Chapter 269

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Dr. Mi asked: "Oh? isn't it? How do I look at you like a couple? "

Mo Shuangshuang rolled his eyes in silence. She wanted to say, Dr. Meade, should your glasses be more powerful?

When coco saw Mo Shuangshuang's reaction, he didn't know why. He was inexplicably upset, "doctor, don't make a fuss, OK? Where did she and I look like a couple? "

"Yes. That's it. That's it. " Mo Shuangshuang echoed.

Coco is angry about it. Oh! I didn't see her agree with myself.

Dr. Mi helped his glasses. "Then you It's... "

"We..." Just as Mo Shuangshuang wanted to explain, he heard coco say, "I'm his creditor!"

"Creditors?" Doctor MI was confused. "Shuangshuang, do you owe him money?"

Mo Shuangshuang How can she answer that? She owes coco more than money. She owes people. And twice. Oh, no, three times. Plus the Maotai incident of the Han Dynasty.

Oh, MAIGA. She's probably not clear for the rest of her life.

Doctor Mi suddenly pulled Mo Shuangshuang aside mysteriously and bit her ear. "Hello, Shuangshuang, are you short of money at home? Didn't you get a job? "

Mo Shuangshuang The job is found, but the money is burned!

"You owe him a lot of money, don't you?" Dr. Meade then asked.

Mo Shuangshuang The amount of money she owes him is not clear.

"Is he pressing hard on his debts?"

Mo Shuangshuang: "I..."

Dr. Mi bombarded her with questions, and she didn't know how to answer them.

Mo Shuangshuang did not speak, and Dr. MI was more sure of his guess, "Hey, you girl..." Doctor Mi shook his head and turned to coco to smile: "Mr. Weng. Our family conditions are not very good. If you are not in a hurry to use the money, can you spare her a few days to pay it back? "

Mo Shuangshuang

I'm so grateful for such a warm-hearted sister!

However! Where can money solve her debt to coco?

Mo Shuangshuang looks at Dr. MI with tears and smiles, while coco looks at Mo Shuangshuang with the whole flaw.

Seeing that coco didn't speak, Dr. Mi realized the seriousness of the matter, "Mr. Weng, how much do we owe you?"

"Well I don't remember the exact number Coco hooked his lips, showing a smile more beautiful than a woman: "anyway, I don't wait for money. When she has money, it's not too late to return it."

Dr. MI was relieved, "Mr. Weng, you are so generous. But you can rest assured that Shuangshuang is sincere and will not be in debt. "

Coco nodded: "well. I feel at ease with her. "

Mo Shuangshuang Is it? How does she feel that coco doesn't like her very much?

Because the injury was not serious, coco didn't even need to be hospitalized.

After Dr. Mi dispensed some medicine and ordered some precautions, Mo shuangshuangshuang pushed coco out of the hospital.

I got on the bus. It's more than 12 o'clock in the morning.

"Where are you going now?" Mo Shuangshuang asked, "go home?"

"No way." Coco shook his head and said, "how can I go home now? The elders in the family will worry when they see it. Grandma, in particular, will die of anxiety. "

Mo Shuangshuang nodded: "Oh, that's true. But So late, you don't go home to have a rest, do you want to stay in a hotel? "

"Not at all. There are so many houses in my name that I don't have to live in a hotel! "

Mo Shuangshuang said: "Oh. So it is. Which neighborhood are you going to? "

Coco thought, "tianxingyuan community."

Mo Shuangshuang was stunned: "why there? It's so small, you're used to it? "

Coco looked at her with caring eyes: "two people are a little crowded, but I'll take it as it is."

"Two?" Mo Shuangshuang was surprised that the underground bus almost fell down. "There's another person who doesn't mean me, right?"

"Is there anyone else here besides you and me? I'm your creditor now. You also promised to live in the house I arranged. I will arrange it for you now. Yes? Do you have any comments? " Coco looks warm and angry.

Mo Shuangshuang was stunned: "but..."

"But what but?" Coco's patience was polished. "Why are you so wordy? It's so late. What are you doing? If you don't sleep, I'll sleep! "

"All right." Mo Shuangshuang nodded, "I'll take you there first, and then I'll go out and stay in a hotel."

"Mo! Double! Double Coco raised his voice. "You don't know the situation, do you? I've been hurt like this by you. Shouldn't you stay and take care of me Is this patient

Mo Shuangshuang was yelled out of temper by coco. According to reason, he is her life-saving benefactor, and she can't leave him alone. As a doctor, it is an unshirkable duty to take care of the patient, not to mention his injury is due to her.Mo Shuangshuang sighed, started the car and drove to tianxingyuan community.

Coco sat in the back seat, staring at the back of her head for a long time, and raised his lips slightly.

Passing a large supermarket, Mo Shuangshuang went in and bought some toiletries. Of course, he also helped coco buy them.

Coco can take over the bag to turn, suddenly show the expression of disgust.

He took a razor out of his bag and said, "you woman, what the hell did you buy? I've never used such a bad brand in my life. "

"I don't think this brand is so bad. It's much better than what I bought for my father. My toiletries are not as expensive as your razor and aftershave. " Mo Shuangshuang bought a brand she thought was better because he was afraid that he would dislike it. She's still in love. He still hates it.

What a rich young master! I don't know the sufferings of the people.

Coco picked up another bottle of facial cleanser: "I'll take it. You dare to buy this junk brand of facial cleanser. Do you want to ruin my face?"

Mo Shuangshuang repressed his anger: "this facial cleanser is not cheap either. It's much more expensive than mine. What's more, men don't need to remove makeup, and it should be ok if they don't need facial cleanser for a day, right? My dad never used to! "

"Don't always compare your father with me, will you?" Coco immediately objected, "men don't use make-up, but now the air quality is so poor. At the end of the day, how much invisible dust is absorbed on the face, do you know? Do not need to wash face milk to clean, how to go? What's more, the ingredients of facial cleanser should be natural. Look at the one you bought. The ingredients are hormones. With this kind of facial cleanser, it's better to wash your face with clean water! "

Mo Shuangshuang is speechless. Anyway, he is a stylist. He is an expert in beauty and maintenance, and she can't argue with him.

There was a rustling sound of turning the pocket. Coco was holding a toothbrush in his hand! How do you choose such a hard toothbrush? Do you know, this toothbrush... "

“shut!” Mo Shuangshuang roared, "are you enough! I've put up with you for a long time , the fastest update of the webnovel!