jingxuan's mother Wu Meizi got off the car. She told the driver to rescue Bo Jingxuan from the car and send him to the hospital immediately. He stayed to do Li Xintong's ideological work and advised her to turn herself in to the police station.

Li Xintong didn't know Bo Jingxuan had killed someone. Wu Meizi cried and knelt down. She was so soft that she agreed to turn herself in.

Later She learned that Bo Jingxuan killed his half brother. She wants to retract her confession, but Wu Meizi asks her lawyer to give him a message. He said that if the truth about Bo Jingxuan's killing his elder brother is revealed, it will certainly cause a great disturbance. The reputation of the Bo family will be damaged, and he will also suspect that Bo Jingxuan deliberately killed people in order to fight for property.

Li Xintong weighed it over and over again, and finally decided to bear the charges together.

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning of tragedy. Later things, Li Xintong do not want to recall.

Bo Jingxuan's ingratitude makes him feel cold, and also makes her completely give up on him.

Bo xiurui clearly knows that Bo Yanchen has already obtained the certificate with her, but now he still wants to take out the engagement and say something about it. Does he want to let him return to Bo Jingxuan?

Has he ever considered Bo Yanchen's feelings in doing so? Did you ask for his opinion?

"The engagement ceremony has no legal effect. I have obtained the certificate with Bo Yanchen, and now I am his lawful wife." Li Xintong said.

Bo xiurui's pupil suddenly shrinks. It's the law! This woman is really powerful. She was really underestimated before!

Bo xiurui hums coldly: "since you are already legal husband and wife, why doesn't a Chen dare to bring you to see me? Don't even dare to announce that you are married? I don't think he is sincere to you. In other words, he married you for another purpose. "

Li Xintong's temple suddenly jumped twice.

In fact, she did not know why Bo Yanchen concealed the fact that they had obtained the certificate, and even deliberately avoided suspicion in the company.

At first, she thought it was because they were married by contract, so the fewer people she knew, the better.

But later, Bo Yanchen took her to meet with her brothers, let her call her mother, sing songs with her every night, and blend with her. All these prove that this man let her into his life in silence.

Such Bo Yanchen moved her and gave her a warm home when she was the most depressed and desperate.

"Ah Chen has his own discretion in everything. As a wife, I don't want to interfere too much, and I don't want to question and speculate about him for no reason. Since I have decided to marry him, I should believe him. I believe that he married me because he loved me and wanted to give me a stable and warm home. Actually, I don't mind whether it's public or not. What's wrong with keeping a low profile? We care about each other, not the rituals. Once upon a time, I also experienced a grand engagement ceremony, but what was the result? It's not a mirror Li Xintong said for a long time without even breathing.

Bo xiurui said by her a Leng a Leng, don't know what she said is the truth or deliberately in his face.

Li Xintong looked at his expression, hooked his lips and said, "in addition, I know you are his father. But I don't know what ah Chen has done in the end, which will make you have such big prejudice to him. I don't think he is sincere in his marriage. It's all with ulterior motives. "

Bo Yanchen is his only living son in the world! As a father, there is no one who doubts his son's character.

Li Xintong seems to understand why Bo Yanchen despises Bo xiurui and hates the Bo family.

Bo xiurui a Zheng, this woman unexpectedly openly interrogates her, simply ate bear heart leopard gall. His face suddenly turned black, picked up the crutches around him, cut them on the floor, and said in a fierce voice: "wanton! Do you know who you're talking to? "

Li Xintong did not speak, looked directly at him, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"As an uncle, ah Chen married a nephew's woman. If this scandal is exposed, how much negative impact will it bring to the Bo family, do you know?" Bo xiurui's voice was trembling.ha-ha! It was to protect the reputation of the Bo family. It seems that in Mr. Bo's eyes, face is far more important than his son's lifelong happiness.

Li Xintong despised in the heart for a while, then slowly opened his mouth: "a Chen and I are unmarried, our marriage is protected by law, no one has the right to question. Bo Jingxuan and I have broken up, and during our intercourse, we were in love and polite. I'm not his woman. So there is no scandal or negative impact. " After a pause, she thought of something and added: "if we want to talk about the scandal, the ones that Bo Jingxuan was photographed by reporters some time ago can be regarded as scandals."

Bo xiurui Li Xintong's attack made him speechless.

However, how can bo xiurui change his original intention easily?

"You don't have to say any more!" Bo xiurui said, "anyway, I won't agree with you and ah Chen. You must break up at once

Li Xintong looked at him in surprise, "break up? What do you mean

"Do you want me to explain that?" Bo xiurui looks at the Idiot's expression on his face. "Breaking up means divorce. Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedure before your marriage is announced."

Li Xintong can't believe her ears. How can there be such a father in this world? There is no one who forces his son to divorce as soon as he gets married. , the fastest update of the webnovel!