Chapter 159

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Diana looks at Bo Yanchen in shock, his look is still indifferent and arrogant. She knows that her lies have been exposed, and she also knows that Bo Yanchen is dismissive of this kind of tricks.

Diana is almost hasty to take back the line of sight, drooping eyes flashed a trace of pain, a flash, fast almost people think that this is just an illusion. She pretended to be calm and said, "Mr. Bo, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Even if she's really seen through, she has to carry on gracefully. Absolutely not in front of Bo Yanchen gaffe, because she is Diana, that in the T stage can deal with any unexpected situation of the spirit.

When Bo Yanchen saw her like this, he suddenly laughed coldly, with a kind of shallow irony and ridicule, "you have understood clearly, why do you still pretend to be modest? Or do you think the runway is too small and want to go to the theater stage? However, I think it's better for people to focus on one cause, which is often beyond their ability. What do you say? "

Bo Yanchen's words are very relaxed. On the surface, there is nothing wrong with her, and even some kind persuasion. In fact, her words are full of pearls, implying that she is too fake and bad at acting.

Diana clenched her pale lips, her delicate little face white without a trace of blood.

She really couldn't figure out that it was so hidden that no one else knew about it except her and Thomas, the agent. How did Bo Yanchen know?

If he really knew, why didn't he tell Jing Haoran? It doesn't make any sense! Or, in fact, he didn't know it at all. He deliberately tried to cheat her.

Hum! It must be!

With this in mind, Diana had some confidence: "what do you mean?"

Bo Yanchen sneered, and his dark eyes made his heart panic: "I thought I had made it very clear. Miss Diana, are you lack of understanding, or do you like self abuse and hope others don't give you any respect? Well, I'll make it clear. You get a fake wedding invitation to Haoran, do you want to stimulate him, or do you want him to get married? But in my opinion, you seem to overestimate your charm

Diana's pupils suddenly shrunk. This time he said too thoroughly, as long as not a fool, can understand.

She did not overestimate her charm, but underestimated Bo Yanchen's poisonous tongue ability.

Not only didn't give her any affection, but also made a thorough mockery of her. In his eyes, she was just a stupid, narcissistic and self abusive woman.

However, how Bo Yanchen wants to see her, she actually does not care. What she cares about is what Jing Haoran thinks of her.

Just listen to the tone of Bo Yanchen, Jing Haoran should have known her trick, and did not care at all.

Diana's heart sank to the bottom a little bit. For a moment, she suddenly laughed softly, "when did you know that?" As she spoke, her hands were tightly twisted and clasped, and her knuckles were white.

"When I saw that invitation, I just doubted." Bo Yanchen looked at Diana in his spare time and said, "later, I asked someone to check, and the result was clear at a glance."

In fact, the moment he saw the invitation, he knew something was wrong. Diana was willing to give up everything for Jing Haoran, and even committed suicide. There's no reason to empathize so quickly.

What's more, Diana has settled abroad for a long time, and the bridegroom Thomas is a real foreigner, so there is no possibility to hold a wedding in China, especially in the West City, where he doesn't even have a foothold.

So, he asked Rui Wentao to check it a little, but he didn't know, so it was a big surprise.

The hotel where the invitation is located does have a wedding banquet on that day, and the groom is Thomas, but the bride But it's not Diana. Even if it's another woman, the problem is that the bride is not a woman at all!

It's Thomas's Bromance! A popular male model from the same model agency as Diana. Because of the fierce opposition of both parents, they had to choose to hold the wedding in a third country without relatives.

Rui Wentao, who has always been unprepared to change, was really surprised by the news. It's a mess!

However, an important message can be interpreted from another aspect, that is, since Diana deliberately deceived Jing Haoran, it can be proved that she still loves Jing Haoran and wants to stimulate her husband to recover her.

So Rui Wentao asked Bo Yanchen if he wanted to tell Jing Haoran immediately.

Bo Yanchen, however, was as calm and comfortable as ever. He shook his head and said, no need.

Rui Wentao was puzzled. Bo Yanchen only said one thing: she will come to me.

Sure enough, just a few days later, Diana couldn't sit still and came to the door.

Diana thought this man was terrible. She had been sitting here for more than an hour just now, but he didn't say anything. He didn't even have a redundant expression.How could he be so calm? It turns out that he knows everything, just waiting for her to confess!

Diana felt that she had been stripped of all her disguises and lost her dignity.

Ah! Who is to blame? She asked for it! A kind of unspeakable bitterness and desolation gathered in her heart, and her wet feeling was quietly in her eyes, "Haoran he Does he know all about it? "

"He doesn't know anything." In Bo Yanchen's dark eyes, there is a deep feeling that is difficult to understand.

What? He didn't tell Jing Haoran?

"Aren't you friends?" Diana asked, "I I thought you had told him

"It's not convenient for outsiders to interfere in emotional affairs." Bo Yanchen turned off the computer screen, stood up from his chair and said with a sneer, "I don't know what your purpose is. If you think it can stimulate Haoran, then I think you are wrong. He didn't look for you again after he received the invitation, did he? "

Diana is embarrassed to draw a lip corner, indeed, Jing Haoran seems indifferent to the matter that she wants to get married. Does he really no longer love her? Do you really watch her marry someone else?

Diana's face was a little tired for a moment. Her originally clear eyes were covered with a layer of gray mist and gradually spread.

"You must be fighting between heaven and man in your heart now. Are you in a mess?" Bo Yanchen suddenly said, "if I were you, I would not play such a childish trick. Doing so will only make the people you love far away from you. But I think Haoran probably never doubted it from the beginning to the end. Because he trusts you so much that he doesn't expect your so-called wedding to be a complete fraud. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!