Chapter 257

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
In the community, Li Xintong takes exercise with Yi Tong.

The selection of little models is coming, and the little guy is stepping up his training these days for fear of being kicked out.

Every day, as soon as Li Xintong got off work, he pestered him to run in the community. Li Xintong praised the seriousness.

It's a pity that her knee is injured and she can't run with him all the way. She can only cheer for him at the end.

However, xiaoyitong feels very strange. As usual, he took Li Xintong to run outside. Bo Yanchen always complained about him, as if his daughter-in-law had been robbed.

But as soon as he came back today, Bo Yanchen took the initiative to remind Li Xintong to take him to the community for exercise.

Well There's something going on here!

Xiaoyitong ran a circle and stopped, jumping to Li Xintong, "Mom, let's go back."

Li Xintong looked at him suspiciously: "hmm? How did it end so soon today? "

On weekdays, the little guy won't end up without sweating. It's only 20 minutes today.

The little guy turned his big eyes, covered his stomach and lay on the ground, shouting: "I i am hungry. I can't run any more. I'm going back to dinner! "

Li Xintong no doubt cheat, smile to pull him up from the ground, "good good, we go back to dinner!" It's time for a child to grow up. You can't be hungry.

Xiao Yi jumped three feet high, holding Li Xintong's hand: "Yeah, great! Let's go! Mom, I seem to smell the food! "

When Li Xintong heard this, he chuckled, "you little devil, don't exaggerate. People don't know. They think we abuse you and don't give you enough to eat! "

"No way!" Xiao Yi said, "my mother is so kind to me. She feeds me so fat. Where is it like not having enough to eat? Look, I have meat here. " Xiao Yi lifts up her coat with the same hand and points to her plump stomach, looking depressed.

That lovely little appearance made Li Xintong laugh.

"Mom, I think you eat more than me. But your figure is still so good, isn't it because of exercise? " Xiaoyi flatters quietly.

Li Xintong's smile is rigidly hanging on her lips. She doesn't know how to answer.

It's a shame that she happens to be not athletic. She may belong to the legend of the kind is born to eat fat type.

"Ha ha!" Li Xintong touched the head of small memory with: "eat to eat, as long as more exercise, the stomach of small meat will naturally go down."

"Well. I want to eat more and exercise more. " Small memory with clever nod.

Li Xintong took his little hand and said with a smile, "let's go."

Xiao Yi's sneer: hum! Dad, I'd like to see what the hell are you doing at home!

When mother and son go back, Bo Yanchen is sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

Xiao Yi sighed with loss. It's a pity that his little trick didn't succeed.

"Back?" Bo Yanchen's gentle eyes looked at his little wife and patted the seat beside him. "Come here and sit down."

Xiao Yitong: "I'm not sure." He also came back. Why did father only ask his mother to sit, but not him? When he's transparent?

The little guy ran quickly and sat down beside Bo Yanchen. A ge you came to lie down and sighed: "Wow, it's so comfortable! The feeling of going home is cool! "

Bo Yanchen

Li Xintong walked to the half, saw that Xiao Yi sat there with him, and walked toward the single sofa opposite Bo Yanchen.

Bo Yanchen reached out and pushed Xiao Yitong, winked at him and motioned him to leave quickly.

But xiaoyitong pretended to be stupid, "Dad, why do you push me?"

Bo Yanchen cold face: "you go there to sit, here is too crowded!"

Xiao Yitong: "I'm not sure." Dad, is it really good for you to lie with your eyes open like this?

"No! It's not crowded at all. " The little guy decided to play silly to the end: "it's very spacious here. Dad, just move over there."

Bo Yanchen is on fire. Is this boy on purpose?

He had no patience any longer. He sat up from the sofa and went to Li Xintong. He and she crowded on a single sofa.

Xiao Yitong: "I'm not sure." Are you so disgusting?

Li Xintong Don't you think it's crowded over there? If it's crowded over there, it's a sofa for two. Her side is a single sofa. Doesn't he think her side is more crowded?

Two adults sitting on a single sofa together, how can it not squeeze?

Li Xintong felt uncomfortable. Even though they are slim, they can't let go of their hands and feet and can only be close to each other.

Bo Yanchen is satisfied very much however, squeeze what to concern, squeeze squeeze more healthy!

He directly unfolded an arm and took Li Xintong into his arms. With the other hand, he helped her arrange the messy hair around her ears. "Look at you, your sweat is very hot, isn't it?" While saying that, side face secretly smell her hair. Hot breath spray in her ears, make her ears are gradually red up.Xiao Yitong: "I'm not sure." Tut Tut, I can't bear to look directly at this picture. It turns out that dad didn't think he was crowded here, but he wanted to play a hooligan!

Li Xintong raised her eyes to see Xiao Yi agree with the deep taste of the eyes, quickly pushed the man beside, "this side is too crowded, you sit there." She really can't make such a close gesture in front of children.

"It's good here. It's not crowded at all." Bo Yanchen said, grabbing her hands and putting them on her legs, then whispered in her ear: "it's comfortable to hold you."

Li Xintong felt that he was about to spontaneous combustion. Fortunately, the sound of the TV set was so loud that it drowned his whispers.

Li Xintong looked in the direction of Xiao Yitong with a guilty heart. The little guy's eyes were looking in other directions, but he didn't hear it.

Li Xintong just breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, she felt that the big hand that she kept rubbing on her back was gradually falling down. She was so scared that she took a breath and immediately patted off the bad hand.

"Look out! Don't go too far! " Li Xintong warned him in a low voice. This man is too unscrupulous. Close the door. She can bear whatever he does, but here It's not good to be seen by children or servants.

"I'm sorry, my hands itch." Bo Yanchen said as if nothing had happened.

Li Xintong

If it were not for the children, Li Xintong really wanted to take off her slippers and put them on the shameless man's face.

Qi Ma and Cui brought the food to the table one after another. At this time, the news began to broadcast this afternoon's kidnapping.

The news is very short, only in the form of oral, not using the real name, only using Bo, Luo to address, also did not take the positive of Bo Jingxuan and Luo Yong.

PS: thanks for the reward from jeep, memeda. , the fastest update of the webnovel!