Chapter 97

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen glanced at her like an idiot: "if you promise the old man to break up with me, will you still work alone with me tonight?"

Li Xintong rolled a big white eye toward him: "haven't you heard of the breakup gun? How ignorant

Bo Yanchen's face turns black instantly, a turn over presses her under the body: "break up gun?"? You mean, just now this is a breakup with me? ha-ha! Do you think you can get rid of me with just one shot? " Finish saying, waist body exerts force a top, slid into her body again.

Oh, my God! Just finished, why did he

Li Xin's legs softened immediately. "No It's not a breakup gun. "

Bo Yanchen raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What's that? "

I'll go! It's not a breakup gun. What else can it be? Why ask her?

"Say it or not?" See she doesn't talk, thin Yan Chen body bottom mercilessly top two, almost bump her to fly.

"Yes It's the duty of husband and wife! " Li Xintong bit her lip and almost cried.

"Say, will you leave me?" Bo Yanchen still refused to let him go, and went deep into the end.

"No No "Leave" Li Xintong was hit and couldn't even say a complete word.

Hearing her similar assurance, Bo Yanchen suddenly seems to be crazy, but speeds up the rhythm under her body.

Li Xintong is hit violently make yuan Shen out of the body, the mouth keeps yelling: "Bo Yanchen! You don't mean what you say, liar! You bastard Beast, stop! Stop! Ah... "

Bo Yanchen didn't hear of it. He was like a wild animal who didn't know how to be satisfied. He asked for it and collided with it.

Gradually, Li Xintong feels like a driftwood floating on the sea. When a huge wave strikes, she is instantly submerged. Her consciousness is far away. She refuses to let go of the man's hand and falls down

One night, Bo Yanchen didn't know how many times he wanted her. It wasn't until he was exhausted that he finally stopped.

At the end, he kisses her lips and whispers: "Tong Tong, don't leave me! I Love you With that, he hugged her and fell asleep.

At breakfast the next day, Li Xintong was woken up by the alarm of her mobile phone. The eyelids are so heavy that I can't open them at all. My whole body seems to have been torn down. I even feel pain when I move it.

Slowly open your eyes, what you see is a strong line on someone's shoulder, and slowly down is a strong chest.

"Awake?" A man's mellow, wine like voice came from his head.

Li Xintong was stunned and suddenly remembered what happened last night. As soon as she looked up, she saw the perfect and delicate lines of the man's chin.

Bo Yanchen sexy thin lip hook hook, in her forehead down a kiss: "sleep well last night?"

Li Xintong moved a little, the pain immediately spread to the whole body.

"Hiss!" She couldn't help taking a breath. This damned man is the culprit who knows what to ask.

Good sleep? Hum! I've been tossed about all night. It's strange to have a good sleep!

Under the first ray of sunlight in the morning, Li Xintong's white body is clearly covered with the marks left by last night's madness, mottled and crisscross, with a different kind of beauty of dilapidation.

Bo Yanchen's eye color is deep, and the desire to get up in the morning makes him want it again.

"Wife..." The man dallied with his little wife's legs like a rogue.

Li Xintong immediately felt the hard heat, scared face changed.

"No No way The root of her leg is hot. Even if she moves, it hurts. "I'll die!"

"You can't die, you just want to die!" Bo Yanchen is kissing her lips, both hands probe into her pajamas, the weight is kneading forcefully.

"Well! Let go Li Xintong pressed his hand, but his other hand had already slipped into the heart of her leg.

"Bo Yanchen, you can't do this!" Li Xintong is about to collapse.

Even Superman can't stand his unrestrained demands.

"No, what?" Between speaking, Bo Yanchen's finger slides into her body, "is this OK?"

Li Xintong

"Or so?" His fingers went a little deeper.

Li Xintong I can't help crying You'll be late for work! "

"It's OK. I'm the boss. I don't deduct your salary!" Bo Yanchen's greatness has already resisted her entrance.

Just as she wanted to break the jar and let him do whatever he wanted, the door of the room suddenly banged.

"Dad, mom, get up and go to work!" Anxious children's voices came from outside.

Bo Yanchen's body is a stiff, the facial expression instant black come down. This smelly boy dares to do something bad for him. If he catches the chance, he will deal with him well.

Li Xintong took the opportunity to escape from his grasp of the devil, "Yi Tong came, I go to open the door."

"Dad, mom, open the door! If you don't get up again, you'll be late! " Small memory with the exhaustion of suckling strength patting the door."It's coming, it's coming!" Li Xintong wears clothes quickly and shouts out the door.

See Bo Yanchen still naked body lie there motionless, Li Xintong frown: "you also quickly put on clothes."

"You help me with it." Bo Yanchen lay on his back.

Li Xintong's temple suddenly jumped twice. Is this man playing coquetry with her?

It's nothing to help him dress. I'll just She's naked. She can't do it.

Li Xintong sighed helplessly, leaned over and touched his short hair like a little pet: "ah Chen! Dress yourself! Yi Tong is still waiting outside! "

After that, she felt like vomiting.

Unexpectedly Bo Yanchen is very useful, pointed to his lips: "kiss me up."

Li Xintong looked at his face cheap expression, angry want to put slipper bottom to his face.

But she knew that if she didn't kiss him, he wouldn't want to get up.

So Li Xintong lowered her head and printed it on his lips. As soon as she wanted to get up, she was caught on the back of her head and had a hot French kiss.

A wisp of silver implicates the corners of their lips.

"I hate it Li Xintong glared at him with a red face.

Bo Yanchen got up from the bed and dropped a sentence: "wife, you are so sweet!"

Today is the first time since Xiao Yitong went to school that he took the initiative to get up and ask to go to school.

Because it was the first time that his father and mother sent him to school together, he was very happy. I couldn't sleep early in the morning.

Along the way, he chirped with Li Xintong, chatting all over the world. From the interesting things with the students in the class, we always talk about the curse mantra of the doorman.

Bo Yanchen has a headache. But Li Xintong listened patiently. Also from time to time put forward some questions to interact with Xiaoyi.

Xiao Yitong is very satisfied with Li Xintong's performance as a new mother. , the fastest update of the webnovel!