Chapter 121

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong does not understand: "why regret? Isn't high consciousness a good thing? "

"My dear, there is a price to pay for high consciousness." Bo Yanchen gracefully spread butter evenly on a piece of bread, "this will lead to a serious lack of sleep time and affect your health."

"I'll sleep a few hours less. It's OK." Li Xintong said disapprovingly, "I used to stay up late to draw design drawings. I'm very healthy. Every physical examination index is very normal. "

"That was before. It's not the same now. " Bo Yanchen serious tone, "now you are in preparation for pregnancy stage, absolutely can't stay up late!"

Li Xintong It seems that Bo Yanchen is not joking about having a second child.

"If you arrive at 8 o'clock every morning, you have to get up at 7 o'clock anyway. If you send Yi Tong to school, don't you have to get up at six o'clock? I don't allow my women to work so hard! " Bo Yanchen said rather domineering.

Li Xintong's heart was warm, "but But I'm a member of the design department. I can't be special, can I? "

Bo Yanchen thought: "after that, you must go to bed on time at ten o'clock in the evening. You are not allowed to stay up late. If you can't do that, I'll just transfer you out of the design department. "

"No, never." Hearing that she can't do design, Li Xintong suddenly became anxious, "can't I promise not to stay up late?"

Bo Yanchen just nodded: "the light guarantee is not enough, I will supervise the implementation."

Li Xintong How does she feel that she has been in charge since then? Why do you have to limit your work and rest time?

"Well, don't stand there. If you don't want to be late, come and have breakfast." Bo Yanchen has finished eating, while leisurely looking at the day's newspaper, kindly remind her.

"Oh." Li Xintong just woke up from a dream. He rushed to the dining table at the speed of 100 meters and sat down.

Qi Ma did not know where to flash out, holding a bowl of steaming millet porridge in her hand, "madam, please use it."

"Thank you, Ma Qi."

Li Xintong took the bowl, just drank a mouthful, heard Bo Yanchen said: "Qi Ma, from today on, every day to his wife stew some tonic."

"Yes Qi Ma agreed very quickly, but she began to murmur in her heart.

It's summer, and it's not nourishing season. What's more, the new lady is so young and full of vitality. Where can I take tonic?

Is it

Qi Ma's eyes moved down from Li Xintong's face and finally stayed on her abdomen.

Li Xintong looked up and saw Qi Ma's extremely ambiguous look. A mouthful of porridge almost stuck in her throat.

After swallowing it, I heard Qi Ma ask, "does madam have any special tonic to eat?"

Li Xintong Can she say she doesn't want any supplements at all?

"The specific need to buy what tonic, you see to do it, in short, is helpful to regulate the body on the line, the best can promote pregnancy." When Bo Yanchen said this, his face was not red and his heart was not beating.

Li Xintong Even so straightforward about pregnancy. Li Xintong lowered her head, eager to bury her head in the bowl.

"Good! I see Qi Ma nodded busily. Just now, she thought Li Xintong had been pregnant. Was she going to be pregnant? However, it's all for the sake of having a baby, so it's necessary to make up for it, "Sir, don't worry about it. Making soup and tonic is my best skill. The wife of the family where I used to work had two babies in a row. From pregnancy preparation to postpartum delivery, she had to stew tonic almost every day for two or three years. My unique skill was practiced at that time. "

Qi Ma talked about this with great relish and looked proud.

Bo Yanchen nodded with satisfaction: "well. Thank you, Ma Qi. I can't worry about your work. "

"It's up to you, sir. That's what I should do. " With the affirmation of the host, Qi Ma's sense of honor exploded, "Oh, yes. Since you are preparing for pregnancy, sir, should you also mend your body? "

Bo Yanchen touched his chin and nodded seriously: "well. I didn't expect that, thanks to your reminding. It's time for me to make it up. "

Li Xintong She wants to say that this man is as strong as a cow if he doesn't mend his body. If he mends his body, she is afraid that she will get out of bed.

On hearing this, Qi's mother immediately began to look up and say, "that's it! This woman is like a piece of land. Men are the sowers. If you want to grow good seedlings, not only do you need regular fertilization, but also the quality of the seeds is crucial. "

Li Xintong

She wanted to say the metaphor It's so sour. Qi Ma is really talented when she is a servant. She should be a storyteller.

But Bo Yanchen agreed: "well, that's right. Now we all pay attention to eugenics. "

"Of course, sir and madam, both of you have excellent conditions. Even if you don't make up for them, the children you give birth to must be better than others." Qi Ma flattered.

Li Xintong always quietly lowered his head to eat breakfast. It's the wisest time not to speak.

After breakfast, when I came to the office, it was exactly a quarter past eight. It took more than a quarter of an hour for Mao Yu to arrive at his post.Fortunately, Mao Yu didn't come to the company because of something temporary today, so naturally she won't come to check her post.

Li Xintong breathed a sigh of relief. There was no meeting this morning. She planned to draw pictures behind closed doors.


as soon as Bo Yanchen arrives at the office, Rui Wentao has been waiting for him outside the door.

"What can I do for you so early?" Bo Yanchen took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair naturally.

"Bo Shao, Miss Susanna's agent, Ellen, just called and said that Miss Susanna has agreed to cooperate with us, and the lawyer has been fully responsible for the consequences of her contract with Bo. In addition, it also said that we would give her two million US dollars, which will be fully refunded after deducting the service fee. "

When Rui Wentao received Allen's call, he thought he was listening. How can there be such a good thing in the world.

Are you sure this Susanna is the real one? Why is it so different from Susanna, who is hard to cooperate?

Do you want to pay back the money you have already given? Is this the legendary way to buy and return pearls?

No, it can't be described that way. Buy a pearl and return it only when you don't know its value. And for Susanna, it's green flower dollars. It is impossible for her not to know the value of money.

The only explanation is that Susanna doesn't want money, but people!

Is it necessary to say about people? Besides the boss of his family, who else?

Rui Wentao wanted to have a look. Bo Yanchen knew what the reaction was after the event, so he waited in front of the boss's office early in the morning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!