Chapter 209

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Jingxuan also saw Bo Yanchen. At first, he was stunned. When he saw that the person sitting in the co pilot's cab was Li Xintong, he was stunned. Especially see thin Yan Chen pressure on her body, two people intimate appearance, the flame of the heart rubs to rub to rush up.

He stood there, both hands tugged tight fist, and Bo Yanchen looked at each other.

See Bo Yanchen for a long time pressure on himself not up, Li Xintong thought he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity again, smile hit him: "hate, you start!"

Bo Yanchen turns his head to look at Li Xintong, and suddenly kisses her lips without warning.

Li Xintong only when he kisses for a while, the solution will be finished, also did not push him away, let him kiss. Unexpectedly, the kiss lasted for several minutes. When they finally separated, Li Xintong felt that her tongue was numb.

"I hate it." Li Xintong breathlessly stares at him, "drive or not in the end."

"Drive now!" Bo Yanchen finished, bowed his head and gave her a kiss on the lip. Then he got up, tied his seat belt, started the car and stepped on the accelerator.

When passing Bo Jingxuan, he specially honked the horn.

Hearing the sound of the whistle, Li Xintong subconsciously raised his head, just saw Bo Jingxuan standing there in the mirror.

Li Xintong's jaw almost fell down in surprise: "he When did he stand there? "

"Just as we were kissing." Bo Yanchen said lightly.

Li Xintong I'll do it. This man must have done it on purpose.

Just now she thought it strange that she would suddenly kiss her again, ah! Originally is for the sake of angry thin Jing Xuan, intentionally and her intimate. immature! Too much!

"Well! You kiss me on purpose, don't you? " Li Xintong said angrily, "have you ever considered my feelings by using me like this?"

Bo Yanchen pick eyebrow, "you are angry, I am not sent to heart kiss you?"

Li Xintong It seems to mean that.

"Well? Right? Speak Bo Yanchen asked.

Li Xintong kept her face away from the window and ignored him. She won't admit it!

Creak!! Suddenly, there is a sharp brake sound, and the car stops suddenly. Li Xintong is unprepared and leans forward abruptly, which makes her almost cry out.

"Hello! What are you doing! "No, No." Before her voice fell, Bo Yanchen suddenly rushed over and bit her lips.

The kiss was too fierce. His fiery tongue, like a big brush, quickly occupied her whole mouth. His strength was a little strong. It seemed to be a bit of punishment. Sometimes he bit her lip, sometimes he caught her little tongue and danced wildly.

At the end of the kiss, Li Xintong's whole body was confused. Her lips were as red and swollen as if she had just eaten spicy chicken.

"You What are you doing? " Li Xintong complains indignantly. This is the gate of the hospital. People come and go. Their car parking location is not very good, there are already several cars in the back there, Didi didi honking to protest.

Bo Yanchen licked his lips with endless aftertaste, full of sweetness, "don't you think I kiss you from the heart? Do you feel my sincerity now? "

Li Xintong Not so shameless, right? It is clear that he is playing a hooligan and wants to kiss her, which can also be related to sincerity. It's like she asked for a kiss.

Looking at her frustrated face, Bo Yanchen was in a good mood, "what are you doing in a daze? Not enough kisses? "

Li Xintong gives him a white look and keeps her head away from the window. At the moment, she doesn't want to talk to this shameless person.


Bo Jingxuan stood there until Bo Yanchen's car was completely out of sight.

It's really a narrow road. I met Bo Yanchen here. What's more, Li Xintong is also here.

He really hasn't seen this woman for a long time. She has become beautiful. She was so happy just now. She must be in a good mood.

I remember when I was with him, Li Xintong was usually very serious and seldom showed such a smile. For a time, he felt that she was very cold and hard to get close to.

But she can smile so brightly to Bo Yanchen, and she kisses Bo Yanchen in the street.

I remember when I was with him, Li Xintong was very resistant to being intimate with him. She didn't even have a decent kiss. At most, it was like a dragonfly skimming water. How ever had such a hot and lingering kiss?

When he saw the scene of the entanglement between them, he really wanted to rush to separate them. And then give Bo Yanchen a hard reward. Tell him that Li Xintong is his fiancee and his woman.

But he didn't have the courage. After all, Bo Yanchen and Li Xintong have obtained the certificate. They are now legal husband and wife.

And he's just an ex fiance. He can only look at the beloved woman lying in other people's arms, accepting other people's kisses, calling other people's husband.

Bo Jingxuan stood in place, took out a lighter and cigarette case, and lit a cigarette for himself. The bluish gray smoke spilled along the corner of his lips, and then it was dispersed by the wind and disappeared into the vast night.After one cigarette, just as he wanted to smoke a second cigarette, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

He fidgeted to take out a look at the mobile phone, is the mother of Wu Meizi's phone.

"Hello, Ma."

"Jingxuan, why haven't you come yet? If you don't come again, your grandfather will kill people. " Wu Meizi exaggerates.

Bo Jingxuan's temple suddenly jumps, "OK, I know. I'll be right there."

He was called by Bo Laozi. However, he was guilty and procrastinated. He only came here now because he was afraid that he would be severely criticized by the old man later.

On the way, I got a call from Qiu Aihua. On the phone, Qiu Aihua said in a tearful voice that Li Xiaoxiao was injured and was being rescued. He was asked to come to the hospital to see her.

In fact, during this period of time, his mind was not on Li Xiaoxiao. The woman was clingy and suspicious, and he was tired of it for a long time.

If it wasn't for the sake of her good Kung Fu in bed, he would feel sick even if he looked at her more.

She's hurt. Who cares? His own grandfather is still in the hospital!

Of course, I'm going to see the old man first, otherwise he will kill people.

Bo Jingxuan just walked a few steps, and his mobile phone rang again. When he took it up, it was Qiu Aihua. He took a look and pressed the phone down.

After a few more steps, the mobile phone rang again. At first glance, it was Qiu Aihua. He frowned and pressed it off.

When the phone rang for the third time, he was completely angry. He picked it up without looking at it and yelled at the other party, "what's the matter!! Are you bored or not! Don't you know I'm busy? "

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