Chapter 99

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Xiaoyitong had dreamed of such a picture for countless times. His parents took him by the hand and sent him to kindergarten.

Now, the dream has come true. Does he think he'll wake up in his dreams tonight?

This family's face value is too high, a short period of time, it won a lot of return rate. When I walked into the school gate, I was blinded.

"Bo Yitong." A milky voice came from behind.

Li Xintong looked back and saw that she was the same size as Xiao Yi, wearing a pink princess skirt and carrying a schoolbag with a cartoon design of little Sophia.

"Good morning, daisa." Xiaoyi greets her with a friendly friend.

The little girl's eyes stay on Li Xintong all the time.

She remembers that the children in the class once laughed at Yi Tong, who had no mother. So Who is this more beautiful woman than the heroine in the idol drama?

"Yitong, are these your parents?" The little girl asked tentatively.

Xiaoyi with a proud nod: "yes!"

"Wow! Your mom and dad are so beautiful, like movie stars! " Daisa exclaimed with exaggeration.

"That's it!" Little memory with more se, and very gentlemanly came forward to hold the little girl's hand: "go, let's go in together!"

"Good!" The little girl happily and small memory with the classroom.

Li Xintong When you meet a little beauty, you leave your parents behind. Is this really good?

Bo Yanchen Where did the boy learn his skill of teasing girls? He never taught him!

They looked at each other, Li Xintong first laughed: "it seems that Yi Tong is good at taking care of girls. Did you get your biography? "

Bo Yanchen lightly looked at her one eye: "I can only take care of own wife."

Li Xintong Suddenly, he was confessed and blushed.

When I walked into Yitong's classroom, because it was still early, not many children came, and there was no teacher.

They took a quick look at the classroom, the nap room and the activity area, and saw the same name in the honor list on the wall outside the classroom.

Bo Yitong, the first player in the ball game.

Bo Yitong, No.1 in rope skipping competition.

Reading contest No.1: Bo Yitong.

Story telling competition No.1: Bo Yitong.

Painting competition No.1: Bo Yitong.

Singing competition first: Bo Yitong.


In a word, the first place in all kinds of competitions is almost taken by Yitong.

"Wow! Yitong is so amazing Li Xintong exclaimed, "how did you cultivate such an excellent child?" So versatile, and all learn so well, it is all rounder!

This is not the first time that Li Xintong has expressed such an exclamation or asked such a question.

Bo Yanchen is also very puzzled, in order not to increase the burden of children, he only reported a painting class and a piano class to Yi Tong. Yi Tong seldom talks with him about his hobbies. So, even he didn't know why his son was so versatile.

"Tiger father has no dog." Bo Yanchen can only explain this.

Li Xintong She thought the man was so shameless.

In addition to leadership will make money, she really did not see what talent Bo Yanchen will be. He never touched the piano in the living room of the villa.

"Blue is better than blue. I think Yi Tong will be better than you in the future." Li Xintong said.

Bo Yanchen's mouth curled. Although his son was better than himself, he still felt that his wife had something to eat.

"Don't you know if I'm strong?" Bo Yanchen deliberately pinches Li Xintong's waist.

There is no big problem with this sentence. But with Bo Yanchen's ambiguous tone and unkind little action, this sentence changed its flavor.

Li Xintong red face, indignant stare at him: "hate! This is the school. Will you pay attention to the influence? "

The success of the tease to the little wife, Bo Yanchen in a good mood, leading her to walk in the school. They walked to the door of the teacher's office unconsciously.

Li Xintong: "let's go to the teacher of Xia Yitong."

Bo Yanchen didn't want to see the teacher. It's not that he's so noble that he doesn't like to see the little teacher.

In fact, the kindergarten often holds parents' meeting, and he once met Yitong's head teacher.

Ah In a word, it's hard to say!

Since that time, he has never attended a similar parents' meeting.

"Don't go in." Bo Yanchen said.

"Why?" Li Xintong discontented asked: "come to all come, don't go in is how to return a responsibility?"

Bo Yanchen also wants to say what, the door of the office suddenly opened, from inside out a young beautiful woman.

When the woman saw Bo Yanchen, her eyes lit up: "Mr. Bo. Why are you here? "Bo Yanchen nodded to her faintly: "Hello, Miss Qiu."

Qiu Qingqing is Xiao Yitong's head teacher. Although Bo Yanchen only met her once, she was very impressed.

It was Yi Tong's first parents' meeting when he just entered the kindergarten. Bo Yanchen was pushing off an important social event before he had time to attend. Originally, after the parents' meeting, he had to go to the company to work overtime, but Qiu Qingqing called on him to stay.

Originally, Bo Yanchen thought it was Xiao Yi who was naughty and made trouble at school. The teacher wanted to complain to him. I didn't expect that Qiu Qingqing was pulling him to chat. He only briefly talked about the performance of Xiayi in school. Then he began to ask about Bo Yanchen's family and wanted to know about Yitong's mother.

Bo Yanchen immediately black face, said there was an emergency, got up to leave.

After that, Qiu Qingqing called or sent a message to Bo Yanchen, asking him to come out and talk about the child's recent situation.

Bo Yanchen is not a fool. And parents reflect the situation of their children, not in school chat, but mysteriously about to go out, ulterior motives!

If he can't see through this little trick, he won't have to manage such a big company.

He had it checked. Qiu Qingqing is unmarried and has a common family. Her parents wanted her to marry a rich man. Therefore, she would rather not enter a public kindergarten with stable salary than choose this private kindergarten.

It's because the children who can go to school here are rich or expensive.

She doesn't care about being the third child of the rich. It would be better if she could be in the upper position.

It's not easy to find out that Bo Yanchen is still single. How can she easily give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

A woman who covets herself disgusts Bo Yanchen, but considering his son's feelings, he doesn't immediately transfer his child to another school. Instead, they chose to avoid it.

Anyway, all he has to do is keep busy. If you don't meet Qiu Qingqing, she can't do anything about him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!