Chapter 225

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen picks an eyebrow vaguely: "accompany me? What are you going to do with me? "

Li Xintong's heart is overflowing with foul language, accompany you big head ghost! But he said with a smile: "whatever you like."

"Really follow me?" Bo Yanchen said with a smile.

"Yes. You go out first Li Xintong a strength to push the man out, "otherwise for a while my inspiration ran, you are responsible?"

"All right." Bo Yanchen bowed her head and gave a few kisses on her lips, "you draw slowly, I'll go to sleep for a while."

"Well. Go to sleep. "

"Kiss me and go." Bo Yanchen pointed to his lips.

Li Xintong Poof! Yesterday, she said she was clinging to people. I'll go. Who is clinging to people?

In order to send him away early, Li Xintong put her arms around his neck and printed it on his lips.

"Well, that's good!" Bo Yanchen smiles with satisfaction, raises his hand to touch her head like a pet, "draw well. Baby

“……” Li Xintong has goose bumps all over her body.

She felt that Bo Yanchen's recent personal design was a bit broken.


the old house of Bo family.

Bo Jingxuan tossed and turned all night. Recently, one after another, he had trouble sleeping and eating.

It was not until early in the morning that I fell asleep, but I dreamed that I was driven out of the house by the old man and went down to beg along the street.

No one would give him a cent, not even a piece of bread.

Just when he was about to starve to death, he suddenly met a kind man who threw a hundred yuan in his broken bowl. He knelt down excitedly and kowtowed repeatedly.

Looking up, they found that Bo Yanchen and Li Xintong were the people giving alms. They held hands and showed great love.

He was ashamed and wanted to run with the broken bowl in his arms, but Bo Yanchen kicked him to the ground and stepped on his back. He felt that his spine was about to be crushed. He repeatedly called for help, but what he got was Bo Yanchen's harsh sneer.

Just at this time, the alarm of the mobile phone rings, and Bo Jingxuan suddenly wakes up. It turned out that it was a dream, which scared him into a cold sweat.

Oh, my God! How can I have such a dream? Could Bo Yanchen really harm him?

No, he is the only grandson of the Bo family. With the backing of the Bo family, how could Bo Yanchen move him?

No, my grandfather has already begun to be dissatisfied with him. He stopped his job without saying a word yesterday. Maybe he will be kicked out of the company next time. It's not out of the question the next time.

No, he can't wait to die. He has to seek protection.

By the way, grandma! Now we have to rely on her. She is the only one who can speak in front of the old man.

Bo Jingxuan got up from bed and saw the time. It was only half past six in the morning. He knows that an Huiying has the habit of practicing in the morning, and should have got up early at this time.

Bo Jingxuan washes casually, goes to the wardrobe, selects a suit of sportswear, and then goes downstairs to find an Huiying.

"Oh, son, why did you get up so early?" When Wu Meizi saw Bo Jingxuan walking down from the upstairs, she thought she was dazzled.

In the past, I couldn't pull up the radish any morning when I didn't ask the servant to urge me three times and four times. Is the sun coming out in the West today?

Bo Yanchen was too lazy to explain. He put his hands in his pocket and leaned against the stair railing: "where's grandma?"

Wu Meizi looked at him suspiciously, "exercise in the yard, why do you want her?"

"Didn't you ask me to beg her yesterday?" Bo Jingxuan said.

Wu Meizi rolled her eyes at him speechless: "my silly son. I'm asking you to ask her. You don't have to be in such a hurry, do you? Your grandfather just got angry yesterday. He's still angry. It's no use asking your grandmother now. "

After a pause, she said, "listen to me. I'll talk about it in a few days. These days, you can settle down and stay at home. Let me take it easy! "

"Stay at home?" Bo Jingxuan looked at his mother like an idiot. "You're relieved. Oh! woman 's soft nature! The old man thinks highly of Qinhuai now. When I go back to the company, I'm afraid I won't even be able to stand there! At that time, don't cry and lose your face. "

Wu Meizi was stunned. She didn't think of that. Qinhuai's ability is obvious to all. Although her position in the company is not as high as Bo Jingxuan's, her prestige and appeal are definitely higher than Bo Jingxuan's.

If he is allowed to be in power for a period of time, I'm afraid that Bo Jingxuan's position will be lost.

"Well So what now? " After all, Wu Meizi is not a strong woman. At this time, she is a little at a loss. Instead, she asks about her son.

"What else can we do? Now in addition to relying on grandma, is there another person willing to help me? " Bo Jingxuan opens his mouth.

Wu Meizi pursed her lips and had to agree.

"All right. Then you go to grandma. " "Pay attention to your skills when you speak," Wu said. Don't worry about your face, and... "

"All right, all right. I know! " Bo Jingxuan waved impatiently and turned to walk outside."Ah Looking at her son's back, Wu Meizi sighed. She really had a hard life. She finally married into a rich family. She thought she could live a carefree life, but she lost her husband in middle age. Her only son didn't make up for himself, so she didn't worry for a day.

Fortunately, I have a clever daughter. If I count the days, my daughter should return home soon.

Wu Meizi picked up her cell phone and dialed, "Jingning, it's mom. When will you be back? Oh, this morning's flight? We'll be there in the afternoon? OK, I'll let the driver pick you up at the airport then... "

Bo Jingxuan went to the yard and saw an Huiying playing Taijiquan.

"Grandma, what about exercise?" Bo Jingxuan goes to an Huiying and imitates her appearance.

An Huiying glanced at him and said with a smile, "Oh, this posture is not right!"

She stopped to help Bo Jingxuan correct his posture. "It should be like this. The horse's step should be lower and the palm should be up. Open it like this Yes this is it. Well Now there are more standards than just now. It's not difficult. Just practice more. "

"Grandma, I think it's hard." Bo Jingxuan stopped and shook his arm. "These movements seem to be simple, but they require high flexibility of the body! I've only done this a few times, and I feel I can't do it. Grandma, why are you so powerful? "

Bo Jingxuan has a high level of flattery. An Huiying is comfortable everywhere.

"You just lack exercise. Sitting in the office all day, not moving. When I get home, I'll just lie in bed and play with my cell phone. " An Huiying said, "if it goes on like this, it's definitely not good for your health. Life lies in sports. You should learn from grandma and do more exercise. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!