Chapter 280

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Ni Ziying glanced at them: "do you really sincerely apologize?"

"Yes! Yes The two men who quarreled just now said in unison.

"What about the others?" Ni Ziying looks up at other people again.

They immediately winked at the rest of them: "Hey, you all show your attitude!"

So direct urge, the rest of the people are not good to load ostrich, had to nod, agree.

"The way of inviting guests and giving gifts is too low. It's impossible for a upright person like manager Li to accept it. Since we all decided to apologize to manager Li, we should show our sincerity. If you really want to make her happy, there is no way Ni Ziying said here, suddenly stopped and slowly turned on the computer, "but it's time to go to work. It's not convenient to discuss this issue. We'll talk about it after work."

Ni Ziying, who has always been straightforward, suddenly talks in a roundabout way, which makes people really uncomfortable.

"Well, Ziying, don't play the game, just say it."

Everyone's appetite has been hanging up, all want to know what Li Xintong likes in the end.

Ni Ziying pursed her lips, but she laughed to herself.

When these guys are wronged, their words are ugly. Now it's good to know that it's wrong to blame a good man. Want to fix it? Hum! But she didn't say it. They were in a hurry!

"Ziying, speak quickly. We have to make an apology as soon as possible. After a long time, it seems that we are insincere. "

"Yes! Ziying, we know it's wrong. What's more, we are really sincere. You can say it quickly, eh? "


Everyone began to bombard Ni Ziying.

"All right, all right!" Ni Ziying, who could stand such a situation, raised her hands to make a surrender, "I'm afraid of you! I ask you, what is manager Li's biggest wish now? Who knows? "

You look at me, I look at you, shaking their heads, saying they don't know.

Ni Ziying had long expected such a reaction from all of us. She cleared her throat without delay: "manager Li's mind is now on the press conference at the end of the month. Her biggest wish is to design the main model as soon as possible. All Do you know what to do? "

"Ziying, are you kidding?" One of the male colleagues said, "the company has assigned the design task of the main funds to Director Mao and manager Li. We just can't help, can we?"

"That's it Another female colleague said, "what's more, the design level of all of us here together may not be as good as manager Li?"

"Everyone has different design ideas and different understanding of the works. I think it's better for a work to be finished by a designer. One more person may help

Ni Ziying was speechless to everyone: "did I ask you to help manager Li design? I mean, you can help her to design good works as soon as possible. For example, searching for materials on the Internet, collecting materials on new topics, analyzing and comparing, etc

There are a lot of preparatory work before design, and no one can do it as soon as he takes up his pen. In order to design a good work, the preparatory work must be done well.

If someone helps to do these tasks when time is short, a lot of time can be saved.

On hearing this, everyone agreed. Together, we soon came up with a plan for division of labor and cooperation.

If people are united, they can be twisted into a rope.

Sometimes, it's just so dramatic.

When Li Xintong is still working hard at her desk, I don't know that a group of people who are still pointing and gossiping at her a few days ago are working hard to make her happy.

After drawing for nearly an hour, Li Xintong was not satisfied with the picture. She stood up and went to the window to exercise her stiff muscles and bones and breathe the fresh air.

It was just over nine o'clock in the morning, and the sun was already burning outside. Li Xintong only stood for a few minutes, and her arms were scalded by the sun, which scared her to close the curtains.

Just want to go back to the position to continue to work, mobile phone suddenly rang up, a look is Maoyu call, let her go to his office immediately.

Li Xintong hung up and immediately opened the door. When she passed the office area of the design department, she sensitively found that the atmosphere seemed to be wrong.

She couldn't tell exactly what was wrong. She always felt that many eyes were staring at her when she passed by. But when she looked up to look for those eyes, she found that everyone was working hard.

This situation lasted for several times, until she walked out of the door of the design department, she could feel a different vision behind her.

I don't know if it's her own illusion. When she came out of the design department, she met some colleagues on the way. She always felt that those people's smiles on her today were very strange, like they had done something wrong.

Li Xintong sighed silently in the bottom of her heart. These people! What's wrong with her? Now you know the embarrassment? What have you been doing?Come to Maoyu's office door, the door is not closed, Li Xintong or standing at the door, a symbolic knock, in get the people inside permission, just went in.

When she came to Maoyu's desk, Li Xintong immediately handed over the drawing: "Director Mao, this drawing was designed by me at home yesterday. Please have a look."

Mao Yu took a look at her, took over the design, looked down seriously.

Maybe he's been watching it for too long. Li Xintong is a little nervous and can't help saying: "this is just the first draft. It's too short. Maybe some details are not very delicate. If you are not satisfied with anything, I will go back to revise it immediately. "

"Very good!" Mao Yu suddenly raised his head, spit out two words in his mouth.

Li Xintong looked at him as if she couldn't believe it. It's amazing that these two words came out of the mouth of such a picky person as Mao Yu. She felt that some of them were not true, so she asked: "are they really good?"

Mao Yu laughingly looked at her: "how? Are you questioning me again? "

"No Li Xintong shakes her head.

"That's not confidence in your own work?" Mao Yu looks at her in his spare time.

"No!" Li Xintong continued to shake his head.

"All right. Don't be so nervous. You don't have to doubt yourself, let alone the truth of what I say. " Mao Yu toward her hook lips, showing a rare smile, "this work is very good, in my side is passed, but according to the procedure will be discussed whether draft."

Listen to him say so, Li Xintong no longer doubt, the eyebrow is curved, happy.

"Well. You can draw one in a day. It's very productive! " Mao Yu nodded with satisfaction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!