Chapter 245

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Well, well No... " Bo Jingxuan shakes his head and makes a vague voice. He doesn't want his rival to see his most embarrassed appearance. And Bo Yanchen came here obviously to save Li Xintong. Seeing that he was in trouble, he might take the opportunity to do something bad.

He must stop Bo Yanchen from coming in.

But his voice didn't resonate with the mask man. The latter's attention at this time has all focused on Bo Yanchen's ransom.

Creak, the iron door of the warehouse slowly opened, the strong light came in, stabbing Li Xintong's eyes a little uncomfortable. The hands and feet are bound and cannot be covered with hands. Instinctively, she closed her eyes, narrowed a crack, and looked in the direction of the door.

"The money?" The mask man asked.

"Well, I have." Bo Yanchen handed over the suitcase and said, "let people go quickly."

Li Xintong's heartbeat missed a beat, is Bo Yanchen's voice, right. Although she can't see the figure outside the door at the moment, she can hear the voice belonging to Bo Yanchen clearly. It's still that iconic, steady, husky voice. Just at the moment, his voice with a trace of ordinary people can not easily detect the tension.

But Li Xintong recognized that he must be very worried about himself. Otherwise, with his calm and introverted personality, how can people recognize the tension in his voice.

Warm heart, but she can't make a sound, can't let Bo Yanchen distraction impulse, more can't let the kidnapper see their relationship.

The mask man opened his suitcase and took a look: "there are two million at most here. Don't you just use a box of money to send me away?"

"In such a short period of time, how can you ask for 20 million in cash? Miss Bo Jingning has gone to raise money. She won't default. She asked me to take a message to you. If you can't trust her, you can take her away. " Bo Yanchen explained word by word.

But the mask man couldn't listen to these explanations. He suddenly said angrily, "I'm in a hurry to spend money. If I don't get 20 million today, I won't let people go. I'll take this box of money and ask Bo Jingning to take the remaining money to redeem people! "

With that, he wanted to close the door. Bo Yanchen flashed into the door quickly, "you have taken the money, people must let it go."

"Two million people want to take away. How can it be so cheap? If you know what you're doing, get out of here. Don't make me do it! " The mask man raised his stick and threatened fiercely.

Bo Yanchen squints at the mask man and suddenly laughs out: "you Are you Luo Yong? "

The mask man's pupil suddenly shrunk, and the stick in his hand was almost taken off in surprise, "you What are you talking about? What, Luo Yong? I don't know! "

"Don't pretend. Luo Yong, we have met. I recognize your voice. " Bo Yanchen said, "although you are wearing a mask, I know your eyes."

"I I don't know what you're talking about? I told you, I don't know Luo Yong! " Although the mask man is strong and calm, the trill in his voice has betrayed him, "get out of here, or I'll be rude to you!"

"You said you are not Luo Yong. Just take off the mask to prove it?" Bo Yanchen induced him.

"You think I'm stupid?" The mask man sneered, "if you see my face and go back to the police station to make a face puzzle, I'll be a wanted criminal."

In this way, Bo Yanchen can almost conclude that this person is Luo Yong. If it's a professional kidnapper, how can he only use a stick as a weapon? He will definitely have a gun, at least an accomplice or something. But he talked with the mask man for a long time, but no one else showed up.

"Luo Yong, I know that you owe the usury money. You are forced to take risks. You are the vice president of Su group. You could have a bright future. Kidnapping is a big crime. Why take your life for money? Is it worth it? " Bo Yanchen is moved by emotion, while Xiaozhi is reasonable, but her eyes pass through the mask man, searching in the warehouse.

But the warehouse area is too large, and stacked a lot of debris, can't see the situation inside. I don't know if his Tongtong is in it or not, and if he is injured. But he can't ask.

"Enough!" Mask man impatiently interrupted him, "all told you, I'm not Luo Yong, why are you so twisted?"

Li Xintong is very anxious. She wants to shout and tell Bo Yanchen that she's here. She's OK. There's nothing wrong with her. But she didn't dare to make a sound.

By the light coming in from the door, she saw a piece of broken glass not far in front of her. She had an idea.

Just at this time, the mask man's mobile phone rang. Bo Yanchen took advantage of his opportunity to pull off his mask and snatch the stick in his hand.

The mask man subconsciously raised his hand to cover his face, but it was too late. His whole face was exposed in front of Bo Yanchen,

"Luo Yong! It's you Bo Yanchen's angry eyes looked directly at him, "now what else do you have to say?"

Luo Yong grins his teeth and stares at Bo Yanchen, "Bo Yanchen, I have no injustice or hatred with you. Why do you want to meddle in my business and get in my way?" Finish saying, don't know from where draw out a bright and dazzling dagger, aim at thin Yan Chen to want to stab past.Bo Yanchen easily dodged and used the stick in his hand as a defense: "Luo Yong, listen, don't make mistakes again and again! I don't want to get in your way. You just let people go. Money, promise to give you will give you. If you don't believe it, I'll guarantee it! "

Luo Yong suddenly began to laugh, laughing so hopelessly and desolately, "Bo Yanchen, you fool, why do you want to save Bo Jingxuan? He's a scum, you know?

He cheated me to give up the piece of land in the east of the city, but he didn't fulfill the original promise of 12 million yuan. Now the profits are rolling, and the money to be returned has reached 20 million yuan. The usurer said that if he didn't pay back the money in three days, he would kill my family.

In addition, I have been suspended by Su Xiaorong. If he knew the reason for the failure, he would certainly drive me out of the Su family, and maybe even sue me in court. At that time, I still have no way to live! If I can't live, I'll take Jingxuan as my back.

It's Bo Jingxuan. It's him who made me like this. I want to kill him! You vouch for him. Are you sick? They didn't treat you as uncle, and the Bo family didn't admit you. What's the trouble with you

Bo Yanchen sighed, "he owes you money. You don't have to kidnap him, do you? The price is too high. Listen to my advice, let him go and let other innocent people go. Don't make mistakes again and again

"Others?" Luo Yong frowned alertly, "how do you know I tied other people?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!