Chapter 251

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Therefore, Bo Jingning determined that Li Xintong began to alienate Bo Jingxuan because he knew Bo Yanchen.

Li Xintong shook his head: "No. I didn't know your uncle until I broke up with your brother. "

Bo Jingning's eyes moved back and forth on Li Xintong's and Bo Yanchen's faces. After a while, he suddenly shook his head, "no, No. Didn't you say you just got out of jail? Even if I break up with my brother, I won't fall in love with other men or even get married so soon. You've been in love with my brother for so many years and never got married You must have lied to me. Right? "

Li Xintong will choose Bo Yanchen, which Bo Jingning can accept, but the two people get to know each other in a few days, which makes her puzzled.

According to reason, these two people do not belong to people who are impulsive when they are hot headed! Besides, marriage is a lifelong event. How can we act so rashly?

The news was so sudden and so powerful that she couldn't accept it for a moment.

"Jingning. I didn't lie to you. I have already obtained the certificate with a Chen. " Li Xintong patiently explained: "we haven't known each other for a long time, but the speed of marriage has nothing to do with the time of love. We fell in love at first sight, and when we thought it was appropriate for each other, we chose to get married. "

Li Xintong's explanation is standard and reasonable.

The marriage contract is a secret between her and Bo Yanchen. Of course, it can't be told to the outside world.

As for Bo Jingxuan's cheating, since she has broken up, she doesn't want to criticize her predecessor.

"Sister Xintong. You and my brother have been in love for more than three years, and they have been in love for more than three years I didn't expect you to be so easy to empathize Bo Jingning blushed and said, "my uncle is excellent. But there are more excellent men in the world. Do you love every time you see one? "

Li Xintong was stunned. She knew that Bo Jingning must have misunderstood, "Jingning, it's not what you think. I... "

Just as she wanted to explain, she was stopped by Bo Yanchen. He said, "Jingning. My relationship with Tong Tong is not what you think. In this matter, she did not do anything wrong, and has no obligation to explain to you. In name, she's your elder now. You are not qualified to speak to your elders in such a questioning tone! "

"Elder?" Bo Jingning seemed to have heard something funny and sneered, "uncle, once upon a time, I called you uncle. It's respect for you, but it doesn't mean you can teach me a lesson as an elder! She abandoned my brother and found a new girl so soon. I don't admit that this kind of woman is my elder

Li Xintong was shocked to step back. She did not expect that Bo Jingning, who had always been close to her as a sister, would use such a serious word as "watery poplars" to describe her. It hurt her a lot.

"Bo Jingning!! shut up! You've gone too far Bo Yanchen was angry. He didn't allow his beloved woman to be pointed at by the nose and scolded, "if you don't know the truth of the matter, just scold here. What's the difference between you and a shrew? Oh! Is this the daughter of the rich educated by the Bo family? What an eye opener today

"Ah Chen, don't say it, forget it." Li Xintong pulled Bo Yanchen, "Jingning, I always regard you as my sister. I didn't expect that's how you see me. Don't say more words. Finally, I never feel sorry for your brother. "

Then he took Bo Yanchen's hand: "ah Chen, let's go."

"Ah..." Bo Jingning may realize that what he said just now is a little too heavy, and he wants to say something to remedy it. But Bo Yanchen has already led Li Xintong out of the door without even looking at her.

Rui Wentao went out with him. After a few steps, he suddenly stopped, looked back at Bo Jingning and said seriously, "Miss Bo, you really misunderstood our wife."

"Well?" Bo Jingning raised his head blankly.

"Our wife is not sorry for your brother." Rui Wentao said, "on the contrary, your brother is sorry for her."

Bo Jingning was confused: "what do you mean?"

"When my wife was serving her sentence in prison, your brother was very romantic outside and got involved with her sister Li Xiaoxiao. On the day of her release from prison, she caught them in bed. Not to mention that, your brother returned... " When Rui Wentao said this, he couldn't go on.

Bo Jingning was shocked. He almost bit his lips. "What else did my brother do? Say it

Looking at her impatient appearance, Rui Wentao sighs and tells us all about Bo Jingxuan's almost rape of Li Xintong and the video taken by Li Xiaoxiao.

He doesn't think it's necessary to keep it from Bo Jingning.

Bo Jingning's eyes were full of water vapor. She was biting her lips. A wisp of blood overflowed from her lips, but she didn't care about the pain. "Ruitezhu, you Is that true? "

Before, she only felt that Bo Jingxuan was a playful person, and he had a serious temper. But she couldn't believe that her brother would do such a heartless thing. Not to mention the object or his fiancee.

"Do I have to lie to you?" Rui Wentao has no good way, "even if I want to cheat you, I won't gamble on our wife's reputation!"Bo Jingning looked at him with a guilty heart and didn't dare to doubt it any more.

"Then I Don't I blame sister Xintong wrong? " Bo Jingning about to cry out of the expression, "I just scolded her, she will not forgive me."

Rui Wentao sighed: "if I had known now, why did I have to do it at the beginning? The character of our wife is obvious to all. You've known her for so many years, not as well as I've known him for a few days. Ah What can I say about you! Only a woman as generous as our wife can bear what you said just now. If someone else had done it, she would have smoked you long ago! "

"Woo woo Sorry, I didn't mean to Bo couldn't help crying, "I didn't mean to hurt her. I I just can't accept the fact that she broke up with my brother. At the end of the day, I just I just want her to be my sister-in-law. I didn't know the truth was like this It's all my brother's fault. This villain He killed me!! Wuwuwu... "

Rui Wentao took a silent look at her. He really couldn't understand the woman's mind. If you can't bear to give up your sister-in-law, why do you want to hurt others? Can I feel better in my heart?

"All right. Don't be too sad Seeing her cry, Rui Wentao comforted her and said, "as the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty. Our wife is very generous and won't have the same opinion with you."

Poof! Can this person comfort people or not! Bo Jingning rolled his eyes at the bottom of his heart.

Rui Wentao continued, "she can't be your sister-in-law, but she is your little aunt. You two are still relatives. What's this called again: a blessing in disguise. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!