Chapter 139

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen also wants to say what, Jing Haoran suddenly stood up, "well, don't say, let's go out for a drink."

Bo Yanchen waved his hand, "I won't go to drink. I have to go back to accompany my wife."

Jing Haoran's mouth corners took out, but he was fed a mouthful of dog food.

This man always dazzles his wife. Have you ever considered the feelings of the man who just lost his love?

"Don't you come!" Jing Haoran looked directly at him with scornful eyes, "it's not that I don't know my sister-in-law's character. She is gentle and virtuous. How can she manage you so tightly? It's a big deal. It's over early. I'll go back with her. "

"During pregnancy, if you don't drink it, don't drink it." Bo Yanchen said calmly.

Jing Haoran

He suddenly felt 10000 damage points. It's easy to talk about pregnancy. Is it your wife or you? Can you not pretend B?

"Is it great to have a second child?" Jing Haoran couldn't bear it. "I didn't see you pay so much attention when I was born with the same memory."

Bo Yanchen sighed: "lessons from the past!"

Jing Haoran

Is it really good for a father to bury his son?

Your father speaks ill of you behind your back! Poor little Yitong, did you make it?


sneeze, sneeze!

Just after taking a bath, Xiao Yitong came out of the bathroom and suddenly felt his nose itchy. He couldn't help sneezing several times.

"Yi Tong, what's the matter? Do you have a cold? " Li Xintong heard the voice and asked with concern.

"No!" Yi Tong rubbed his itchy nose, "I'm in good health. I don't know why I sneeze

The little guy held his cheek, and his little eyes turned. Suddenly, the light came out, "I know! Maybe someone missed me, or someone spoke ill of me behind my back! "

Li Xintong was amused by his lovely expression, "if there is no scientific basis, where did you hear it! In my opinion, the air conditioner must be too low at night, which is a sign of catching cold. I'll make some ginger tea for you later. "

"Mom, can I not drink it?" Little guy embarrassed expression, "ginger tea ruthless ah."

Li Xintong touched his little head: "mother's ginger tea is not spicy at all, but also very sweet! You must love it. "

Children are always fond of sweet things, and xiaoyitong is no exception.

"Really? Mom, don't lie to me! " Xiaoyi said suspiciously.

Li Xintong shaved his little nose: "have you lied to me? I'll tell you after a while."

Li Xintong put xiaoyitong on his little bed, gave him a story book to read, and then went downstairs to make ginger tea.

Once in the kitchen, Li Xintong was completely hoodwinked.

Good boy! Such a big kitchen is like entering a maze.

It was her first time to come in, and she didn't even know where to put anything.

It's a pity that Qi's mother had something to do after dinner. She could have asked her.

What should we do?

What else can we do? One word: find!

Fortunately, Qi Ma put things very regularly. Fortunately, brown sugar ginger tea needs few materials.

After a while, she found ginger and brown sugar.

Because she grew up with her mother, Li Xintong has excellent cooking skills. Especially the knife work, it is to the point of perfection.

A simple ginger tea is a piece of cake for her.

The ginger tea she made was different from the prescription on the Internet, which was taught by her mother.

Chop the ginger into mud first, then stir the ginger mud and brown sugar until they are all boiled, then steam for 30 minutes.

Although this process is time-consuming, it can make the ginger soup boil out completely.

She could simply boil ginger and brown sugar in a pot.

But she has always felt that cooking is not only to cook things, but also to put in her love.

The steaming time is a little long. Li Xintong used this time to put the items in the kitchen.

Although Qi Ma and Xiao Cui take turns cooking at home, she still hopes that she can often cook delicious meals for Bo Yanchen and Yi Tong. This is also her duty as a wife and mother.

Nearly an hour later, ginger tea was finally ready.

Li Xintong filled out a small bowl and took it upstairs for Yi Tong to drink. As soon as I came out of the kitchen, I heard the door click open.

Bo Yanchen said that he would come back later. It's not half past eight now. It shouldn't be him. Qi Ma said that she would not come back tonight. Xiao Cui was not feeling well today, so she went to her room early to have a rest.

Who would it be?

Li Xintong quickly turned back to the kitchen, put down the ginger tea in her hand and picked up a pan.

The sound of footsteps across the living room seemed to be coming towards the kitchen. Li Xintong's heart was mentioned to his throat in an instant.The footstep sound is getting closer and closer, just when she is ready to lift the flat bottom, the man suddenly opens his mouth and shouts: "Qi Ma, is that you?"

Bo Yanchen's voice!!

Li Xintong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and came out of the kitchen.

The person who came to her was Bo Yanchen!

"Ah Chen, how did you come back?" Li Xintong asked excitedly.

"Why are you?" When Bo Yanchen saw her, he was surprised, "you..." The man's eyes fell on the pan in her hand. "What are you doing in the kitchen so late? Cooking? "

Li Xintong noticed the pan in her hand and said with a smile, "I didn't know it was you. I thought I thought... "

The corner of Bo Yanchen's mouth can't help but smoke. The emotional little woman treats him as a bad person. Is the pan ready to be used on him?

Fortunately, just now he called out, otherwise his brain full of wisdom would not be opened?

"Are you going to use the pan as a weapon?" Bo Yanchen took the pan from Li Xintong, "think I'm grey wolf?"

Li Xintong was stunned. He didn't expect that Bo Yanchen, who was usually serious, would laugh. What's more, I even know the cartoon character grey wolf.

However, how can he be a big wolf? If he is grey wolf, isn't she a savage red wolf? She's very virtuous, OK?

Li Xintong smiles and takes his arm. "Who said you are grey wolf? Have you ever seen such a handsome grey wolf? "

This compliment was very helpful to Bo Yanchen. He put down the pan and held his little wife in his arms. "That's true! I've never seen such a beautiful red wolf as you

Originally nervous Li Xintong completely relaxes, giggles and falls in Bo Yanchen's arms.

"Why are you in the kitchen so late?" Bo Yanchen's vision searched everywhere in the kitchen, "what did you cook to eat? I'm hungry. "

"Ah? You are hungry. But I didn't cook anything. I was just cooking ginger tea. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!