Chapter 229

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Hearing this, Bo Yanchen couldn't help sneering: "how can you all help him prove it. What if he doesn't know? He is the chairman of the company. Can he shirk his responsibility if he doesn't know what happened to the company? A joke

"No, he didn't want to pass the buck." Qin Huai explained, "on the contrary, after the chairman knew the truth of the matter, he immediately stopped Bo Jingxuan as president, and then sent me to deal with the aftermath. He is very sincere in solving this matter. "

Bo Yanchen sneered coldly: "how to solve it? Lose money? "

"Losing money is part of it." Qin Huai said.

Bo Yanchen raised his eyebrow: "part of it? Is there anything else? "

"Well. In addition to immediately stop the sale of infringing goods, compensate red for the resulting economic losses. Bo will also publish an apology statement in major media, newspapers, portals and other places in Xicheng, admitting his plagiarism of red works. Do you think this is sincere? "

Bo Yanchen squinted at him, which was really unexpected. Don't the old man always like to solve problems with money? What's going on this time?

You know, if such a statement of apology is released, it will not have any impact on Bo. It may cause the majority of consumers to distrust Bo's products. If it's serious, Bo's share price may fall as a result.

Would the old man make such a big sacrifice? He didn't believe it. Moreover, some losses can not be recovered by issuing a statement of apology.

"How do you plan to solve the problem that Bo is suspected of stealing Red's five main design drafts?" Bo Yanchen asked.

Qin Huai was stunned. Isn't the apology statement plus compensation enough?

However, Qinhuai is an old man in the world. He won't easily say the question in his heart, "what do you mean? It doesn't matter. In front of me, you can say it as soon as possible. "

Bo Yanchen hooked his lips: "you have listed the five main models. Even if we stop selling now, we can't use them at the press conference. Therefore, we must start over these five works. It's not that our red designers are not able to accomplish this arduous task, but I'm worried that Bo's undercover agents in red will continue to steal our achievements. I'm afraid that no matter how many works we design, we will become waste paper. "

Speaking of this, Qin Huai has generally understood Bo Yanchen's intention. He is sneering in the heart, this Bo Yan Chen is really fierce.

But even if Qin Huai knows it, he still listens to Bo Yanchen quietly.

"So My request is very simple. Bo must tell who the undercover is in the shortest time. Otherwise, nothing will be said. " Bo Yanchen's tone is very firm.

Qin Huai was silent.

Bo Jingxuan did it. Only Bo Jingxuan knew who the undercover was. If he didn't want to talk about it, I'm afraid even the old man would have nothing to do with him.

You can't put a knife rest around his neck and force him to talk, can you?

Moreover, he can completely deduce that he got the design drawings through a third party. As for who did it in red, I don't know.

"Ah Chen, why do you force others to do so? Undercover in addition to Bo Jingxuan, no second person knows, he does not say, we force him also useless Qin Huai couldn't help saying, "even if you really want to fight with Bo, the judge can't judge Bo to hand over the undercover. The content of the judgment is nothing more than the content of the settlement agreement I just mentioned. Maybe in the end, red won't get as much as the settlement agreement. Why do you have to be against yourself? "

Bo Yanchen of course knows these, if the other party is another company, maybe he has already chosen to settle, but the other party is Bo xiurui, so sorry, he doesn't want to settle!

Because he didn't believe that Bo xiurui didn't know about these things.

"Qinhuai, I don't want to embarrass you." Bo Yanchen said, "go back and tell the old man that I will not reconcile. You want me to believe that this matter has nothing to do with him and come up with solid evidence. "

Qin Huai was stunned. After a long time, it turned out that Bo Yanchen still didn't believe his father. ha-ha! Father and son are suspicious of each other to such an extent that there is no one left.

"I see what you mean." Qin Huai stood up and said, "OK. I'll bring it for you if you want. Today, although there is no official business, I hope that after work, we can still drink tea and chat with our ordinary friends and enjoy our drinks. "

Bo Yanchen smiles, "as long as you don't talk about business."

After Qin Huai leaves, Bo Yanchen calls Rui Wentao to the office.

"Bo Shao, what can I do for you?"

"What's the matter with the spy?" Bo Yanchen asked.

If the spy doesn't find out for a day, his little wife may be in vain.

"I was about to report it to you." Rui Wentao said, "we have initially ruled out several. The rest of the suspects are just a few people in the design department. The next elimination is a little difficult. And now rumors are all over the place. I doubt everyone, ma'am That's one of them. " Then he added, "and she's the biggest suspect now."Bo Yanchen's face instantly black come down, suspect his woman already very excessive, now unexpectedly became the biggest suspect object. What do you mean?

She's kind-hearted and affable. Does she look like she's going to do something like sell company secrets? These people are either retarded or blind.

"Why?" Bo Yanchen almost jumped out of his teeth.

"The reason is ridiculous." Rui Wentao shook his head helplessly, "because before my wife came, the company had never stolen the design, so She naturally became the biggest suspect. "

"Ridiculous!" Bo Yanchen gas of a palm clap to ring a table, the tea cup of shock almost knock over, "this calculate what bullshit reason?"? What about the IQ of these people? "

"Bo Shao, please calm down. These people really go too far. I'm too angry to listen to them. Madam, how can such a kind person lay such a false accusation on her? " Rui Wentao had expected that Bo Yanchen would have such a big reaction, but he didn't tell him that the consequence was more serious. "You see, is it up to you to help his wife clarify?"

Bo Yanchen's brow is tight Cu, hang Mou meditation, he shook his head for a long time, "no way. I can't do that. If I come out, it will only make people have more suspicions about my relationship with Tong Tong. Not only can not eliminate her suspicion, but will push her to the forefront. The most urgent task is to find out the traitors as soon as possible so as to reassure the people. "

Rui Wentao nodded: "it's too late to rule out one by one. I think it's better for us to try the method proposed by Madam? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!