Chapter 141

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen did not directly say bed wetting, but used the relatively obscure saying of "flooding", also to take care of his son's face.

But how clever a child is xiaoyitong, how can he not recognize it?

"Dad! You You have crossed the line! When do I pee It's flooded! Make it clear to me Xiaoyi with red face, before their father and son two people, say what excessive words do not matter, we are all men, no taboo.

But now it's different. Li Xintong lives with them. Although Li Xintong is a mother, she is also a woman! How can you make her lose face in front of women?

Besides, he hasn't peed in bed since he can remember, OK?

Bo Yanchen says so, it is to slander him completely, OK?

Li Xintong also feels that Bo Yanchen is a little too much. He secretly winks at Bo Yanchen and indicates that he should not go too far.

It's OK to talk in front of her in private. How can you spread it out in front of the children? A child's self-esteem will suffer.

"When did I say you wet the bed?" Bo Yanchen said, "my original words are to avoid wetting the bed. It's to prevent bed wetting. Take precautions, do you understand? Besides, you are only five years old now. Even if you really wet your bed, we won't blame you. "

Li Xintong What a precaution!

Small memory with surprised opened mouth, a time unexpectedly speechless.

He felt that his father's upright personality had broken down.

"Drink it quickly. Ginger tea will weaken when it is cold." Bo Yanchen urges his son.

Li Xintong This seems to be her original words just now.

Xiaoyi Tongwei wrongly stares at a small bowl of ginger tea, looks up and drinks it.

How sweet! Xiaoyitong licked his lips. The sweet taste of brown sugar almost covered the spicy taste of ginger. There was only a slight spicy feeling, which was completely acceptable to him. It's better than the ginger tea cooked by Qi ma. I don't know how many times.

"It's not spicy, is it?" Asked Li Xintong.

"Well. It's not spicy at all. It's so sweet and delicious! " This is my mother's first time cooking for him, but it's only a small bowl.

Bo Yanchen quickly took away the empty bowl in his son's hand, pressed his shoulder and turned him around: "go upstairs to sleep after drinking."

I remember the same thing: "I'm not sure." Is that to keep up with his rhythm?

"No! I don't sleep Yi Tong holds Li Xintong's thigh, "I want my mother to tell me a story."

"No! It's late. I have to go to school tomorrow! " Bo Yanchen a pair of have no to discuss of tone, "I and your mother still have important thing to do!"

Today, he came back early in order to do something important with his little wife. Who knows this kid hasn't fallen asleep yet. Isn't this a delay?

Li Xintong, of course, understood what Bo Yanchen said was important, and immediately blushed.

This man usually shameless even, actually said these in front of the child, memory with so smart, if understand how to do?

She secretly stretched out her hand and twisted it on the man's arm. Just as she was about to pull it away, she was caught by a big hand.

With a thin cocoon fingers gently rub her palm, but also from time to time to pick a pick her wrist inside the sensitive skin.

Such hints are too obvious. Li Xintong's hands and heart are itching because of his teasing. The whole person is not good.

But the man's strength is very big, she struggled several times, can't break away.

Li Xintong stares at Bo Yanchen and asks him not to be too unscrupulous.

Fortunately, Xiaoyi didn't find her parents' private interaction.

"Do you have anything important to do?" Xiaoyitong's curiosity was aroused, "I'll help you do it together. There are many people and great power."

Poof! Li Xintong's blood almost came out.

"Only adults can do it." Bo Yanchen pressed the head that presses a son, lift Mou to send toward Li Xintong frivolous glance.

Li Xintong's face suddenly turned red. I wish I could dig a hole in the ground and go down.

Xiaoyi can't stand the carefree expression of affection between her parents. She just put him in the middle. Have you ever considered the feeling of the flower of his motherland?

Li Xintong just wanted to speak, suddenly a hand from her back under the hem stretched in, all the way dexterous upward, in her bra buckle linger.

The blood of Li Xintong's whole body rushes to the forehead. This man, what do you want!!

She angrily carried her hand to the back and pulled his salty pig hand down. Who knows, he immediately put his hand down under her.

Li Xintong took a cold breath and pulled out his hand. However, he immediately changed his place. In a word, it was like a dog skin plaster, which could not be thrown off.

Li Xintong was defeated at last.

"Yitong, or You go to bed first. Today, my mother is a little tired and wants to go to bed early. " Li Xintong is afraid that if she doesn't make a statement again, the man will be more presumptuous. If she does something out of line in front of her children, it will be embarrassing.

Li Xintong's words are really more useful. Xiao Yi thinks about it and nods: "OK, I'll go to bed. Good night, mom With that, he made a face at Bo Yanchen and went upstairs.Until the door of the upstairs room slammed, Li Xintong was completely relieved.

"In the future, in front of children, pay attention to the image, OK?" Li Xintong angrily pulls the man's hand out of his clothes.

But Bo Yanchen pasted it again like brown candy: "what do you mean is that as long as the child is not there, you can ignore the image?" As he spoke, he put his arms around her, leaned against the stage, and pecked her red lips.

Li Xintong rolled his eyes towards him, but he didn't want to push him away. He was busy outside all day today, and she really missed him.

Now being held by him, smelling his good smell and feeling the warmth of his body, it seems that the tiredness of the day has been eliminated a lot.

Li Xintong raises Mou, see Bo Yanchen is drooping Mou to look at oneself, the wall lamp of kitchen slants warm hue, the facial features of man set off more and more soft. Those dark eyes seem to drown people in an instant

Night, very lonely.

Listen to the clock ticking in the living room, and his heart thumping sound interwoven together, so melodious.

Seeing his little wife so obedient, Bo Yanchen couldn't help but bow his head and kiss her. It was no longer a dragonfly's kiss just now, but a deep and lingering kiss.

One kiss. She has been kiss seven meat and eight vegetable, small mouth is full of ginger tea flavor, sweet with a little spicy.

Her little face is crimson and her hands are white. I don't know when she started to grasp his skirt.

Because of her great strength, her shirt was crumpled, but also a few buttons scattered, and her honey skin loomed.

Li Xintong couldn't help swallowing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!