Chapter 282

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Mo Shuangshuang seldom spoke in such a serious tone. Li Xintong put away her smile and said, "what about me? What's the matter? "

"Xintong, the last time you asked me to inquire about it..." When Mo Shuangshuang comes to this, he stops talking.

Of course, Li Xintong knows what it means.

These days, she is busy with the company's affairs. In addition, she made a kidnapping yesterday. She has long forgotten about asking Mo shuangshuangshuang to help check the birth records. Now seeing Mo Shuangshuang's desire to talk and stop, I immediately have a bad feeling in my heart.

"Shuangshuang, did you find it?" Li Xintong tried to restrain the nervous mood, "it's OK, you say it, I listen."

"I asked elder martial brother Qu to check." Mo Shuangshuang pauses, then says, "he just answered me. All the registered hospitals in the city have checked, and there is no birth record for you. "

"How could that be?" Li Xintong can't believe like stare big eyes, "are you sure Dr. Qu didn't miss check?"

Since it was confirmed that she had given birth in the last examination, how could it be impossible to find the birth information?

"It won't leak." Mo Shuangshuang said, "Dr. Qu is very familiar with the leaders of the health and Family Planning Commission. He checked through the national network system, and there can be no omission. Unless it's... "

"Except for what?" Asked Li Xintong.

"There are two possibilities. One is that when you gave birth, you went to an illegal black clinic. The other is You're not born in China at all. " Mo Shuangshuang said.

Li Xintong was stunned.

It seems that neither of these two possibilities is possible for her

let's talk about the second one first. She has never been abroad since she was a child, let alone to have children abroad.

The first one. Good, why go to the black clinic to have a baby? She's not even joking about her own safety.

Unless the child was conceived under abnormal circumstances, in a bad way, the fact that she gave birth to the child could not be accepted by the public at that time.

What happened at that time?

However! Li Xintong's mind is blank. This missing memory, I'm afraid, will never be found.

"Xintong, Xintong, are you listening?" Mo Shuangshuang saw that she didn't reply for a long time and called her a few times with some worry.

"I'm here." Li Xintong recovered, "Shuangshuang, thank you, I know."

"Xintong. Don't worry too much. " Mo Shuangshuang comforted, "I thought, maybe it was the doctor who had the physical examination who made the wrong diagnosis. Why don't I take you to another hospital some other day, find an authoritative doctor in this field, and have another examination. "

Li Xintong said, "OK."

Hang up the phone, Li Xintong's heart is more and more heavy.

Is it really the doctor's fault? Xicheng women's hospital is the best obstetrics and gynecology hospital in the city. Bo Yanchen's appointment is the most expensive physical examination in the hospital, which uses the most advanced and expensive instruments, and is naturally equipped with the best doctors.

If in such a case, it will be misdiagnosed, then she can only say that her "luck" is too good, right?

Before, she had imagined all kinds of possible situations in her mind, but she didn't guess that it would be Zha Wu.

Although no news is good news. But Li Xintong felt that she would rather find bad news than not.

At least, she can follow the news to find out what happened in the two years when she lost her memory?

But now It seems that all the clues are broken.

Li Xintong slumped in her seat, feeling extremely depressed.


in the VIP ward of Huachuan hospital.

Bo Jingxuan is lying on the bed humming. A broken rib is not a small injury. It hurts like hell. He has been spoiled since childhood. How can he stand such pain?

Bo xiurui sat calmly on the sofa beside the hospital bed and said nothing. An Huiying sits next to him. Although she loves her grandson, she doesn't dare to show it in action.

"Pain! Pain! It's killing me Bo Jingxuan tried to move his body, and immediately cried out in pain.

"Oh! Jingxuan, are you ok? " Wu Meizi, who had been guarding the bedside, stood up like an electric shock and scanned Bo Jingxuan back and forth with anxious eyes. After confirming that her son just turned over and affected the pain, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, blaming her mouth and airway, "you child, the doctor told you not to move, why are you so disobedient?

Bo Jingxuan immediately impatiently interrupted: "Mom, I'm dying of pain, can you stop talking?"

"You think I like to talk? You are so big, let me save snacks, OK? I told you a long time ago, don't mess with those people, you look at you, a good person, hurt like this. Wuwuwu... " Wu Meizi looked at her son, who had only two eyes, and her tears just stopped flowing down.

Bo Jingxuan was so annoyed that his mother would cry, "OK! Mom, are you finished? I'm not dead. Why are you crying? ""Presumptuous! Son of a bitch, do you talk to your mother like that? " Bo xiurui suddenly roared out loud, and he couldn't listen to it.

Bo Jingxuan wrongly looked at Bo xiurui: "grandfather, don't you always think my mother's crying is annoying?"

Bo xiurui snorted coldly: "you have done something wrong and made the whole family uneasy. Do you still have the face to talk here?"

"What's wrong with me?" Bo Jingxuan just said, "I was kidnapped and injured. I'm the victim!"

"Victims?" Bo xiurui looked at him with evil eyes, "don't pretend to be innocent there. Well, why do people kidnap you? Why don't you kidnap me? Oh! What do you think you are? Do you think I don't know about your business with Luo Yong? If you hadn't driven Luo Yong to a dead end, would he have taken risks? "

"Grandfather, how can you help a kidnapper talk?" Bo Jingxuan quit, "I'm your grandson! Besides, the transaction I made with Luo Yong at that time was entirely for the benefit of the company. If it had not been for Bo Yanchen's cutting off the land, I would have given the money to Luo Yong, and there would not have been this kidnapping. After all, it's all Bo Yanchen's fault! It's him. It's him who always feels bad for me and is against me everywhere. He wants me to die... "

"Shut up Bo xiurui sternly interrupted him, "until now, you haven't realized your mistake, and you are still blindly shirking responsibility. If a Chen hadn't arrived to save you this time, you would have been killed by Luo Yong. You don't know how to be grateful, but you slander him. You really can't help it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!