Chapter 106

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Rui Wentao was a little puzzled. Is this really the high cold Susanna in the rumor?

In front of me, this woman with all kinds of manners is totally different from Gao Leng. Although he is nearly 30 years old, there is no trace of years on his face. He is gentle and tender, but he is noble. Such a woman is the most difficult for men to resist.

But Bo Yanchen's face didn't have much expression all the time. He slowly pulled down the woman's hand around his neck: "sit down and talk, don't waste time."

Susanna pretended to be angry and said, "Oh! waste time? My time is precious, too, OK? I finished my trip to B city ahead of time and came to see you! Two big fashion shows. Do you know how much I lost? "

Bo Yanchen sat down expressionless and winked at Rui Wentao, "open the box!"

Rui Wentao immediately put the box on the coffee table beside the sofa and opened it.

Susanna looked at the box full of dollars, her jaw almost fell off in surprise, "you What does that mean? "

Although she loves money, she knows that a gentleman loves money in a proper way. How dare she charge so much money for nothing? What's more, Bo Yanchen's money can't be collected casually.

Bo Yanchen long legs overlap, "you said the loss, I compensate you."

His voice was cold and distant. "Here's two million dollars. If you don't think it's enough, just open your mouth. "

"I was just joking! Who said you should pay for the loss? " Susanna's face suddenly became very ugly, "besides, the two shows don't need so much money!"

"Plus the penalty, it's needed." Bo Yanchen's tone is still light.

Susanna's face was muddled: "liquidated damages? Who did you break? "

"Bo's group."


A quarter of an hour later, the door of the room opened and Bo Yanchen and Rui Wentao came out.

"Bo Shao, take your time!" Alan's voice sounded behind his back.

Until entering the elevator, Rui Wentao finally said: "Bo Shao, Miss Susanna, do you agree?"

Bo Yanchen looks like an idiot's expression: "don't agree, she dares to accept that box of money?"

"That's true." Rui Wentao nodded, feeling that something was wrong: "but In case... "

"What in case?"

"What if she wants more than money?" Rui Wentao expressed his worries.

Bo Yanchen naturally knew what he meant and glared at him: "what you said just in case doesn't exist at all. If it does, it's at your expense. "

Rui Wentao He wanted to say that this kind of accident really happened. If he was sacrificed, he would not have it.

In the VIP suite, Susanna is reclining on the sofa, shaking off her two high heels and lighting a cigarette for herself.

Alan sat beside her, staring at the box of money opened on the coffee table.

"Su Su, what do I mean by your a Chen? If you want your help, just say it. With your friendship, you will agree anyway. Why use money so Vulgar

Susanna took a few puffs of cigarettes in an irritable mood. "It's not vulgar, but he doesn't want to owe me. He hired me to work for him, and I got paid, paid, and that's all

Alan gritted his teeth. "Is he trying to get rid of you?"

"Get out of the way?" Susanna laughed at herself: "what's the relationship between him and me now? I don't even know. ha-ha! But looking at him today, it seems that even ordinary friends don't want to do it with me. "

Otherwise, how can you talk with money as soon as you come up.

Alan wondered, "well Why do you agree to help him? "

"Yes! Why should I agree? " Susanna gave a sad smile: "but if I don't agree, then we won't even have a chance to talk."

In the past two years, Bo Yanchen didn't even make a phone call with her. Every time, she took the initiative to contact him. He hung up in a hurry because of his busy work.

She knew that he was still thinking about the woman.

Once she thought that as long as Bo Yanchen didn't have that woman beside her, she would become his woman naturally. But reality gave her a heartless blow.

Why is there no place for her in his eyes? Even if that woman has been gone for five years.

Over the years, no matter what means she tried, she still couldn't get into his heart.

His heart is like dust, frozen.

She waited for three years, but there was no result. She gave up and began to put her energy into her work. As long as there is a big event, she will go next. No matter in that country, she will go there herself.

365 days a year, all year round.

With talent and diligence, she finally became Susanna today.Everyone thought she was open-minded, but only she knew that she was trying to forget the man.

But a few days ago, when she knew that Bo Yanchen wanted to make an appointment with her, she admitted that she was so hopeless again.

Pushed off the work, disrupted the itinerary, changed the flight, only to come to Xicheng to see Bo Yanchen side.

What if we can see it?

Throbbing is still her heart, and the man, or the original himself.

Looking at Susannah's loss, Alan's eyes were filled with heartache. "What happened after helping him? What are you going to do? "

Susanna gave a faint smile: "what else can I do? Business as usual. "

"But Will you be willing to do so? " Alan said.

Willing? How could she be reconciled? What if you don't want to?

Allen looked at her, with years of cooperation tacit understanding, immediately know what she thought, "if you want him, I have a way, can try."

"Oh? What can I do? " Susanna, obviously in spirits, sat up from the sofa and said, "tell me about it."

"Isn't the chairman of Bo's group Bo Yanchen's father?" Alan said.

"Yes. So what? Ah Chen never admits it. " Susanna said, "or I won't break the contract."

Alan said with a smile, "that's right. Bo Yanchen this time is clearly and his father on the bar. We just take this opportunity to make Bo Yanchen feel good for you. "

Susanna was at a loss: "what do you say?" Although she didn't believe Allen's words, if she could warm Bo Yanchen's cold stone, she would give it a try in any way.

"This time you break the contract, the media will come to interview you." Allen said, "I will definitely ask about your relationship with Bo Yanchen."

"You don't want me to tell the media I'm ah Chen's girlfriend or something? " Susanna shook her head. "No, No. This is too low, a Chen certainly won't admit, perhaps still can irritate him , the fastest update of the webnovel!