Chapter 217

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Although Bo Yanchen and Bo family are different, he still respects uncle Ji.

Ji Shu has given him and his mother selfless help, he has always remembered.

In Bo Yanchen's eyes, uncle Ji seems completely different from the people of the Bo family, so he doesn't want to relate uncle Ji to the Bo family when he introduces them.

Qi Ma embarrassed to smile: "Uncle Ji, just now really embarrassed."

"It's OK. It's your job. You did a good job Ji Shu said.

Hearing such praise, Qi's mother blushed, "I'll go and pour water."

After Qi Ma went to the kitchen, Xiao Yitong ran to Uncle Ji, "Uncle Ji, I haven't seen you for a long time."

I remember the last time I met, when I was abroad a year and a half ago.

Ji Shuyi holds Xiaoyi together: "yes! I haven't seen you for more than a year. I miss you very much. Wow, so big? How your father raised you so well! It's heavy. "

Xiaoyitong is not thin, and the meat is very strong.

"Maybe I can eat better." Xiaoyi with depressed to pinch his meat drum drum small face, "I'm thinking about losing weight."

Uncle Ji chuckled, "you are growing up now. You can't lose weight. Once you lose weight, you will not grow tall. Look how tall your father is. He may have eaten it

"Really?" Xiaoyi didn't believe it, "but I don't think he eats much now! "

"Now is now." Ji Shu said, "I'm talking about when he was a child, he was so big as you, he was very good at eating, and he never was picky about food. Do you want to grow up as big and powerful as your father? "

"Yes! Of course Xiaoyi nodded his head like a pound of garlic.

"Then you can't think about losing weight. Try to eat more nutritious food and strengthen exercise. Keep your body strong and strive to be as strong as your father when you grow up. " Uncle Ji encouraged.

"No!" But Xiao Yitong shook his head: "I will be stronger than my father in the future!"

Bo Yanchen "..." Is he destined to die on the beach?

Xiaoyi thought about it, ran to Li Xintong, took her hand and said: "Mom, mom, I want to have a snack."

Li Xintong looked at him suspiciously: "you had a lot of dinner. Are you hungry again? "

"I'm not hungry." Small memory touched to still have some small tummy of round drum with touch, "but I want to eat a bit more, grow up quickly."

Three black lines fell from Li Xintong's forehead.

"As long as you eat on time and pay attention to balanced nutrition intake, you will naturally thrive. If you eat too much at a meal, it will not only cause indigestion, but also cause over nutrition, resulting in childhood obesity. " Li Xintong patiently explained, "height has a lot to do with heredity. If your father is so tall, you will not be short when you grow up. Besides, you've grown taller than your peers, haven't you? "

Xiaoyi nodded with a vague understanding, "OK. Then I won't eat. In order to avoid obesity by girls

Li Xintong Said for a long time is afraid that they do not have a girl fate ah?

Xiao Yi Tong suddenly thought of something. He took a mysterious look at Bo Yanchen and asked Li Xintong, "Mom, I want to ask you a question."

"Well, you ask." Li Xintong said.

"Height can be inherited, then..." "Small memory is same to wriggle ground to ask a way," handsome can heredity

Poof! Li Xintong almost came out. She can't answer this question.

She subconsciously looked up at Bo Yanchen, and saw him pursing his lips and smiling at her.

Xiao Yi asks so clearly that he fully affirms Bo Yanchen's appearance. Bo Yanchen can not be proud, can not se?

"Looks can certainly be inherited." Ji Shu saw that Li Xintong didn't speak, and helped to answer: "you see, few of the children of those stars are poor. What are you afraid of when your father is so handsome? "

"Yes, you are so cute. Why don't you have confidence in yourself?" Li Xintong said.

"Well, if you all say that, I'm relieved." Small memories of the same pair of relief.

Bo Yanchen laughingly looked at his son: "don't be too proud. You still have to pay attention to your body shape so that you can exercise more. Do you hear me? Come to the company for a test in two days. If you don't pass the test, I won't leave you the quota for that little model. "

Xiao Yitong: "I'm not sure." Why does Dad always pour cold water on him at the critical moment. What's wrong with his figure? He is still young now, and over time, he will be able to build up his muscles.

"Mom, you see, dad is killing me again!" Xiaoyitong holds Li Xintong's thigh and complains, "the quota of that little model is what he promised me last time. You heard that day, didn't you? "

Bo Yanchen Since the little thing had a mother, it has been more and more indifferent to his father. He just said, the little thing immediately went to complain, but also embellishment, also no one.

"I promised you, but..." Bo Yanchen just want to explain, see Li Xintong toward him, he had to swallow the words behind.Li Xintong gently touched the child's head: "Dad said this to you, not to repent, he just wanted you to practice your body well, too much meat on your stomach, and it's not good-looking on the camera, right?"

xiaoyitong lowered his head and lifted up his T-shirt, eh There seems to be a lot of meat on the stomach.

"Well, all right." Xiaoyi nodded, "I'll go for a morning run tomorrow."

"Well, we're good friends!" Li Xintong pinched Xiaoyi's face. "It's late. Should we go upstairs to wash and sleep now?"

"All right. Good night, mom! Good night, Dad! Good night, uncle Ji Xiaoyitong politely said good night to everyone and then hopped upstairs.

Uncle Ji looked puzzled and could not help sighing: "when did Yi Tong become so obedient?" In his impression, Yi Tong was the ghost spirit who could tear down the sky a year ago.

"It's all due to Tong Tong." Bo Yanchen holds his little wife's hand. "I'm busy with my work. She takes care of Yi Tong. She has to work during the day. It's very hard."

He said that, but Li Xintong was very embarrassed.

Yi Tong has bodyguards to pick him up every day. Three meals a day are either prepared by the school or the chef at home. She is not required to cook at all.

All she has to do is to finish the homework assigned by the school together with Yi Tong and sign a name on the home school contact book. Or read picture books with him before going to bed.

These trivial things, said by Bo Yanchen, make people think what a great thing she has done!

"Yi Tong is a clever and sensible child. If you talk to him, you can make sense. This is a Chen's good education. I really didn't do anything Li Xintong tells the truth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!