Chapter 231

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Jingning's eyes are full of helplessness, "even if I don't like it, I can't resist. Because I'm the youngest of the descendants of the Bo family. Anyone can command me. I'm just a thoughtless doll. I can only be at their disposal! "

Li Xintong looked at her and sighed silently. Maybe, this is the helplessness of a rich family. In the eyes of outsiders, it looks bright and beautiful, and it is a collection of thousands of favours.

In fact, like a puppet, there is no freedom. I don't even have the right to choose my own life.

"I have to follow the path that my elders have planned for me. I finished college according to the school and major my grandfather chose for me. After graduation, he went directly to the Bo family. Maybe starting from the grassroots, training for a few years, and finally entering the company's board of directors. " When Bo Jingning said this, he laughed, "sister Xintong, you must think so, too? Ha ha

Li Xintong looked at her and did not answer. Because she saw a trace of sadness in Bo Jingning's eyes.

Bo Jingning tidied up his emotions and hooked his lips: "originally, I thought my life would be like this. But in the University, an unexpected experience, let me completely change the concept. You know, I have no sense of direction. On the first day of my freshman year, I went to the wrong classroom. That day happened to be the freshmen's mobilization class. The teacher said on the platform for a long time, I found that I entered the classroom of forensic medicine department. But I didn't plan to quit because I was attracted by what the teacher said. It was a beautiful young woman teacher, not many years older than me. She said, don't think forensic medicine is a man's occupation, in fact, the best forensic medicine is often a woman. Because women are more delicate and meticulous than men. Can find clues that men can't find After listening to her report, I decided to transfer to another department. After learning forensic medicine, my timidity was cured. No longer afraid of blood, even bodies. Because, in the face of every corpse, I have only one idea, that is to find the truth and give justice to the dead. "

Li Xintong It's a bloody plot.

However, at the same time, she was in favor of Bo Jingning's choice, "it seems that you really like the forensic profession. Congratulations on finding what you love to do. "

"Well." Bo Jingning smiles happily, "I've got a job. The forensic doctor of the municipal criminal police detachment will report tomorrow. "

Li Xintong's eyes widened. "Wow, how powerful, you You're a policewoman! "

"Yes! You can wear a police uniform every day and be happy when you think about it. " Bo Jingning said excitedly.

"But Does your family know? " This is a big problem. Li Xintong has to make a scene.

The three generations of the Bo family have been engaged in business. They haven't had a policeman! Especially Forensics! There is no doubt that the elders of the Bo family will object. Even Li Xintong, an outsider, is sure of this.

"Not yet." Bo Jingning seems indifferent, "anyway, sooner or later to know. I'm ready to be besieged. "

Li Xintong She thinks Bo Jingning has really changed a lot. The biggest change is that she has become braver and more confident.

"Well, don't talk about me." Bo Jingning looked at Li Xintong, "how about you? How are you doing? "

"I'm fine." Li Xintong said, "still do the old line, fashion design." What she said was simple. Because her experience is far more than Bo Jingning's, I'm afraid it's not clear for a moment.

"Oh." Bo Jingning raised his wrist and looked at his watch. "Wow, it's almost two o'clock. I've been off the plane for an hour, and I can't even see a ghost."

Li Xintong heard confused, "how? Someone came to pick you up? "

"Yes. My brother. " Bo Jingning curled his lips discontentedly, "he said he would come to pick me up. How can you stand me up on such a hot day, this unreliable guy

When Li Xintong heard that Bo Jingxuan was coming, her face changed, "since he's coming to pick you up. Then I'll go first. "

"Hello..." Bo Jingning held her and said, "he's coming. What's the matter with you? Did you two fight? "

Li Xintong It's more than a fight! She didn't know how to speak.

Bo Jingning saw that she didn't speak, more sure of his own ideas, "you really quarreled? Hum! My brother must have made you angry, right? I'll call and scold him now. "

"Hey, don't fight..." Li Xintong has no time to stop, Bo Jingning has taken out the mobile phone to dial the phone, can ring for a long time, the other party did not answer.

"I'll go! You didn't answer my phone Bo Jingning angrily hung up the phone, "what's this guy doing?"

Li Xintong is secretly relieved, fortunately Bo Jingxuan did not answer, otherwise it is not embarrassing to die.

"Let's not stand here. The sun is too hot for me." Bo Jingning said, "since my brother lost contact, let's go first. Find a place to sit down and have a chat. "

Li Xintong thought about it and agreed. It's better than waiting for Bo Jingxuan to show up here.

They quickly got a taxi and went to a cafe in the center of the city.

When he arrived at his destination, Bo Jingning suspected that his luggage was cumbersome, so he gave the taxi driver double the price and asked him to send his luggage directly to Bo's villa. He was only carrying a small backpack, and Li Xintong together into the coffee shop.After they found a window seat to sit down, Bo began to tell Li Xintong one interesting story after another.

The point is, how did she change from fainting in fear of the corpse to suffering without touching the corpse all day.

Some of the details of terror, listen to Li Xintong straight nausea. Can see Bo Jingning said so happy, she did not have the heart to interrupt her, afraid to spoil her.

So, she can only drink coffee, use the toilet time, let her ears slow, calm.

Fortunately, it's daytime. If it's nighttime, she may be stunned.

But fortunately, Bo Jingning patronized to say his experience, did not expect to ask her. In this way, she doesn't have to mention the matter with Bo Jingxuan so quickly.

It's not that she doesn't dare to say, but that every time she thinks of Bo Jingxuan and Li Xiaoxiao's love affair, she wants to vomit.

Coming out of the bathroom again, I saw Bo Jingning standing on the other end of the corridor talking on the phone. She looked anxious and frowned.

Li Xintong walked over and heard Bo Jingning say: "who are you? What have you done to my brother? what? Want money? Did you kidnap him? "

Li Xintong, how Bo Jingxuan was kidnapped? No wonder you stand up your own sister.

"It's easy to discuss. Don't hurt him! Hello... "

PS: Thank you readers: Fanny's reward of submission, MEDA. , the fastest update of the webnovel!