Chapter 203

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
At the same time, Xiao Yi immediately turned from worry to joy: "Mm-hmm. Give me a bowl. It's full

"Good. I'll bring it right away. " Qi Ma said and turned to the kitchen.

After a while, Qi Ma brought two bowls of radish and spareribs soup. As soon as it was put in front of Xiao Yitong, he picked it up and took a big gulp.

"Be careful to scald..." Qi Ma's voice did not fall, Xiaoyi with a puff will be full of a mouthful of soup all spit out, spray all over the table.

Qi Ma looked at a mess of the dining table, a head two big.

"Yi Tong, are you ok?" Li Xintong nervously looked at him, "is it hot?"

Xiaoyitong covered his mouth and shook his head.

Bo Yanchen frowned and glanced at his son: "how come every time you come back from school, you seem to escape from the poverty-stricken mountainous areas? Is the food in the school very poor?"

Xiaoyitong finally calmed down, "the school food is not bad, but it can't compare with home.". Especially soup, which has Qi Ma's good taste? "

As soon as Qi Ma heard this, she felt happy. She swept away her depression just now. While cleaning the dirty table, she said happily, "young master, if you like, I'll cook for you every day."

"Yes, of course." Xiaoyitong said, "today's Stewed spareribs soup with radish is very good. It's even better than the cooks in five-star hotels. I'd like another bowl. "

Qi Ma's cooking skills have been so highly praised, excited mouth to the ear, "OK, I'll help you to Sheng." With that, he ran to the kitchen.

After Qi Ma left, Li Xintong stares at Yi Tong curiously: "is this soup really so good?"

Before Yi Tong spoke, he heard Bo Yanchen's cold voice: "he's cheating again."

"Dad, would you mind not exposing me?" Xiaoyitong protested.

"You were scalded just now. You vomited without a drop left. Can you still taste it?" Bo Yanchen is not polite to expose him.

Yi Tong laughed: "I didn't taste it. But it doesn't mean that Qi Ma's soup is not good, does it? I just exaggerate a little bit on the basis of the facts. It can't be regarded as a hoax. "

Li Xintong Isn't that a trick?

Up to ninety-nine, down to just will go, as long as small billion with the same mouth, it is estimated that everyone can be coaxed around by him.

no wonder Bo Yanchen always make complaints about the small billion people who are fooling around. Sure enough, the Father knows his son.

Li Xintong is thinking about how to let xiaoyitong get rid of the problem of cheating people.

"In fact, my favorite soup is the soup made by my mother. It's delicious Xiaoyitong said suddenly.

The corner of Li Xintong's mouth smokes. The child will start to deceive her again.

"When did I make you soup?" Why doesn't she remember? Since living in the villa, she has never cooked. It's not that she is lazy, but that she has no chance at all.

"Just a few days ago, why did you forget?" Xiaoyitong reminded her, "brown sugar ginger tea! It's delicious! Even Dad and I are fighting to drink! But I can't get my father, only a small bowl. " Finish saying, toward thin Yan Chen cast to despise of vision.

"Don't worry. It won't give you a chance in the future. " Bo Yanchen said without expression.

He really regretted that he was so soft hearted that he gave the little villain a bowl. I knew he was so ungrateful that I should not have left him a drop.

"My mother made ginger tea specially for me last time. You had the cheek to rob it." Small billion make complaints about the same way.

Bo Yanchen pick eyebrow, "after Tong Tong pot soup, in addition to me, other people are not allowed to touch."

Xiaoyi quit, "Dad, you are too overbearing!"

"All right. Stop!” Li Xintong can't listen any more. The father and son are fighting each other for a bowl of ginger tea?

"Who dares to say that I will not cook any soup in the future!" Li Xintong a roar, the world finally quiet.

Qi Ma just came out of the kitchen and saw this scene.

A woman looks like she is warm and angry. There are two men, one big and the other small. They are silent and eat.

Qi Ma can't help sighing that this family has changed to the era of strong women since then.

Qi's mother came over lightly, put the soup on the table, winked at Li Xintong, and then walked out silently.

After dinner, Bo Yanchen takes Li Xintong to the hospital. Xiao Yi doesn't want to be at home alone and proposes to go together.

But Bo Yanchen disagrees, saying that the hospital is not a place to play, there are too many germs, and children can't go.

Xiaoyi doesn't argue, sneaks into the back seat of the car, but is found by Bo Yanchen, resolutely carried out, put down a sentence: obediently at home, see your performance.

After that, he drove his wife away.

On the bus, Li Xintong told Bo Yanchen what happened in Xiao Yi's class one by one. After Bo Yanchen listens to, just Oh, there is no special reaction.

He doesn't speak, but Li Xintong has a lot to ask."Did you do it?" Asked Li Xintong.

"What?" Bo Yanchen pretends to be a fool.

"It's the two bear kids who suddenly immigrated. There was no sign before Li Xintong said.

"Well." Bo Yanchen didn't deny it, "you have to give people a way to live.". I don't want to do it too well

Li Xintong They've driven people out of the country. Obviously they can't live at home. She really can't imagine the standard that Bo Yanchen did absolutely in his idea.

"But those two families seem to be powerful. How did you do it? And in such a short time. " This is something Li Xintong can't figure out.

"In the eyes of ordinary people, they may have some influence. But that's what happened to me. Some things can be done in one or two calls. " Bo Yanchen said lightly.

Li Xintong's tongue.

Bo Yanchen and together for so long, she still do not know how much ability this man has.

But It seems to be more capable than she thought. Otherwise, how can we do such a big thing through only one or two phone calls, and do it quietly. She couldn't believe it if Yi Tong hadn't told her today.

"Well What about Mr. Qiu's class transfer? " Li Xintong asked, "are you lenient?"

Bo Yanchen slanted a head to see her one eye, did not speak, be regarded as acquiescence.

"Is she still in touch with you?" Asked Li Xintong.

Qiu Qingqing is obviously not a woman who knows how to advance and retreat. Her perseverance made her feel inferior.

Bo Yanchen's face has no facial expression way, "already pull black." After that, he added: "if you don't ask me for this, I will do the same."

Li Xintong said: "I'm not so stingy. This is what your son asked for. I didn't say anything." , the fastest update of the webnovel!