Chapter 223

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen frowned: "how did you say that? It seems that all this is the credit of Li Jianguo. Do I have to go to the door in person to thank Li Jianguo, the matchmaker? "

Li Xintong's mouth corner smoked to smoke, what she said obviously is not this meaning, good?

"What do I mean? I am... "

"Well, don't explain." See her anxious appearance, Bo Yanchen can't bear to tease her again, "I know what you mean."

"Do you really understand?" Li Xintong looks at him suspiciously.

Bo Yanchen speechless looked at her one eye, she this is to care for the mentally retarded eyes?

"Nonsense, you said so much, if I don't understand, it's really retarded."

Li Xintong She feels more like a retarded person in front of him, OK?

Bo Yanchen rubbed her little head like a pet. "You beat around the Bush, take your own things for example. After all, I just want to persuade me: don't worry too much about your birth, look forward to everything, think more about the good places, and don't get into the corner, right? "

Li Xintong That's right! He knew everything!

"Now that you know all about it, I'll say something else." Li Xintong took a deep breath, as if to spit out what he had said. "Just now I heard uncle Ji say that old man Bo's condition is very serious, in case I mean in case he really... " Li Xintong can't say the word "death" all the time, "you didn't call him a father, won't you feel sorry?"

"Sorry?" Bo Yanchen picks eyebrow to look at Li Xintong, the eyes are full of cold meaning, "do I call him a father, each other have no regret?"

Li Xintong opened her mouth and did not answer.

"Tong Tong, the contradiction between me and him is not as simple as you think. You all think that I don't recognize him, but don't forget that he didn't take me as his son. All he did was to control me. Even by all means, I tried to bring down my company and force me to bow to him. Is this what a father would do to his son? Is he worthy of my forgiveness? "

Li Xintong was stunned. After a while, he said: "Uncle Ji said it. It's all done by Bo Jingxuan. Mr. Bo didn't know in advance. "

"I don't know?" Bo Yanchen sneered, "what about your memory? Don't forget, when he found you, he said that it would make me lose the most important thing red!”

Li Xintong That day, in the teahouse, Bo xiurui did drop the cruel words. But She always felt that this time things were not so simple. "Ah Chen, I think..."

"All right. No more Bo Yanchen didn't give Li Xintong another chance to go on. He got up and took Li Xintong out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"You What are you doing? " Li Xintong holds the bathroom door with both hands.

"What else? I'll take a bath for you. " Mingming said ambiguous words, but Bo Yanchen's tone didn't bring a trace of desire, just like saying ordinary things.

But Li Xintong blushed: "I I can do it myself. "

"You have a knee injury. You'll get water if you wash yourself." Bo Yanchen said.

"No, I'm very careful." Li Xintong insisted.

Although she has been intimate with Bo Yanchen for many times, she still feels uncomfortable to let a big man take a bath for her.

"What? Shy? " Bo Yanchen is not polite to expose her, "what's so shy? We've all done that many times. I haven't seen anything about you. "

Not only have they all seen it, but they have worshipped it inch by inch.

Li Xintong's small face suddenly red to the ears, this man need to say so explicit?

"Well That's not the same Li Xintong was very angry.

Bo Yanchen picks eyebrows: "what's different?"

Do it or take a bath. It's not all naked and honest. Can you still take a bath in clothes?

"Of course not." Li Xintong explained: "when taking a bath, both of them are sober. That's very Don't be embarrassed

Bo Yanchen laughs: "you mean, when you do it, it's chaotic, so you can let yourself fly infinitely?"

Li Xintong

How can a good sentence become very pornographic after his explanation?

"That's easy." Bo Yanchen said, "there are two ways. First, you can close your eyes, pretend you are chaotic, give your body to me, let me serve you and wash it for you. Second, we do it while we wash, so that we can keep chaos all the time. You won't feel uncomfortable. I've figured out two ways for you. Choose one for yourself. "

Li Xintong Does she want to say that she doesn't want to choose any of them? Because no matter which one you choose, she seems to be the one who suffers.

She won't be fooled! And Bo Yanchen together this period of time, she also learn smart, learn smart, OK?

But Bo Yanchen sighed with deep meaning: "well Since you can't choose, it's up to me to help you make your choice. We will choose The second one. "the second? Li Xintong was stunned.

The second is Wash and do!!

"No No way Before Li Xintong's voice fell, Bo Yanchen held him in the bathroom, "ah..."

A moment later, the following conversation came from the bathroom.

"Bo Yanchen You beast, do you take a bath or play a hooligan? "

"All of them. Which one does Madame like? "

"I don't like any of them!"

"No, you have to choose one, or you won't go out tonight."

"Help!! Don't come. I'm so tired... "

"I'm holding you. I'm not tired."

"I've hurt my knee!"

"It's OK. This position won't touch the knee. I also think of several positions that won't hurt my knees. We'll try them one by one later. "

"Go away! Bo Yanchen, are you still not human

"Wife, you are all wet like this. If I don't want you in this case, then I'm not human."


"Wife, are you satisfied with my performance?"

"No Satisfied with Ah!! Bo Yanchen!! You Take it easy... "

"Well, I'll take it easy. Do you want to be quick or slow? "

"Well! Come on

"Well, I want to hurry up, too!"

"Ah!" A woman screamed. Then came a gasping cry: "Bo Yanchen, I I'm not asking you to speed up, I'm asking you to Come on, it's over. "

"Oh. I'm sorry, wife. I misunderstood you. "

"Don't apologize, just finish it quickly!"

"Well, I'll try to be quick!"

"As long as possible?"

"Well An hour

"To die Ah... "

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