Chapter 119

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Well intentioned analysis of the disease to coco listen, but was attacked by others, Mo Shuangqi almost lift the table.

"Who do you think is sick?" She picked up her bag and threw it at coco. "You're sick. Your family is sick! I'll tell you, Weng, I can't sign this word! Goodbye

After putting down this sentence, Mo Shuangshuang picked up the bag on the ground, turned and ran out of the door.

"Hello! stop! Mo Shuangshuang, come back to me... " Coco ran after her quickly, but there was still her shadow.

Is this woman a rabbit? So fast!

Oh! What's the big deal! Does this woman really think of herself as an onion?

Does she think he can't help it if she doesn't sign? That's too low on him, isn't it?

Coco took out his cell phone and dialed: "Hello, it's me. Do me a favor..."

With Coco's contacts, how easy is it to go through the discharge procedures? He just didn't want to bother others just now.

That woman is just a little attending doctor. What's the big deal?

When coco came out with Mrs. Qi in his arm, he happened to meet Bo Yanchen and Li Xintong.

"Ah Chen, sister-in-law."

Old lady Qi: "ah Chen, long time no see."

"Hello, grandma." Bo Yanchen nodded politely.

"Good boy!" Mrs. Qi smiles, her eyes resting on Li Xintong, "eh, who is this?"

"Oh. This is my new wife, Li Xintong. " Bo Yanchen took Li Xintong's hand and introduced to Mrs. Qi, "Tong Tong, this is a Yan's grandmother."

"Hello, grandma Li Xintong called softly.

"Yo. Ah Chen, the action is very fast. Why didn't you treat me to a wedding when I married such a beautiful daughter-in-law? " Mrs. Qi complained with a trace of envy.

"Just got the certificate, the wedding is still in preparation!" Bo Yanchen said, "I will treat you to a wedding wine."

"Good! Good Mrs. Qi nodded, "I will come."

Then he glared at coco. How did she have such a frustrated grandson?

Coco:“……” Who did he provoke? Just now when I heard that I was going to take her home to live, the old lady was very happy. How could she turn around again in the blink of an eye?

Ah! It's a woman's heart. Women are the same no matter how old they are.

Bo Yanchen exchanged greetings with Mrs. Qi again, raised her wrist and looked at her watch: "grandma, it's late. We have something else to do, so we'll go first."

Mrs. Qi nodded: "well. We still have a little procedure to go through. You can go ahead and bring your daughter-in-law to be a guest another day! "

"Yes, certainly." Bo Yanchen nodded with a smile.

As soon as the couple left, the smile on Mrs. Qi's face disappeared immediately. She turned back and pointed to coco. She hated the iron but not the steel: "look at ah Chen. First she had a son quietly, and now she married a beautiful daughter-in-law quietly. She is a winner in life. How come you are poor and have nothing? The same brother, the gap is too big, right? Study hard

coco:“……” What to learn? Can you learn it if you want to?

The old lady saw that he didn't speak, and she was angry: "did you hear what I said to you? If you don't bring a girlfriend back on national day, stop calling me grandma! "

"What? National Day Coco thought he had heard it wrong, "didn't you say it's time to wait for the new year next year? Why is it ahead of time? "

"Nonsense! Of course, it has to be advanced! " Qi old lady white he one eye, "previously I don't know a Chen already married of affair son."

coco:“……” fuck! It's none of his business to get married! Can this be a reason for an old lady to force her marriage? He's so miserable. He's shot when he's lying down.


in the car, Li Xintong sat there, looking blankly at the fast retrogressive scenery outside the window. My mind replays my grandmother's abnormal behavior.

What happened to grandma? Even when Alzheimer's is the most serious, it's just not recognizing people. There has never been such an extreme behavior.

Just now, grandma looked at Bo Yanchen's eyes as if she saw an enemy.

According to the truth, Bo Yanchen's face doesn't look like the type of villain. Even if grandma really recognizes the wrong person, she won't regard him as a heinous person!

Hand suddenly a warm, Li Xintong looked down to see the man's broad palm wrapped her little hand.

"What are you thinking?" Bo Yanchen rubbed her delicate palm with his finger pulp, "why is the hand so cool? Is the air conditioning too low? "

"No Li Xintong shook his head, "I'm just thinking about grandma."

"Oh, this..." Speaking of this matter, Bo Yanchen also felt helpless, "don't worry too much about grandma. I have contacted the best psychiatrist in Xicheng and will come to diagnose her tomorrow. I believe it won't be a big problem. "Li Xintong nodded: "well. thank you. I'm really sorry just now. You are kind enough to accompany me, but Grandma treats you like that... "

Thinking of Bo Yanchen's noble man being beaten and scolded, Li Xintong feels guilty and even more distressed.

"Fool, why apologize to me?" Bo Yanchen rubbed the top of her hair. "Your grandmother is also my grandmother. I won't mind. What's more, grandma is too old to think clearly, so it's inevitable to recognize the wrong person. Now the most urgent task is to find out the cause of her illness, and then find the right medicine. Don't worry about anything else. "

Although Bo Yanchen's attitude toward Xia Shufen is also perplexed, he would rather believe that she is mistaken.

"Ah Chen." Li Xintong some choking voice, "you are good to me."

She thanks Bo Yanchen for all she has done for her and her grandmother.

Bo Yanchen smiles and pinches the tip of her nose: "I said, I'm not so good to everyone. To be nice to you is to make you better to me. "

"Well What do I need to do? " Li Xintong's face was full of gratitude.

When Bo Yanchen saw that the fish had taken the bait, he was very happy, but his expression was still, "you don't need to do anything, leave everything to me, I'll do it."

Li Xintong looked at her suspiciously, and always felt that it sounded strange everywhere.

Back home in the evening, Li Xintong was overwhelmed by Bo Yanchen on the sofa in the living room as soon as she came in.

When she came back to herself, she had been carried into the big bed of the bedroom. The man was separating her legs and planning to have a second wave.

Li Xintong draws her legs together and wants to get up and run away, but Bo Yanchen's big hand grabs her ankle and carries it on her shoulder. "I told you just now. You don't need to do anything. I'll do everything. "

Li Xintong finally understood the deep meaning of his words at the moment when he was bumped into the sky.

At the same time, I understand that in his dictionary, "doing" has only one meaning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!