Chapter 180

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong clenches her fist. The injury on her knee makes her unable to stand up. She can't look at Li Xiaoxiao in the same way. However, she will never lower her noble head. She has to hold each other down in her aura.

Li Xintong snorted coldly, "Li Xiaoxiao, do you know how to carve insects? Childish Then she took out her cell phone and began to dial.

"Who are you calling?" Li Xiaoxiao suddenly became nervous.

Li Xintong ignored her. After dialing the phone, she spoke slowly: "Hello, is it 110? I want to report it. Someone hit me with a car on purpose. Near Xinhui square, Longyang Road, the license plate number is West a97778, my name is li... "

Bang, Li Xintong has not finished, the mobile phone was Li Xiaoxiao grabbed in the past, hit heavily on the ground, split apart in an instant.

"Bitch! How dare you call the police Li Xiaoxiao roared angrily.

Before, no matter how she bullied Li Xintong, she endured it silently and never resisted. But today, she is just a prank, driving to scare her, did not expect Li Xintong would quietly choose to call the police.

Originally, she thought that a year in prison would make Li Xintong more cowardly. Now she found that she seemed to be wrong.

Li Xintong has changed and become powerful.

"Why can't I call the police? This is dangerous driving. I will reserve the right to sue you! " Li Xintong said coldly.

"Oh! Dangerous driving? " Li Xiaoxiao sneered, "I didn't expect you to come out of prison, other things didn't improve, but I know a lot about legal knowledge."

Li Xintong said with a smile: "thank you for your praise. Naturally, I know more than you, a legal illiterate."

Li Xiaoxiao mouth corner smoked to smoke, originally wanted to satirize her, didn't expect but oneself begged a boring.

"Li Xintong, don't be hard mouthed." Li Xiaoxiao sneered, "you are the eldest daughter of the Li family, but you are not as good as my second daughter. I eat well, dress well, live well in the Li family, and I have luxury cars to go out. And you? Forced out by my father, homeless, even your bedroom has now become my utility room. On a hot day, I couldn't bear to drive a car. I ran in the street in the heavy rain, covered with mud. I felt hot when I looked at it. You are more beautiful than me. What's the use of reading more than I do? Don't you still not get your father's favor? "

Li Xintong stares at Li Xiaoxiao and doesn't reply.

What she said was true. At that time, his father took Qiu Aihua and Li Xiaoxiao into the house and left his mother angry.

Young Li Xintong followed her mother back to her grandmother's home.

My grandfather died a long time ago. My grandmother is in poor health. She has been living on the savings left by my grandfather.

The family suddenly had two more mouths, and the burden of life suddenly increased. Mother had to go out to work, and grandma took her at home. From then on, the three women depended on each other.

When she was 12 years old, her mother died of illness, and her grandmother was unable to support her alone, so she had to send her back to the Li family.

The days after that were like years. In the Li family, she was always an outsider.

In high school, she simply lived in school, sometimes even did not go home on holidays, in order to avoid the ugly family.

Finally, after she went to college and fell in love with Bo Jingxuan, her father seemed to be getting better with her.

At this time, grandma suddenly got Alzheimer's disease. Fortunately, Bo Jingxuan helped her to afford the expensive expenses. In this regard, she still thanks Bo Jingxuan from the heart.

But this man is not her lover.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Li Xiaoxiao was even more upset: "Oh, by the way, even your fiance is mine now. ha-ha! Li Xintong, you are doomed to be a failure

"Your mother likes to rob other people's men, and you have learned her way. It seems that being a junior can be inherited." Li Xintong said with a sneer, "Li Xiaoxiao, you have become a net red now, so you are so proud, aren't you?"

Li Xiaoxiao smell speech, face suddenly of a stiff.

The last time she and Bo Jingxuan had an affair in a hotel and was photographed by reporters, she was completely angry. There are so many reports, most of them are scolding her. Later, I don't know who killed Qiandao. I dug up the large-scale photos of her fooling around with men and put them on the Internet.

So, for a while, she did not dare to go out. As soon as I went out, I was pointed out and stabbed at my spine.

This incident even affected the business of Li Jianguo company. Many big customers have to cancel orders, the company suffered heavy losses, Li Jianguo for this gas almost into the hospital.

What makes Li Xiaoxiao more depressed is that after this incident, Bo Jingxuan also began to get impatient with her.

Recently, he has asked for several times that he has no time. It seems that he is deliberately avoiding her. Probably because of the photos on the Internet, I think she is an improper woman.

Before, two people almost stick together every day, together is to do that kind of thing, crazy ruthless.

Now, even if they meet occasionally, Bo Jingxuan doesn't seem to be interested in her.

"I've enjoyed all your photos. It can only be said that the photographing technique is good. It's just a model It's a little close. No matter the figure, appearance or posture, they can't be compared with the professional heroines in island movies. " Li Xintong said with ridicule, "I don't know Bo Jinxuan's reaction after seeing these photos?""You!" Li Xiaoxiao's nose is crooked. She can't believe it. The person in front of her is Li Xintong, who speaks softly and is gentle. She When did she become so venomous?

Li Xiaoxiao certainly won't admit defeat, "Jingxuan is very good to me. I'm not going to give up on me for just a few computer-generated photos. We love each other so much that we do it almost every day. Jingxuan is really good at that. I am very satisfied every time. You must have never experienced the feeling of immortality and death. "

Li Xiaoxiao shamelessly tells, that barefaced words, let Li Xintong feel ashamed for her.

Her intoxicated expression seemed to be about to reach the height and tide. Li Xintong had a chill.

"It's a pity that you've been with Jingxuan for so long that he doesn't even want to touch you. Ah!! What a pity Li Xiaoxiao sighed.

Li Xintong rolled her eyes, it is clear that she does not want to let Bo Jingxuan touch, OK? Pig Bajie is a harrow.

Li Xintong nodded: "well, maybe I wasn't around him at that time. Men who don't eat meat for a long time tend to be hungry. It's like when people are hungry, everything stinky and rotten is put in their mouth. It's the same thing. There's nothing wrong with it. "

She said so, not for Bo Jingxuan infidelity development, but do not want to let Li Xiaoxiao too.

Li Xiaoxiao is really angry. Dare to describe her as smelly and rotten.

"Li Xintong! You deceive too much Li Xiaoxiao raised her hand to fan her face, but was caught by a big hand on her wrist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!