Chapter 161

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Ah, a scream reverberated in the huge office. Diana panicked and pressed the cloth in front of her chest with her hands. The whole person shrank into a ball, hoping to find a hole to drill down.

The clothes in summer are very thin. If they are damaged, the spring will burst out. In addition, Diana got up so much that her poor lace dress was almost torn in half.

"What to do? What shall we do? " Diana is crying in a hurry.

Bo Yanchen is to appear very calm, the line of sight intentionally turns aside to avoid Diana graceful body, get up to take off own coat to throw to her, "quickly put on."

"Mr. Bo. Thank you so much Diana firmly grasped the suit jacket with both hands, as if holding on to the straw. She couldn't stop thanking her for her kindness. It was lucky for her to meet such a gentleman. "I'm really sorry for the trouble!"

"Well, get up." Bo Yanchen said without expression, "be careful next time."

"Mm-hmm!" Diana stumbled to her feet. The heels of her high heels were completely broken, so she had to stand on the ground barefoot. Don't mention the embarrassed appearance. What's the image of an international supermodel?

Li Xintong, who had planned to rush out of the door, was confused by the sudden situation, and looked at all this with wide eyes.

To be honest, she was very depressed when she heard the interns talking in the elevator just now. Although she did not believe that Bo Yanchen would be the kind of cheating man, she could not help coming to have a look out of the woman's jealousy.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw the picture of two people overlapping. Her whole blood was coagulated. She was so angry that she just wanted to leave.

But in the present situation, it seems that she is oversensitive.

If these two people really have an ambiguous relationship, the tone, expression and action of their speech are definitely not in such a state. She can judge that.

Li Xintong took a look at them and turned to walk towards the door.

"Tong Tong!" Bo Yanchen quickly stepped forward to stop her way, "she and I are not what you think!"

Li Xintong only felt funny and asked: "do you know what I think?"

Bo Yanchen narrowed his black eyes and looked at his little wife meaningfully.

Well The brow didn't wrinkle, and the expression seemed normal. Isn't she angry to leave?

Bo Yanchen didn't want to guess. He put his arms around her waist and asked, "that Where are you going? "

Li Xintong did not have the good spirit white he one eye: "helps this beautiful woman to take a set of clothes to also have a pair of shoes." You can't let people go back in this suit. In case people in the company see it, they may have to spread some rumors.

Even if Bo Yanchen is willing to let her wear it, she is not willing to! Let other women wear her husband's clothes, why?

Bo Yanchen picked to pick eyebrow, "how can this kind of errand work let madam do?" Then he took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket and dialed a number.

"Wentao, send a set of women's clothes and a pair of women's shoes to my office immediately. what? Size? " Bo Yanchen doesn't dare to look back at Diana, so he has to look at Li Xintong for help.

Li Xintong pursed her lips and said in a very light voice: clothes size m, shoes size 38.

"Clothes size m, shoes size 38. Whatever the style is, well, now and now! " Bo Yanchen hang up the phone, a face dogleg toward Li Xintong said with a smile: "wife, you are really warm-hearted!"

Li Xintong turned a big white eye toward him, and didn't want to talk to him.

Diana was completely confused by what she saw. This What happened?

How did Bo Da Shao, who was just majestic, become a cute uncle?

Who is this beautiful woman in front of me? Just now Bo Yanchen called her: Madam, wife

So she is Bo Yanchen's new wife!

Oh, my God! They meet in this situation. What a shame! I don't know if Mrs. Bo misunderstood.

"That Mrs. Bo! Hello! I'm Diana! "Diana held out her hand tremblingly.

Li Xintong took her hand and said with a smile, "Miss Diana, I've heard so much about you!"

Diana was a little embarrassed and said with a smile, "I want to retire from the big name! There is no freedom at all. I just want to be an ordinary person. "

Diana is telling the truth. She's tired of being in the spotlight. Every word you say or do will be photographed by paparazzi, reported by media, and then magnified without limit.

She really wants to go back to the carefree days when she was a student. More miss has not been popular, and Jing Haoran together that good time.

At that time, she could have no scruples and enjoy the princess like love given by Jing Haoran.

"You are just in the red. If you retire, how will you hurt the hearts of the fans?" Xintong said, "besides, how many people can't envy having a perfect figure and wearing bright clothes to show themselves on the T-stage!"Li Xintong didn't mean to compliment Diana.

The height of 1.78 meters, sweet dimples, three-dimensional facial features with contour and elegant and charming temperament. This kind of Diana is very popular in the fashion circle. Just a few years after her debut, she has appeared frequently on the covers of international fashion magazines and become popular on major media websites all over the world. She has been praised by the media as a graceful and sexy "otaku goddess" and "Queen of variety".

She is also a favorite in the eyes of international fashion design masters. She can exactly perform all kinds of clothing styles, whether it is sexy, elegant, or cold, handsome, she is always handy.

As a fashion designer, Li Xintong naturally likes models like Diana.

"Don't laugh, Mrs. Bo. What can I admire? " Diana gave a wry smile. "In fact, I envy you for being with the people I like. Not like me... "

Bo Yanchen couldn't listen any more and coughed a few times. "Well, don't compliment each other. Diana, aren't you going to find Haoran? It's almost noon now. At the press conference in the afternoon, don't you intend to clarify? "

"Oh, oh." Diana woke up and ran to the door.

"Hello..." Before Li Xintong could stop her, Diana folded herself back and said awkwardly, "my clothes and shoes..."

Looking at her embarrassed appearance, Li Xintong couldn't bear to laugh.

Just then, the door of the office was knocked. Rui Wentao came in. The first thing he saw was Li Xintong. He thought the clothes and shoes were for her. "Madam, are you going to wear them? I'll ask the administration department to change it right away. "

"Why change it?" Li Xintong took the bag and opened it to see that it was her first set of clothes designed in red. , the fastest update of the webnovel!