Chapter 240

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Rui Wentao's eyes were straight: "Damn, so much money!"

"Keep it down! Do you want to bring the kidnappers in so loud? " Bo Yanchen glared at him fiercely and closed the box with a bang, "just a few million will excite you like this. Promise! "

Rui Wentao said awkwardly, "I don't want money. I'm surprised. Is this girl too bold? Dare to run around with millions of cash alone. Fortunately, I met both of us. I was afraid that I would be robbed of money and sex? "

"I think you look like that robber of money and sex!" Bo Yanchen did not have good spirit ground white he one eye, "wipe saliva, all flowed down."

Rui Wentao sucked his lips, where there was saliva. I'll go. Boss is too bad to cheat him. "Bo Shao, is this money a ransom for the kidnappers? But millions are not enough! "

Bo Yanchen looked at him like an idiot, "20 million cash at least has to be packed into several large suitcases. Where did she get so much at one time? Well, don't study these. It's important to send her to the hospital. "

While they were talking, Bo Jingning awoke vaguely and saw a handsome man's face. She is a Leng at first, immediately react to come over immediately, a slap waved past, "bastard, put me down!"

Rui Wentao was stunned and looked at Bo Jingning. For the first time in his life, he was slapped in the face by a woman, and he was also a wounded beauty.

Bo Jingning struggled to get down. Her waving hands touched her forehead, which made her take a cold breath, "hiss!"

The remaining light from the corner of her eyes caught a glimpse of the bright red on her hand. She was stunned for a moment. Then she realized that her head was hurt, "you You dare to hit me!! You gangster, you villain

There was another slap on Rui Wentao's other side of the face. His strength was not great, but he was slightly deflected.

He would have thrown the female tiger to the ground long ago if he hadn't thought that she was hurt and that it was for his sake.

"Bo Shao..." Rui Wentao pitifully asks Bo Yanchen for help.

Bo Jingning just saw Bo Yanchen standing on one side. He was surprised, "uncle!"

Bo Yanchen toward her slightly hook lips: "Jingning, long time no see!"

Although he despises the people of the Bo family, he treats Bo Jingning differently. It's not because she is a woman, but because he thinks Bo Jingning is different from other people in the Bo family.

She is always so kind-hearted, always regard him as his family, never think he is the illegitimate son of the old man and despise him.

At first, no matter how cold Bo Yanchen treated her, she always returned her with the most sincere smile.

He is not a cold-blooded person, as time goes by, he admitted this lovely little niece.

When Bo Jingning was studying abroad, he took the initiative to chat with him several times and had a few meals.

Bo Jingning struggled to jump from Rui Wentao and hide behind Bo Yanchen. He watched with vigilance at two cheeks red and swollen, and his face was forced by Rui Wentao. It's the kidnapper! How can you mix with such people? "

In front of Rui Wentao's eyes, ten thousand grass mud horses galloped by.

Kidnappers? What's more, he looks so righteous and awe inspiring, where does he look like a kidnapper? This girl is either blind or mentally disabled.

"He's my assistant." Bo Yanchen explained, "we are also looking for the kidnapper. You just ran over and beat you as a kidnapper."

Bo Yanchen is very authentic, only vaguely said that the person who hit her is us, and did not specify that it is Rui Wentao.

"Oh. So it is Bo Jingning trusted Bo Yanchen's words very much, "by the way, how can you be here?"

"I got the news that your brother was kidnapped, so I came here." What Bo Yanchen said is very simple. If you tell Li Xintong, I'm afraid it's too much to say. Time is pressing. It's not appropriate to say that.

Fortunately, Bo Jingning didn't study deeply either. Xu felt that Bo Yanchen had great powers, and it was normal to get the news. "Ah, I had bad thoughts on the first day when I came back to China. Just now, my mobile phone broke on the way. I can't contact the kidnapper. It's like a maze here. You can't find the warehouse. I have to hang around here. I came here just now when I heard a voice. I thought it was a kidnapper. As soon as I came here, I was knocked unconscious. Ah It's a bad start today

"I'm so sorry." Bo Yanchen said, "how is your injury? I think we should go to the hospital as soon as possible. "

"That won't do!" Bo Jingning said, "I have to take money to see the kidnappers. My brother is still in their hands."

"You're a girl. It's too dangerous to go alone. And you're injured. You have to go to the hospital right away. " Bo Yanchen said, "if you can trust me, let me go."

"This..." Bo Jingning looked into Bo Yanchen's eyes for a long time and finally nodded: "OK. You go. The location agreed by the kidnappers is warehouse a8050. There are two million in this box. You tell the kidnapper that he can't take so much at one time. As long as he is willing to release people, I will pay the rest at one time, and I will never default. If he doesn't believe it, he can tie me. Miss Ben is willing to give up and never resist. "Rui Wentao sneered coldly. He didn't expect that Bo Jingxuan would have such a loving and righteous sister.

"Good. I see Bo Yanchen said, "if there is any news, I will contact Wen Tao and let you know."

Bo Jingning looks back at Rui Wentao in disgust. She wants to say that she doesn't want him to accompany her to the hospital. But now that she is injured and has no car, she can't walk out.

"Don't worry, Bo Shao." Rui Wentao said, "let me have miss Bo."

"Hello!! You put me down Bo Jingning cold not Ding is beaten by him to hold up, frightens her to look pale, "I can walk by myself!"

"Keep it down!" Rui Wentao warned, "do you want to attract the kidnappers?"

Bo Jingning did not dare to make any more noise, but just glared at him with angry eyes.

Rui Wentao has long legs and long feet. Holding her, he quickly disappears.

"Warehouse a8050..." With a specific warehouse number, Bo Yanchen felt much more convenient. Don't look around like a headless fly any more. "Tongtong, you wait, I'll be there soon..."


Li Xintong wakes up slowly. The back of her neck is still sore, and she feels hard to move.

She tried to move her hands and feet, and found that her hands and feet were tied by something and couldn't move at all.

Gradually she opened her eyes and could discern that she was in the room, like a warehouse for goods. , the fastest update of the webnovel!